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Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Nanomédecine et Biophotonique (NanoBio) > Imagerie de fluorescence à l’échelle nanoscopique pour la biologie > Microscopies au delà de la limite de diffraction > Microscopie DONALD > DONALD microscopy
- 17 août 2015 (modifié le 20 août 2015)
One of the main challenge in SMLM is to improve the axial positioning accuracy which is typically between 20 and 50 nm, and which gives only a relative positioning of the fluorophores. By coupling the microscope SMLM with a detection module providing access to the supercritical angle fluorescence emission (SAF), the axial position of the fluorophore can be retrieved and gives the absolute distance regarding the glass slide supporting the cell. The DONALD microscopy (Direct Optical Nanoscopy with Axially Localized Detection) achieves an isotropic resolution below 20 nm.
This technique has just been the object of a publication in Nature Photonics A video summary is also available ( or (
A super-resolved 3D image example is shown below. Actin of the cell is labeled with the Alexa 647, on the left representing the image diffraction limited subnetwork is not discernable in contrast to the super-resolved image (right part of the image )
This work is developped in collaboration with Institut Langevin-ESPCI PArisTech (team E. Fort) et le Centre de photonique biomédicale de Paris Sud (G. Dupuis, S.Lécart). We were funded by thel ANR and the DIM NanoK.
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