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Home > Directory > Dablemont Céline
- 12 April 2010 (modifié le 7 May 2021)Associate Professor at University Paris-Saclay
Holder of the French Habilitation (HDR)
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Education and Scientific Experience
1998 - 2001: Magistère de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure (chemistry)
2000 - 2003: PhD in Inorganic Chemistry (University Paris 6)
Functionalization of polyoxometalates with Keggin-type structure: introduction of multiple metal-nitrogen bonds
PhD advisor: Anna Proust
Performed at Inorganic Chemistry and Molecular Materials Laboratory, University Paris 6
2003 - 2004: Postdoctorate at Surface OrganoMetallic Chemistry Laboratory in Lyon
Supervisor: Jean-Marie Basset
2004 - 2005: Postdoctorate at Coordination Chemistry Laboratory in Toulouse
Supervisor: Michel Etienne
2005 - 2006: ATER at Interfaces, Treatment and DYnamic of Systems Laboratory in Paris 7
Supervisor: Guillaume Viau
Since September 2006: Associate Professor at University Paris Sud XI
2013: French Habilitation Thesis (HDR), University Paris Sud XI
Nanoparticles and surfaces: functionalization and preparation of organic – inorganic hybride structures
President of the habilitation committee: Marie-Geneviève Barthès-Labrousse
Referees: Pedro de Oliveira, Pierre Mialane, Souad Ammar
Examinators: François Rochet, Claire-Marie Pradier, Anne Lafosse
Research activities
My current research area concerns the domain of molecular electronics, more particularly nanoparticle synthesis and their deposit on various supports such as Self-Assembled Monolayers SAMs. I am developing this topic since my arrival in Orsay following my research activity at ITODYS. Firstly, in Vladimir Esaulov’s group, I was essentially interested in SAM characterization by various spectroscopic techniques (mainly infrared and cyclic voltammetry but also XPS, UPS, NEXAFS…). Since January 2013, my studies on SAMs changed direction and now focus on characterization by High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy HREELS. In Anne Lafosse’s group, we are also developing another subject which concerns SAM modification by impact of low-energy electrons (typically < 50 eV).
My previous research activity concerned metal-oxo clusters called polyoxometalates or heteropolyanions. Another part of my research activity dealt with organometallic complex immobilization on surfaces and on new species synthesis.
Teaching activities
PCS0 lectures. Inorganic chemistry
L1 BCST lectures. Chemistry 1: from atoms to matter
Lectures / tutorials in L2 in Chemistry. Chemical Thermodynamics and Equilibria
L3 Chemistry / Physics and Chemistry lectures. Kinetics and Catalysis
Lectures in PeiP1 (1st year of preparation school of Polytech Paris-Saclay Engineering School). Thermochemistry
Administrative activities
In charge of L3 Physics and Chemistry of the Orsay UFR of Sciences
In charge of NanoSAM Chemistry Platform of ISMO
Member of the Chemistry CCSU (31st - 32nd - 33rd sections) of the University
Previous administrative activities
Elected full member of the CNU 31st section (from 2012 to 2019)
Assessor B (from 2010 to 2014) and then Vice-President B (from 2014 to 2020) of the Chemistry CCSU (31st - 32nd - 33rd sections) of the University
Member of the Council of the Chemistry Department of the UFR Sciences (from 2010 to 2020)
In charge of PeiP of Polytech Paris Sud Engineering School (from 2012 to 2016)
In charge of PeiP2 = 2nd year of preparation school of Polytech Paris Sud Engineering School (from 2008 to 2016)
Trainings of one 1st year Ms and three 2nd year Ms students
2003 - 2004: Co-supervision of the PhD 2nd year of Amélie Thomas in collaboration with Frédéric Lefebvre
2006 - 2009: Co-supervision of Hicham Hamoudi’s PhD
2012 – 2015: Participation to the supervision of Justine Houplin’s PhD
2015 - 2018 : Participation to the supervision of Leo Sala’s PhD
Electron-induced fragmentation mechanisms in organic monomers and their implications for photoresist optimization for EUV lithography
A. Rathore, M. Cipriani, C.-C. Huang, L. Amiaud, C. Dablemont, A. Lafosse, O. Ingólfsson, D. De Simone, S. De Gendt
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23, p. 9228-9234
Strain relaxation and epitaxial relationship of perylene overlayer on Ag(110)
N. Kalashnyk, L. Amiaud, C. Dablemont, A. Lafosse, K. Bobrov, L. Guillemot
J. Chem. Phys., 148, p. 214702
Response under low energy irradiation of a thin film of a potential copper precursor for Focused Electron Beam Induced Deposition (FEBID)
L. Sala, I. B. Szymańska, C. Dablemont, A. Lafosse, L. Amiaud
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 9, p. 57-65
Interfacial water on organic substrates at cryogenic temperatures: hydrogen bonding and quantification in the submonolayer regime
D. Houdoux, J. Houplin, L. Amiaud, A. Lafosse, C. Dablemont
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19, p. 2304-2312
Electron processing at 50 eV of terphenylthiol Self-Assembled Monolayers: contributions of primary and secondary electrons
J. Houplin, C. Dablemont, L. Sala, A. Lafosse, L. Amiaud
Langmuir, 31, p. 13528-13534
DOS and electron attachment effects in the electron-induced vibrational excitation of terphenylthiol SAMs
J. Houplin, L. Amiaud, C. Dablemont, A. Lafosse
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, p. 30721-30728
A combined DFT/HREELS study of the vibrational modes of terphenylthiol SAMs
J. Houplin, L. Amiaud, T. Sedzik, C. Dablemont, D. Teillet-Billy, N. Rougeau, A. Lafosse
Eur. Phys. J. D, 69, p. 217
A UPS, XPS and NEXAFS study of self-assembly of standing 1,4-benzenedimethanethiol SAMs on gold
L. Pasquali, F. Terzi, R. Seeber, S. Nannarone, D. Datta, C. Dablemont, H. Hamoudi, M. Canepa, V. A. Esaulov
Langmuir, 27, p. 4713-4720
Disorder, solvent effects and substitutional self-assembly of alkane dithiols from alkane thiol SAMs
H. Hamoudi, C. Dablemont, V. A. Esaulov
Surf. Sci., 605, p. 116-120
Self-Assembly of 1,4-Benzenedimethanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers on Gold
H. Hamoudi, M. Prato, C. Dablemont, O. Cavalleri, M. Canepa, V. A. Esaulov
Langmuir, 26, p. 7242-7247
Growth of N,N ’-Bis(1-ethylpropyl)perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxdiimide Films on Ag (111)
L. N. Serkovic Loli, H. Hamoudi, J. E. Gayone, M. L. Martiarena, E. A. Sanchez, O. Grizzi, L. Pasquali, S. Nannarone, B. P. Doyle, C. Dablemont, V. A. Esaulov
J. Phys. Chem. C, 113, p. 17866-17875
Self-Assembly of Alkanedithiols on Au(111) from Solution: Effect of Chain Length and Self-Assembly Conditions
M. A. Daza Millone, H. Hamoudi, L. Rodríguez, A. Rubert, G. A. Benitez, M. E. Vela, R. C. Salvarezza, J. E. Gayone, E. A. Sanchez, O. Grizzi, C. Dablemont, V. A. Esaulov
Langmuir, 25, p. 12945-12953
FTIR and XPS Study of Pt Nanoparticle Functionalization and Interaction with Alumina
C. Dablemont, P. Lang, C. Mangeney, J.-Y. Piquemal, V. Petkov, F. Herbst, G.Viau
Langmuir, 24, p. 5832-5841
Interaction of Li+ with a Au(100) surface
H. Hamoudi, C. Dablemont, V. A. Esaulov
Surf. Sci., 602, p. 2486-2490
On the self assembly of short chain alkanedithiols
H. Hamoudi, Z. Guo, M. Prato, C. Dablemont, W. Q. Zheng, B. Bourguignon, M. Canepa, V. A. Esaulov
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 45, p. 6836-6841
On the chain length dependence of CH3 vibrational mode relative intensities in sum frequency generation spectra of self assembled alkanethiols
Z. Guo, W. Zheng, H. Hamoudi, C. Dablemont, V. A. Esaulov, B. Bourguignon
Surf. Sci., 602, p. 3551-3559
Grafted 2D Assembly of Colloidal Metal Nanoparticles for Application as a Variable Capacitor
N. Lidgi-Guigui, C. Dablemont, D. Veautier, G. Viau, P. Seneor, F. Nguyen Van Dau, C. Mangeney, A. Vaurès, C. Deranlot, A. Friederich
Adv. Mater., 19, p. 1729-1733
Reactivity of Silica-Supported Hafnium Tris-neopentyl with Dihydrogen: Formation and Characterization of Silica Surface Hafnium Hydrides and Alkyl Hydride
G. Tosin, C. C. Santini, A. Baudouin, A. De Mallman, S. Fiddy, C. Dablemont, J. M. Basset
Organometallics, 26, p. 4118-4127
3-D structure of nanosized catalysts by high-energy X-ray diffraction and reverse Monte Carlo simulations: Study of Ru
N. Bedford, C. Dablemont, G. Viau, P. Chupas, V. Petkov
J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, p. 18214-18219
Tantalum hydrides supported on MCM-41 mesoporous silica: activation of methane and thermal evolution of the tantalum-methyl species
S. Soignier, M. Taoufik, E. Le Roux, G. Saggio, C. Dablemont, A. Baudouin, F. Lefebvre, A. de Mallmann, J. Thivolle-Cazat, J.-M. Basset, G. Sunley, B. M. Maunders
Organometallics, 25, p. 1569-1577
Aromatic interactions in hydrotris(indazolyl)borate organometallic complexes: control of an alkyne ligand orientation in the crystal
P. Oulié, J. Teichert, L. Vendier, C. Dablemont, M. Etienne
New J. Chem., 30, p. 679-682
Synthèse et caractérisation de nouveaux complexes aryloxy à base de tungstène
B. Rhers, C. Lucas, M. Taoufik, E. Herdtweck, C. Dablemont, J.-M. Basset, F. Lefebvre
C. R. Chimie, 9, p. 1169-1177
Surface Organometallic Chemistry of Titanium: Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity of (Si O)nTi(CH2C(CH3)3)4-n (n = 1, 2) Grafted on Aerosil Silica and MCM-41
F. Bini, C. Rosier, R. Petroff Saint-Arroman, E. Neumann, C. Dablemont, A. de Mallmann, F. Lefebvre, G. P. Niccolai, J.-M. Basset, M. Crocker, J.-K. Buijink
Organometallics, 25, p. 3743-3760
Functionalization of Heteropolyanions – Osmium and Rhenium Nitrido Derivatives of Keggin- and Dawson-Type Polyoxotungstates: Synthesis, Characterization and Multinuclear (183W, 15N) NMR, EPR, IR and UV/Vis Fingerprints
C. Dablemont, C. G. Hamaker, R. Thouvenot, Z. Sojka, M. Che, E. A. Maatta, A. Proust
Chem. Eur. J., 12, p. 9150-9160
Cover picture
Functionalization of polyoxometalates: from Lindqvist to Keggin derivatives. 2. Investigation of the reactivity of arylamines, organo-hydrazines and tolylisocyanate towards PW12-xMxO40n- Keggin anions
C. Dablemont, A. Proust, R. Thouvenot, C. Afonso, F. Fournier, J.-C. Tabet
Dalton Trans., 10, p. 1831-1841
Comparison of H3PW12O40 and H4SiW12O40 heteropolyacids supported on silica by 1H MAS NMR
A. Thomas, C. Dablemont, J.-M. Basset, F. Lefebvre
C. R. Chimie, 8, p.1969-1974
Functionalization of polyoxometalates: from Lindqvist to Keggin derivatives. 1. Synthesis, solution studies and spectroscopic and ESI mass spectroscopy characterization of the rhenium phenyl-imido tungstophosphate PW11O39Re(NC6H5)4-
C. Dablemont, A. Proust, R. Thouvenot, C. Afonso, F. Fournier, J.-C. Tabet
Inorg. Chem., 43, p. 3514-3520
Characterization of Keggin’s type polyoxometalates with multiple metal-nitrogen bonds by ion-trap mass spectrometry
C. Dablemont, A. Proust, P. Gouzerh, C. Afonso, F. Fournier, J.-C. Tabet
Proc. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.
Functionalized heteropolyanions: high-valent metal nitrido fragments incorporated into a Keggin polyoxometalate structure
H. Kwen, S. Tomlinson, E. A. Maatta, C. Dablemont, R. Thouvenot, A. Proust, P. Gouzerh
Chem. Commun., p. 2970-2971