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Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Dynamiques et Interactions : Rayonnement, Atomes, Molécules (DIRAM) > Processus moléculaires contrôlés par des champs laser intenses > Intense laser controlled molecular processes
- 30 avril 2010 (modifié le 26 mai 2015)
Our team is actively involved in the description of such mechanisms on one hand, and in their exploitation both for interpretative, control and imaging purposes, on the other hand, within a long-period collaboration frame with two Canadian labs (A. D. Bandrauk, University of Sherbrooke ; T. T. Nguyen-Dang, University of Laval). A variety of molecular processes ranging from photo fragmentation (ionization/dissociation), to alignment/orientation, electron diffraction, high order harmonic generation or attosecond pulse production are among our current research interests. Two recent examples deal with the hydrogen molecule :
(i) The figure illustrates the degree of accuracy we are reaching within a full comprehensive frame for two pump (XUV atto-pulse-train) – probe (delayed intense IR pulse) experiments [5] ;
(ii) The depiction of so called Zero-Width Resonances [6] and Exceptional Points [7] opens the way to control scenarios for a selective preparation of a given molecular vibrational level, including the possibility of obtaining ro-vibrationaly cold molecules.
[1] A. Giusti-Suzor, X. He, O. Atabek and F.H. Mies, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 515 (1990)
[2] P.H. Bucksbaum, A. Zavriyev, H.G. Muller and D.W. Schumacher, Phy. Rev. Lett. 64, 1883 (1990)
[3] F. Châteauneuf, T.T. Nguyen-Dang, N. Ouellet and O. Atabek, J. Chem. Phys. 108, 3974 (1998)
[4] H. Nikura, P.B. Corkum and D.M. Villeneuve, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 203601 (2003)
[5] F. Kelkensberg, C. Lefebvre, W. Siu, O. Ghafur, T.T. Nguyen-Dang, O. Atabek, A. Keller, V. Serov, P. Johnsson, M. Swoboda, A. L’Huillier, G. Sansone, M. Nisoli, E. Benedetti, F. Ferrari, F. Lépine, M.F. Kling and M.J.J. Vrakking, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 123005 (2009)
[6] O. Atabek, R. Lefebvre, C. Lefebvre and T.T. Nguyen-Dang, Phys. Rev. A 77, 043413 (2008)
[7] R. Lefebvre, O. Atabek, M. Sindelka and N. Moiseyev, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 123003 (2009)
Post-scriptum :
To learn more :
“Unstable States in Laser Assisted and Controlled Molecular Processes”, in Advances in Quantum Chemistry, by O. Atabek, R. Lefebvre and T.T. Nguyen-Dang
Unstable States - 5.2 Mio |
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