lundi 10 février
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mercredi 24 juillet 2024
Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Systèmes Moléculaires, Astrophysique et Environnement (SYSTEMAE) > Recherche > Thème 1 : Spectroscopie de molécules neutres, radicalaires et ioniques pour l’astrophysique > Rovibrational spectroscopy from the far-IR to the mid-IR
Our team exploits the far infrared synchrotron radiation extracted by the AILES beamline of SOLEIL synchrotron to record and to analyze high resolution absorption spectra of gas-phase species. The spectra are recorded at the ultimate resolution of 30 MHz with a Bruker IFS125 Fourier Transform interferometer, allowing the study of rotational structures of various molecular species. Several experimental set-ups have been developed in association with the AILES beamline and the Bruker interferometer to record high resolution spectra of various molecular species. A room temperature long-absorption path length cell allows the study of relatively large C-bearing species, two discharge cells have been installed to record the far-IR spectra of light radicals and ions, and finally a close collaboration with the jet-AILES consortium permitted to study the spectra of molecular complexes as well as large molecules (containing more than 20 atoms) cooled in the supersonic expansion.
Our team is involved in several instrumental developments. As an example, we are involved in the conception and installation of a new spectrometer which principle relies on the heterodyne mixing of the synchrotron radiation with several laboratory sources (molecular lasers and sub-millimeter sources) allowing to record absorption spectra with a resolution down to few tens of kHz in the far-infrared spectral range.