Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay



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Home > Research Teams > Nanophysics@Surfaces (Nanophys) > Alumni


PhD students and postdocs:

Name, First name: former position in the group (years); current situation

- Neuman, Tomáš: postdoc (2022); Head of the Light and matter theory group at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechia

- Bryche, Jean-François: postdoc (2021) Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship; CNRS researcher at LN2 (Laboratoire Nanotechnologies Nanosystèmes), Sherbrooke, Canada

- Bretel, Rémi: PhD student (2018-2021); postdoc at the Laboratoire de Physique de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris

- Pommier, Delphine: PhD student (2017-2021); research engineer in optics and nanosciences at Thalès, Palaiseau, France

- Ammoun, Mohamad: PhD student (2015-2019);

- Alyabyeva, Natalia: postdoc (2016-2018); CNRS research engineer at LPMC, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France

- Husseen, Ala: PhD student (2015-2018) funded by Campus France

- Zakaria, Abdoul-Mouize: PhD student (2015-2018); Web developer in France

- Achlan, Moustafa: PhD student (2014-2018)

- Cao, Shuiyan: PhD student (2014-2018) CSC grant; assistant professor in the Department of Applied Physics, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China

- Canneson, Damien: postdoc (2014); instrument architect (R&D project leader) at Horiba France, Lille, France

- Desmarchelier, Rudy: PhD student (2011-2014); CEA research engineer at CEA Saclay (Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission), France

- Rogez, Benoît: PhD student (2011-2014); postdoc at the Institut de la Vision, Paris, France; assistant professor (Maître de Conférences) at UTT, Troyes, France

- Yengui, Mayssa: PhD student (2011-2014); assistant professor (Maîtresse de Conférences) in Physics (Materials department) at ECAM Rennes - Louis de Broglie, Rennes, France

- Zhang, Yang: postdoc (2010-2012); permanent researcher at the University of Science and Technology of China

- Wang, Jijin: PhD student (2009-2013); teacher in China

- Bulard, Emilie: PhD student (2009-2012); secondary school teacher (Professeur Agrégé de Physique-Chimie, Education Nationale) at Lycée Jules Ferry, Versailles, France

- Wang, Tao: PhD student (2009-2012); full professor at the University of Soochow, China

- Labidi, Hatem: PhD student (2009-2012); design transfer engineer (Ingénieur-Transfert) at CNRS, Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel, Nantes, France

- Ghalgaoui, Ahmed: PhD student (2008-2012);

- Guo, Ziang: PhD student (2006-2010); position in China

- Ouvrard, Aimeric: postdoc (2007-2009); CNRS researcher at ISMO, Orsay, France

- Chiaravalloti, Franco: PhD student (2006-2009); ATS Project Manager at Hitachi Rail STS, Brussels, Belgium

- Yang, Heejun: PhD student (2006-2009); associate professor at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), South Korea

- Tranvouez, Edern: postdoc (2006-2008); European patent and industrial property attorney at BRANDON IP, Paris, France

- Bellec, Amandine: PhD student (2005-2008); CNRS researcher at MPQ (Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques), Paris, France

- Martin (Fernandez), Marta: postdoc (2005); assistant professor (maître de conférences) at Montpellier University (Laboratoire Charles Coulomb), Montpellier, France

- Baffou, Guillaume: PhD student (2004-2007); CNRS researcher at Institut Fresnel, Marseille, France

- Cranney, Marion: PhD student (2003-2006); CNRS researcher at IS2N (Mulhouse Materials Science Institute), Mulhouse, France

- Bernard, Romain: PhD student (2002-2005); assistant professor (maître de conférences) at Sorbonne University, Paris, France

- Lastapis, Mathieu: PhD thesis (2002-2005); financial consultant and manager at Omote Advisory, Paris, France

- Fournier, Frédéric: PhD student (2000-2003); Product Stewardship Manager at Arkema Bostik at La Plaine-Saint-Denis, France

- Soukiassian, Laetitia: PhD student (2000-2003); business analyst at STAGO, Genevilliers, France

- Rose, Franck: PhD student (1997-2000); engineer at Western Digital, CA, USA

- Carrez, Serge: PhD student (1994-1997); assistant professor (maître de conférences) at Université Paris-Saclay, France

- Dragnea, Bogdan: PhD student (1994-1997); Professor at Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, since 2001

- Büchner, Matthias: postdoc (1995-1996);

- Stoica, Mihaela: postdoc (1992-1993);

Former M2 (2nd year of Master) students on training in our group (since 2007):

Name, First name: (university) name of the M2 (year); situation after the training; current situation

- Laurent, Elysé: (Université Paris-Saclay) M2 QLMN (2023); PhD thesis in our group (2023-…);

- Hewail, Ahmed: (Université Paris-Saclay) M2 Serp+, International track (2023);

- Hamada, Kaisse: (Université Paris-Saclay) M2 MFA (Advanced Functional Materials) (2023);

- Siradjoudine, Mouhamad: (Université Paris-Saclay) M2 MFA (Advanced Functional Materials) (2023);

- Hufschmitt, Zélie: (ENS Paris-Saclay) M2 QLMN (2022); PhD thesis in our group (2022-…);

- Allou, Hallane: (Université Paris-Saclay) M2 (2021);

- Chergui, Khaoula: (Université Paris-Saclay) M2 (2021);

- Marani, Nesrine: (Université Paris-Saclay) M2 (2021);

- Zhang, Ting: (Université Paris-Saclay) M2 Composants et antennes pour les télécommunications (2019); sales engineer in a private company in Beijing, China

- Biswas, Debdipta: (Université Paris-Sud) M2 Nanosciences (2018); employee in a private company in India (Financial Analyst and Algo-Trader)

- Pommier, Delphine: (Université Paris-Sud) M2 Nanosciences (2017); PhD thesis in our group (2017-2021); research engineer at Thalès, Palaiseau, France

- Schneider, Kathrin: (Université Paris-Sud) M2 Nanosciences (2017); PhD thesis at CEMES (2017-2021), Toulouse, France

- Lequeux, Médéric: (Université Paris-Sud) M2 Chimie Inorganique - Molécules, Surfaces et Nano-objets (2016); PhD thesis at CSPBAT (Université Paris 13), France

- Alkadrou, Abdulsamee: (Université Paris-Sud) M2 (2013); Engineer at STARNAV, Bretteville-sur-Odon, France

- Zeng, Yijia: (Université Paris 7) M2 Nanotechnologies and Quantum Devices (2013); PhD thesis at IEF (Université Paris-Sud), Orsay, France

- Mukherjee, Samik: (Ecole Polytechnique) M2 Nanosciences (2012); PhD thesis at Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada; postdoc at Leibniz Institute for Solid-State and Materials Research, Dresden, Germany.

- Rogez, Benoît: (ENS Cachan) M2 Nanosciences (2011); PhD thesis in our group (2011-2014); postdoc at the Institut de la Vision, Paris, France

- Wang, Tao: (ENS Cachan) Master Erasmus Mundus Molecular nano- and bio-photonics for telecommunications and biotechnologies (2009); PhD thesis in our group (2009-2012); full professor at the University of Soochow, China

- Ghalgaoui, Ahmed: (Université Paris-Sud) M2 (2008); postdoc at Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy in Germany

- Bodart, Quentin: (Paris VI), M2 Optique, Matière, Plasmas; Physique expérimentale des atomes et des molécules (2007); PhD thesis at the Observatoire de Paris

The other former (IUT/L3/M1/engineer/Erasmus) students on training in our group (since 2006):

Name, First name: (university) name of the degree or exchange program (year); situation after the training; current situation

- Montlouis-Félicité, Tenzin: (IOGS) 1st-year engineer student (2023);

- Cattaneo, Thomas: (CESI FISA BTP, Higher Engineering School) 4th-year engineer student (2023);

- Sauvage, Noémie: (Université Paris-Saclay) L3 Maths-Physics double degree (2023);

- Turboult, Olivier: (Université Paris-Saclay) L3 Maths-Physics double degree (2023);

- D’Andria, Esther: (Université Paris-Saclay) L3 Chemistry-Physics double degree (2023);

- Miller, Sarah: (Colgate University, USA), Bachelor student, "Optics in the City of Lights" NSF-REU program (2023);

- Marquardt, Marianna: (St Olaf College, USA), Bachelor student, "Optics in the City of Lights" NSF-REU program (2023);

- Meurice, Dylan: (IUT d’Orsay, university technology institute of Orsay) student in Physical Measurements (2023);

- Mouchantaf, Andrew: (IUT d’Orsay, university technology institute of Orsay) student in Physical Measurements (2023);

- Sgard, Yannick: (Université Paris-Saclay) L2 Maths-Physics-Engineering double degree (2023)

- Sabery, Fatima: (Université Paris-Saclay) M1 SGM (Materials Sciences and Engineering) (2023)

- Glorieux, Théo: (Université Paris-Saclay) L3 Magistère (2022)

- Vallée, Florent: (Université Paris-Saclay) M1 Physique et Applications (2022); M2 QLMN (2022-2023); now a PhD student in Daniel Comparat’s group at Laboratoire Aimé Cotton (Université Paris-Saclay) (2023 - )

- Barreau, Maxime: (Université Paris-Saclay) L3 Magistère (2021); now in M1 Magistère de l’Université Paris-Saclay

- Rochefort, Gwilherm: (Université Paris-Saclay) M1 Magistère (2021); now in M2 Magistère de l’Université Paris-Saclay

- Veillon, Alexandre: (Université Paris-Saclay) L3 Magistère Physique fondamentale (2021)

- Zhou, Jimeng: (IUT d’Orsay, university technology institute of Orsay) student in Physical Measurements (2021); now a student engineer at Institut d’Optique "Graduate school"

- Bezard, Malo: (Université Paris-Saclay) L3 Magistère Physique fondamentale (2019); PhD student at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (Orsay)

- Menou, Lucas: (Université Paris-Saclay) L3 Magistère (2015); M1/M2 Magistère de l’Université Paris-Saclay

- Breton, Florian: (Université Paris-Sud) M1 Magistère (2010); Télécom ParisTech (ENST) Engineer School

- Cartwright, Richard: (Imperial College, London) Erasmus (10/2007-06/2008); Télécom ParisTech (ENST) Engineer School; PhD student at Cambridge University, UK

- Orieux, Adeline: (Institut d’Optique "Graduate school") student engineer (2007); PhD student at University of Paris Diderot (Paris 7)

- Scheele, Michael: (Germany) Erasmus (2006)

- Vanderbruggen, Thomas: (Institut d’Optique "Graduate school") student engineer (2006); PhD student at Institut d’Optique "Graduate school"