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Fabien Gatti

Gatti Fabien

Directeur de Recherche CNRS (Research Professor)

For an educational introduction to the importance of my field of research see:

Molecular dynamics simulated by photons, F. Gatti, Nature 2018


M Schröder, F Gatti, D Lauvergnat, HD Meyer, O VendrellRetour ligne automatique
"The coupling of the hydrated proton to its first solvation shell"
Nat. Comm. 13 (2022) 6170.

See: [Nat. Comm.:]

I am working in the field of Molecular Quantum Dynamics, where we use Quantum Dynamics in Chemistry. I mainly use the MCTDH approach and the polyspherical coordinates.

I belong to the QDN Quantum Dynamics Network and I am the coordinator of the CNRS International Research Network (IRN) "MCTDH".

Ecole de Chimie Physique Paris-Saclay 2ème édition, 4-8 Juillet 2022!!!
A new "Ecole de Chimie Physique Paris-Saclay" in 2023 is coming !!!

Main Grants:
• Main Principal Investigator (PI) of the “ANR” (NT05-3_42315) SEDSMC (262 k€): description of Renner-Teller effects and coherent control of the isomerization in tetra-atomic molecules.

• Main PI of the “ANR-DFG” (ANR-09-BLAN-0417) ETPHOTOCI (278 k€): description of Ultra-violet spectra involving many coupled electronic states in molecules with torsion such as C2H4.

• Main PI of the “ANR” (ANR-13-BS08-0013-03) COCONICS (320 k€): quantum control with tailored femtosecond laser pulses in collaboration with experimentalists on spiropyran molecules.

• Main PI of the “ANR” AttoChemistry (587 k€) since 2021.

• PI in Montpellier of the “ANR” (ANR-10-BLAN-0720) DYQUMA (480 k€): quantum description of diffusion of molecules on surfaces.

• Since September 2020: PI in Paris-Saclay of the “ANR” (196640-AAP-ANR) QDDA (264 k€): quantum description of friction in the diffusion of molecules on surface

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Book on MCTDH
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Book for teaching molecular quantum dynamics
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Book on molecular quantum dynamics