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Accueil > Production Scientifique > Listes des publications > 2017


Magazine Articles

Bourguignon, B., Béroff, K., Bréchignac, P., Dujardin, G., Leach, S., & and Zehnacker-Rentien, A. (2017). In the wake of Physical Chemistry under irradiation: onward to the Institute of Molecular Sciences at Orsay. Histoire de la Recherche Contemporaine, 6, 16–27.
bascule de visibilité
Piard, J., Bon, C., Jegat, C., Doré, C., Petcut, V., Montanelli, R., & Méallet-Renault, R. (2017). Thermoluminochromisme de complexes de type Cu4I4(pyridine)4. Bulletin de l’Union des Physiciens, 991, 205–224.
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Piard, J., Gatin-Fraudet, B., Grenier, A., Maujean, T., Péault, L., & Méallet-Renault, R. (2017). Thermochromisme d’un complexe de cobalt (II). Bulletin de l’Union des Physiciens, 999, 1221–1253.
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Peer-reviewed Publications

Aguirregabiria, G., Marinica, D. C., Esteban, R., Kazansky, A. K., Aizpurua, J., & Borisov, A. G. (2017). Electric Field-Induced High Order Nonlinearity in Plasmonic Nanoparticles Retrieved with Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory. ACS Photonics, 4(3), 613–620.
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Al Salloum, H., Saunier, J., Dazzi, A., Vigneron, J., Etcheberry, A., Marliere, C., Aymes-Chodur, C., Herry, J. M., Bernard, M., Jubeli, E., & Yagoubi, N. (2017). Characterization of the surface physico-chemistry of plasticized PVC used in blood bag and infusion tubing. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials For Biological Applications, 75, 317–334.
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Alarcón, L. S., Cristina, L. J., Jia, J., Chen, L., Giglia, A., Pasquali, L., Sánchez, E. A., Esaulov, V. A., & Grizzi, O. (2017). Adsorption and thermal stability of 1,4 benzenedimethanethiol on InP(110). Surface Science, 664, 101–109.
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Alata, I., Perez-Mellor, A., Ben Nasr, F., Scuderi, D., Steinmetz, V., Gobert, F., Jaidane, N. E., & Zehnacker-Rentien, A. (2017). Does the Residues Chirality Modify the Conformation of a Cyclo-Dipeptide? Vibrational Spectroscopy of Protonated Cyclo-diphenylalanine in the Gas Phase. J. Phys. Chem. A, 121(38), 7130–7138.
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Alyabyeva, N., Ouvrard, A., Lindfors-Vrejoiu, I., Ageev, O., & McGrouther, D. (2017). Back-scattered electron visualization of ferroelectric domains in a BiFeO3epitaxial film. Appl. Phys. Lett., 111(22), 222901.
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Aykac, A., Noiray, M., Malanga, M., Agostoni, V., Casas-Solvas, J. M., Fenyvesi, E., Gref, R., & Vargas-Berenguel, A. (2017). A non-covalent “click chemistry” strategy to efficiently coat highly porous MOF nanoparticles with a stable polymeric shell. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects, 1861(6), 1606–1616.
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Babilotte, P., Coudert, L. H., Billard, F., Hertz, E., Faucher, O., & Lavorel, B. (2017). Experimental and theoretical study of free induction decay of water molecules induced by terahertz laser pulses. PRA, 95(4), 043408.
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Bailly, A., Sitja, G., Saint-Lager, M. - C., Le Moal, S., Leroy, F., De Santis, M., Henry, C. R., & Robach, O. (2017). Influence of palladium on the ordering, the final size and composition of Pd-Au nanoparticle arrays. J. Phys. Chem. C, 121, 25864–25874.
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Bergeron, H., Czuchry, E., Gazeau, J. - P., & Malkiewicz, P. (2017). Spectral properties of the quantum Mixmaster universe. Physical Review D, 96(4), 043521.
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Blancard C., Cubaynes D., Guilbaud S., & and Bizau J.-M. (2017). L -shell photoionization of Mn 5+ to Mn 8+ ions. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 96, 013410.
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Boudjemaa, R., Briandet, R., Fontaine-Aupart, M. P., & Steenkeste, K. (2017). How do fluorescence spectroscopy and multimodal fluorescence imaging help to dissect the enhanced efficiency of the vancomycin-rifampin combination against Staphylococcus aureus infections? Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 16(9), 1391–1399.
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Boudjemaa, R., Briandet, R., Steenkeste, K., & Fontaine-Aupart, M. - P. (2017). Taking advantage of fluorescent-based tools to puzzle out successes and failures of antibiotics to inactivate infectious bacteria. Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, , 1–18.
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Bouissou, A., Proag, A., Bourg, N., Pingris, K., Cabriel, C., Balor, S., Mangeat, T., Thibault, C., Vieu, C., Dupuis, G., Fort, E., Leveque-Fort, S., Maridonneau-Parini, I., & Poincloux, R. (2017). Podosome Force Generation Machinery: A Local Balance between Protrusion at the Core and Traction at the Ring. Acs Nano, 11(4), 4028–4040.
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Broquier, M., Soorkia, S., Pino, G., Dedonder-Lardeux, C., Jouvet, C., & Gregoire, G. (2017). Excited State Dynamics of Cold Protonated Cytosine Tautomers: Characterization of Charge Transfer, Intersystem Crossing, and Internal Conversion Processes. J. Phys. Chem. A, 121(34), 6429–6439.
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Cao, S., Le Moal, E., Bigourdan, F., Hugonin, J. - P., Greffet, J. - J., Drezet, A., Huant, S., Dujardin, G., & Boer-Duchemin, E. (2017). Revealing the spectral response of a plasmonic lens using low-energy electrons. Phys. Rev. B, 96, 115419.
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Carlos, M., Gruson, O., Richard, C., Boudon, V., Rotger, M., Thomas, X., Maul, C., Sydow, C., Domanskaya, A., Georges, R., Soulard, P., Pirali, O., Goubet, M., Asselin, P., & Huet, T. R. (2017). High-resolution spectroscopy and global analysis of CF4 rovibrational bands to model its atmospheric absorption. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 201(Supplement C), 75–93.
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Cartry G., Kogut D., Achkasov K., Layet J.M., Farley T., Gicquel A., Achard J., Brinza O., Bieber T., Khemliche H., Roncin P., & Simonin A. (2017). Alternative solutions to caesium in negative-ion sources: a study of negative-ion surface production on diamond in H2/D2 plasmas. New J. Phys., 19(2), 025010.
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Chamakhi, R., Puthumpally-Joseph, R., Telmini, M., & Charron, E. (2017). Extracting spectroscopic molecular parameters from short pulse photo-electron angular distributions. J. Chem. Phys., 147(14), 144304.
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Chan, A. J., Sarkar, P., Gaboriaud, F., Fontaine-Aupart, M. P., & Marliere, C. (2017). Control of interface interactions between natural rubber and solid surfaces through charge effects: an AFM study in force spectroscopic mode. Rsc Advances, 7(69), 43574–43589.
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Chartrand, A. M., McCormack, E. F., Jacovella, U., Holland, D. M. P., Gans, B., Tang, X., Garcia, G. A., Nahon, L., & Pratt, S. T. (2017). Photoelectron angular distributions from rotationally resolved autoionizing states of N2. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 147(22), 224303.
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Choi, D. - J., Robles, R., Yan, S., Burgess, J. A. J., Rolf-Pissarczyk, S., Gauyacq, J. - P., Lorente, N., Ternes, M., & Loth, S. (2017). Building Complex Kondo Impurities by Manipulating Entangled Spin Chains. Nano Lett., 17(10), 6203–6209.
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Correa-Puerta, J., Del Campo, V., Henriquez, R., Esaulov, V. A., Hamoudi, H., Flores, M., & Haberle, P. (2017). Unoccupied Interface and Molecular States in Thiol and Dithiol Monolayers. Langmuir, 33(43), 12056–12064.
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Costa-Gouveia, J., Pancani, E., Jouny, S., Machelart, A., Delorme, V., Salzano, G., Iantomasi, R., Piveteau, C., Queval, C. J., Song, O. R., Flipo, M., Deprez, B., Saint-Andre, J. P., Hureaux, J., Majlessi, L., Willand, N., Baulard, A., Brodin, P., & Gref, R. (2017). Combination therapy for tuberculosis treatment: pulmonary administration of ethionamide and booster co-loaded nanoparticles. Scientific Reports, 7, 5390.
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Coudert, L. H. (2017). Optimal orientation of an asymmetric top molecule with terahertz pulses. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 146(2), 024303.
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Dajkovic, A., Tesson, B., Chauhan, S., Courtin, P., Keary, R., Flores, P., Marliere, C., Filipe, S. R., Chapot-Chartier, M. P., & Carballido-Lopez, R. (2017). Hydrolysis of peptidoglycan is modulated by amidation of meso-diaminopimelic acid and Mg2+ in Bacillus subtilis. Molecular Microbiology, 104(6), 972–988.
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Dartois, E., Chabot, M., Pino, T., Béroff, K., Godard, M., Severin, D., Bender, M., & Trautmann, C. (2017). Swift heavy ion irradiation of interstellar dust analogues. A&A, 599, A130.
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Dartois, E., Jallat, A., Alata, I., Gavilan, L., Cruz-Diaz, G. A., Chabot, M., Beroff, K., & Muñoz Caro, G. M. (2017). UV Photolysis of Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbons of Astrophysical Interest. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 37(2-3), 94–100.
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Debiossac, M., Atkinson, P., Zugarramurdi, A., Eddrief, M., Finocchi, F., Etgens, V. H., Momeni, A., Khemliche, H., Borisov, A. G., & Roncin, P. (2017). Fast atom diffraction inside a molecular beam epitaxy chamber, a rich combination. Appl. Surf. Sci., 391, 53–58.
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Demaison, J., Craig, N. C., Gurusinghe, R., Tubergen, M. J., Rudolph, H. D., Coudert, L. H., Szalay, P. G., & Császár, A. G. (2017). Fourier Transform Microwave Spectrum of Propene-3-d1 (CH2═CHCH2D), Quadrupole Coupling Constants of Deuterium, and a Semiexperimental Equilibrium Structure of Propene. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 121(16), 3155–3166.
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Douix S., Duflot D., Cubaynes D., Bizau J.M., & and Giuliani A. (2017). Photoionization of the Buckminsterfullerene Cation. J. Phys. Chem. Lett, 8(1), 7–12.
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Feng, X. R., Ding, J. X., Gref, R., & Chen, X. S. (2017). Poly(beta-cyclodextrin)-mediated polylactide-cholesterol stereocomplex micelles for controlled drug delivery. Chinese Journal Of Polymer Science, 35(6), 693–699.
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Gans, B., Boyé-Péronne, S., Garcia, G. A., Roeder, A., Schleier, D., Halvick, P., & Loison, J. - C. (2017). Unveiling the ionization energy of the CN radical. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 8, 4038–4042.
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Gans, B., Garcia, G. A., Holzmeier, F., Krüger, J., Röder, A., Lopes, A., Fittschen, C., Loison, J. - C., & Alcaraz, C. (2017). Communication: On the first ionization threshold of the C2H radical. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 146(1), 011101.
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Garcia, G. A., Krüger, J., Gans, B., Falvo, C., Coudert, L. H., & and Loison, J. C. (2017). Valence shell threshold photoelectron spectroscopy of the CHxCN (x = 0-2) and CNC radicals. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 147(1), 013908.
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Garcia, R. L., Nieuwjaer, N., Desfrancois, C., Lecomte, F., Leite, S. D., Manil, B., Broquier, M., & Gregoire, G. (2017). Vibronic spectra of protonated hydroxypyridines: contributions of prefulvenic and planar structures. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19(12), 8258–8268.
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Gavilan, L., Le, K. C., Pino, T., Alata, I., Giuliani, A., & Dartois, E. (2017). Polyaromatic disordered carbon grains as carriers of the UV bump: Far-UV to mid-IR spectroscopy of laboratory analogs. A&A, 607, A73.
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Georges, R., Michaut, X., Moudens, A., Goubet, M., Pirali, O., Soulard, P., Asselin, P., Huet, T., Roy, P., Fournier, M., & Vigasin, A. (2017). Nuclear Spin Symmetry Conservation in 1H216O Investigated by Direct Absorption FTIR Spectroscopy of Water Vapor Cooled Down in Supersonic Expansion. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 121(40), 7455–7468.
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Ghalgaoui, A., Ouvrard, A., Wang, J., Carrez, S., Zheng, W., & Bourguignon, B. (2017). Electron to Adsorbate Energy Transfer in Nanoparticles: Adsorption Site, Size, and Support Matter. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 8(12), 2666–2671.
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Gonon, B., Perveaux, A., Gatti, F., Lauvergnat, D., & Lasorne, B. (2017). On the applicability of a wavefunction-free, energy-based procedure for generating first-order non-adiabatic couplings around conical intersections. Journal Of Chemical Physics, 147(11), 114114.
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Gref, R., Couvreur, P., & Loftsson, T. (2017). Editorial Special edition of International Journal of Pharmaceutics in honor of Professor Dominique Duchene. International Journal Of Pharmaceutics, 531(2), 411–412.
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Hamraoui, K., Babilotte, P., Billard, F., Hertz, E., Faucher, O., Coudert, L. H., Sugny, D., & Lavorel, B. (2017). Terahertz pulse shaping through propagation in a gas of symmetric top molecules. Phys. Rev. A, 96(4), 043416.
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Hartmann, J. - M., Boulet, C., & Toon, G. C. (2017). Collision-induced absorption by N2 near 2.16 µm: Calculations, model and consequences for atmospheric remote sensing. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, 2419–2428.
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Hartmann, J. - M., Vander Auwera, J., Boulet, C., Birot, M., Dourges, M. - A., Toupance, T., El Hamzaoui, H., Ausset, P., Carré, Y., Kocon, L., Capoen, B., & Bouazaoui, M. (2017). Infrared absorption by molecular gases to probe porous materials and comparisons with other techniques. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 237, 31–37.
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Hernandez, I. C., Sivankutty, S., Bourg, N., Lecart, S., Dupuis, G., & Leveque-Fort, S. (2017). A Novel STED Microscope with Nanometer Axial Sectioning. Biophysical Journal, 112(3), 140A–141A.
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Herrera, M. Z., Kazansky, A. K., Aizpurua, J., & Borisov, A. G. (2017). Quantum description of the optical response of charged monolayer–thick metallic patch nanoantennas. Phys. Rev. B, 95(24), 245413.
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Houdoux, D., Houplin, J., Amiaud, L., Lafosse, A., & Dablemont, C. (2017). Interfacial water on organic substrates at cryogenic temperatures: hydrogen bonding and quantification in the submonolayer regime. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 19(3), 2304–2312.
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Husseen, A., Le Moal, S., Oughaddou, H., Dujardin, G., Mayne, A., & Le Moal, E. (2017). Reaction kinetics of ultrathin NaCl films on Ag(001) upon electron irradiation. Phys. Rev. B, 96(23), 235418.
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Jaouadi, A., Lefebvre, R., & Atabek, O. (2017). Vibrational-ground-state zero-width resonnaces for laser filtration: An extended semiclassical analysis. Phys. Rev. A, 95, 063409.
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Jia, J., Esaulov, V. A., & Bendounan, A. (2017). Adsorption and desorption kinetics of NTCDA molecules on Ag(111) and Au(111) surfaces studied by ion scattering. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 172(1-2), 39–47.
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Jiang, T., Malone, W., Tong, Y., Dragoe, D., Bendounan, A., Kara, A., & Esaulov, V. A. (2017). Thiophene Derivatives on Gold and Molecular Dissociation Processes. J. Phys. Chem. C, 121(50), 27923–27935.
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Joblin, C., Dontot, L., Garcia, G. A., Spiegelman, F., Rapacioli, M., Nahon, L., Parneix, P., Pino, T., & Bréchignac, P. (2017). Size Effect in the Ionization Energy of PAH Clusters. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 8(15), 3697–3702.
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Kalashnyk N., R. L. A., Li D., Smogunov, Dappe Y.J., Jones T.S. and Guillemot L. (2017). Unraveling Giant Cu(110) Surface Restructuring Induced by a Non-Planar Phthalocyanine. NanoResearch, , 1–7.
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Khalal M. A., L. P., Andric L., Palaudoux J., Penent F., Bučar K., Žitnik M., Püttner R., Jänkälä K., Cubaynes D., Guilbaud S., and Bizau J.-M. (2017). 4d -inner-shell ionization of Xe+ ions and subsequent Auger decay. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 96, 013412.
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Khalal M.A., S. J., Jänkälä K., Huttula S-M, Huttula M, Bizau J-M, Cubaynes D., Guilbaud S., Ito K., Andric L., Feng J., Lablanquie P., Palaudoux J. and Penent F. (2017). Multielectron spectroscopy: energy levels of K n+ and Rb n+ ions (n = 2, 3, 4). Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 50(22), 225003.
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Koshelev, M. A., Delahaye, T., Serov, E. A., Vilkov, I. N., Boulet, C., & Tretyakov, M. Y. (2017). Accurate modeling of the diagnostic 118-GHz oxygen line for remote sensing of the atmosphere. JQSRT, 196, 78–86.
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Koval, N. E., Borisov, A. G., Rosa, L. F. S., Stori, E. M., Dias, J. F., Grande, P. L., Sánchez-Portal, D., & Muiño, R. D. (2017). Vicinage effect in the energy loss of H2 dimers: Experiment and calculations based on time-dependent density-functional theory. Phys. Rev. A, 95(6), 062707.
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Kumar, N., Pham-Xuan, Q., Depauw, A., Hemadi, M., Ha-Duong, N. - T., Lefevre, J. - P., Ha-Thi, M. - H., & Leray, I. (2017). New sensitive and selective calixarene-based fluorescent sensors for the detection of Cs+ in an organoaqueous medium. New J. Chem., 41(15), 7162–7170.
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Kutzer, P., Hartung, S., Pirali, O., Pietschnig, R., Medcraft, C., Yamada, K. M. T., & Giesen, T. F. (2017). Tert-butyl-dibromophosphane tBuPBr2—a new chemical synthesis and first spectroscopic characterization. Heteroatom Chem, 28(2), e21361-n/a.
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Labidi, H., Pinto, H. P., Leszczynski, J., & Riedel, D. (2017). Exploiting a single intramolecular conformational switching Ni-TPP molecule to probe charge transfer dynamics at the nanoscale on bare Si(100)-2x1. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 19, 28982–28992.
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Lablanquie P., K. M. A., Andric L., Palaudoux J., Penent F., Bizau J-M, Cubaynes D., Jänkälä K., Hikosaka Y., Ito K., Bučar K., Žitnikg M. (2017). Multi-electron coincidence spectroscopy: Triple Auger decay of Ar 2p and 2s holes. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 220, 125–132.
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Lacombe, S., Porcel, E., & Scifoni, E. (2017). Particle therapy and nanomedicine: state of art and research perspectives. Cancer nanotechnology, 8(1), 9.
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Launoy, T., Béroff, K., Chabot, M., Martinet, G., Le Padellec, A., Pino, T., Bouneau, S., Vaeck, N., Liévin, J., Féraud, G., Loreau, J., & Mahajan, T. (2017). Ion-pair dissociation of highly excited carbon clusters: Size and charge effects. Pra, 95(2), 022711.
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Le Marec, A., Larroche, O., & Klisnick, A. (2017). Linear autocorrelation of partially coherent extreme-ultraviolet lasers: a quantitative analysis. Optics Letters, 42(23), 4958–4961.
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Le, K. C., Lefumeux, C., & Pino, T. (2017). Differential Raman backscattering cross sections of black carbon nanoparticles. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 17124.
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Leclerc, A., Viennot, D., Jolicard, G., Lefebvre, R., & Atabek, O. (2017). Exotic states in the strong field control of H2+ dissociation dynamics: From exceptional points to zero width resonances. J. Phys. B, 50, 234002.
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Lefebvre, R. (2017). Factorisation of zero-width resonance wave functions. Molecular Physics, 115(15-16), 1966–1970.
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Li, H. Y., Lv, N. N., Li, X., Liu, B. T., Feng, J., Ren, X. H., Guo, T., Chen, D. W., Stoddart, J. F., Gref, R., & Zhang, J. W. (2017). Composite CD-MOF nanocrystals-containing microspheres for sustained drug delivery. Nanoscale, 9(22), 7454–7463.
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Li, X., Guo, T., Lachmanski, L., Manoli, F., Menendez-Miranda, M., Manet, I., Guo, Z., Wu, L., Zhang, J. W., & Gref, R. (2017). Cyclodextrin-based metal-organic frameworks particles as efficient carriers for lansoprazole: Study of morphology and chemical composition of individual particles. International Journal Of Pharmaceutics, 531(2), 424–432.
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Li, X., Lachmanski, L., Safi, S., Sene, S., Serre, C., Greneche, J. M., Zhang, J., & Gref, R. (2017). New insights into the degradation mechanism of metal-organic frameworks drug carriers. Scientific Reports, 7, 13142.
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Li, X., Salzano, G., Zhang, J. W., & Gref, R. (2017). Spontaneous Self-Assembly of Polymeric Nanoparticles in Aqueous Media: New Insights From Microfluidics, In Situ Size Measurements, and Individual Particle Tracking. Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 106(1), 395–401.
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Lu, W., Zhang, G., Wei, F., Li, W., Cheng, K., Ding, F., Zhang, J., & Zheng, W. (2017). Shape-controlled synthesis of Pd nanocrystals in an aqueous solution by using amphiphilic triblock copolymers as both the stabilizer and the reductant. Colloid Polym Sci, 295(4), 703–707.
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Lv, N. N., Guo, T., Liu, B. T., Wang, C. F., Singh, V., Xu, X. N., Li, X., Chen, D. W., Gref, R., & Zhang, J. W. (2017). Improvement in Thermal Stability of Sucralose by Y-Cyclodextrin Metal-Organic Frameworks. Pharmaceutical Research, 34(2), 269–278.
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Ma, Q., Boulet, C., & and Tipping, R. H. (2017). Relaxation matrix for symmetric tops with inversion symmetry: Line coupling and line mixing effects on NH3 lines in the . The Journal of Chemical Physics, 146(13), 134312.
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Ma, Q., Boulet, C., & Tipping, R. H. (2017). Vibrational dependence of line coupling and line mixing in self-broadened parallel bands of NH3. JQSRT, 203, 425–433.
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Marcos-Almaraz, M. T., Gref, R., Agostoni, V., Kreuz, C., Clayette, P., Serre, C., Couvreur, P., & Horcajada, P. (2017). Towards improved HIV-microbicide activity through the co-encapsulation of NRTI drugs in biocompatible metal organic framework nanocarriers. Journal Of Materials Chemistry B, 5(43), 8563–8569.
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Marechal, D., Daudin, R., Bourg, N., Loe-Mie, Y., Potier, B., Dutar, P., Viard, J., Lepagnol-Bestel, A., Sartori, M., Hindie, V., Birling, M., Pavlovic, G., Dupuis, G., Fort, S. L., Laporte, J., Rain, J., Simonneau, M., & Herault, Y. (2017). Risk factor gene BIN1 induces late onset Alzheimer disease presymptomatic phenotypes in a BAC transgenic mouse model. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 27, S742–S743.
bascule de visibilité
Marinica, D. C., Kazansky, A. K., & Borisov, A. G. (2017). Electrical control of the light absorption in quantum-well functionalized junctions between thin metallic films. Phys. Rev. B, 96(24), 245407.
bascule de visibilité
Matias da Silva, F., Fadanelli Filho, R. C., Grande, P. L., Koval, N., Diez Muino, R., Borisov, A. G., Arista, N., & Schiwietz G. (2017). Ground-and excited-state scattering potentials for the stopping of protons in an electron gas. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 50(18), 185201.
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Matias, F., Fadanelli, R. C., Grande, P. L., Koval, N. E., Muiño, R. D., Borisov, A. G., Arista, N. R., & Schiwietz, G. (2017). Ground- and excited-state scattering potentials for the stopping of protons in an electron gas. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 50(18), 185201.
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Mendes Marinho, S., Ha-Thi, M. - H., Pham, V. - T., Quaranta, A., Pino, T., Lefumeux, C., Chamaillé, T., Leibl, W., & Aukauloo, A. (2017). Time-Resolved Interception of Multiple-Charge Accumulation in a Sensitizer–Acceptor Dyad. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 56(50), 15936–15940.
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Mendive-Tapia, D., Firmino, T., Meyer, H. D., & Gatti, F. (2017). Towards a systematic convergence of Multi-Layer (ML) Multi-Configuration Time-Dependent Hartree nuclear wavefunctions: The ML-spawning algorithm. CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 482, 113–123.
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Morisset, S., Rougeau, N., & Teillet-Billy, D. (2017). Influence of a graphene surface on the first steps of the hydrogenation of a coronene molecule. Chemical Physics Letters, 679, 225–232.
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