Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay



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Home > Research Teams > Molecular systems, Astrophysics and Environment > Former members

Former members (since 2008)

PhD students:
- Dr Anh Tuan Cao (2005-2008), currently lecturer at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Pedagogy (Vietnam)
- Dr Yvain Carpentier(2006-2009), currently assistant professor at Phlam, University of Lille
- Dr Luiz Antonio Vieira Mendes (2008-2009), currently assistant professor at Universidade Federal da Bahia (Salvador de Bahia, Brazil)
- Dr Bérenger Gans (2007-2010), currently CNRS researcher at ISMO (Orsay, France)
- Dr Marie Basire (2007-2010), currently high school teacher in physics (Rouen, France)
- Dr Hela Friha (2008-2012), associate professor at IPSA (Paris, France)
- Dr Géraldine Féraud (2009-2012), currently assistant professor at LERMA, UPMC (Paris, France)
- Dr Marie-Aline Martin (2009-2012), currently CNRS researcher at ISMO (Orsay, France)
- Dr Sébastien Gruet (2012-2015), currently post-doctoral fellow at Max Planck Institute (Hambourg) in the group of Melanie Schnell
- Dr Viet Tiep Phung (2012-2016), researcher at Institute of Physics of Hanoi (Hanoi, Vietnam)
- Dr Nicolas Lamarre (2013-2016), currently high school teacher in physics (Limeye-Brevanne, France)
- Dr Thi Kim Cuong Le (2013-2017), associate professor at Division of Combustion Physics (Lund, Sweden)
- Dr Maëlle Bonnin (2014-2018), currently high school teacher in physics
- Dr Thejus Mahajan (2015-2018)
- Dr Oliver Harper (2017-2020), teacher in physics
- Dr Ozan Lacinbala (2017-2021)
- Dr Joffrey Fréreux (2018-2022), post-doc at l’ICMN (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)
- Dr Jean-Baptiste Bodin (2019-2022)
- Dr Olivia Chitarra (2019-2022)
- Dr Miaobo PAN (2019-2022)
- Dr Anam FATIMA (2019-2023), post-doc at University of East Anglia (UK)

Postdoctoral fellows:
- Dr Rosario Brunetto (2007-2008), currently CNRS researcher at IAS (Orsay, France)
- Dr Antonio Gamboa (2013-2014), associate professor (Mexico)
- Dr Mark Hammond (2018-2019), independent researcher
- Dr Philip Gotico (2020), postdoct at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (Berlin, Germany)
- Dr Thai Van Pham (2014), researcher at MAX IV Laboratory (Lund, Sweden)
- Dr JIA Zixian (2020-2022)
- Dr Ozan Lacinbala (2021-2022)
- Dr Thomas Hearne (2020-2022)
- Dr Nishith MAITY (2022-2023)

Invited researchers:
- Prof Tim Schmidt (2008), University of New South Wales (Australia)
- Prof Carlos Eduardo Fellows (2010), Universidade Federale Fluminense, Niteroi (Brazil)
- Prof Jacques Liévin (2011), Service de Chimie Quantique et Photophysique, Université Libre de Bruxelles
- Dr Luiz Antonio Vieira Mendes (2014), Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil
- Prof Giacomo Mulas (2012), Observatory of Cagliari, Italy

Former members:
- Dr Niloufar Shafizadeh, now member of the group "Structure and dynamics of complex isolated systems" at l’ISMO since january 2015

Permanent researchers:
- Prof Christian Boulet
- Prof Dolores Gauyacq
- Prof Guy Taieb
- Dr Anne-Lise Roche
- Dr Karine Béroff