2019 |
Chamakhi R., Telmini M., Atabek O., & Charron E. (2019). Anisotropy control in photoelectron spectra: A coherent two-pulse interference strategy. Phys. Rev. A, 100, 033402.
Résumé: Coherence among rotational ion channels during photoionization is exploited to control the anisotropy of the resulting photoelectron angular distributions at specific photoelectron energies. The strategy refers to a robust and single parameter control using two ultrashort light pulses delayed in time. The first pulse prepares a superposition of a few ion rotational states, whereas the second pulse serves as a probe that gives access to a control of the molecular asymmetry parameter β for individual rotational channels. This is achieved by tuning the time delay between the pulses, leading to channel interferences that can be turned from constructive to destructive. The illustrative example is the ionization of the E(1Σg+) state of Li2. Quantum wave-packet evolutions are conducted including both electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom to reach angle-resolved photoelectron spectra. A simple interference model based on coherent phase accumulation during the field-free dynamics between the two pulses is precisely exploited to control the photoelectron angular distributions from almost isotropic to marked anisotropic.
2018 |
Mangaud E., P. - J. R., Sugny D., Meier C., Atabek O, & Desouter-Lecomte M. (2018). Non-Markovianity in the optimal control of an open quantum system described by hierarchical equations of motion. New J. Phys., 20, 043050.
Résumé: Optimal control theory is implemented with fully converged hierarchical equations of motion (HEOM) describing the time evolution of an open system density matrix strongly coupled to the bath in a spin-boson model. The populations of the two-level sub-system are taken as control objectives; namely, their revivals or exchange when switching off the field. We, in parallel, analyze how the optimal electric field consequently modifies the information back flow from the environment through different non-Markovian witnesses. Although the control field has a dipole interaction with the central sub-system only, its indirect influence on the bath collective mode dynamics is probed through HEOM auxiliary matrices, revealing a strong correlation between control and dissipation during a non-Markovian process. A heterojunction is taken as an illustrative example for modeling in a realistic way the two-level sub-system parameters and its spectral density function leading to a non-perturbative strong coupling regime with the bath. Although, due to strong system-bath couplings, control performances remain rather modest, the most important result is a noticeable increase of the non-Markovian bath response induced by the optimally driven processes.
Mendive-Tapia, D., Mangaud, E., Firmino, T., de la Lande, A., Desouter-Lecomte, M., Meyer, H. D., & Gatti, F. (2018). Multidimensional Quantum Mechanical Modeling of Electron Transfer and Electronic Coherence in Plant Cryptochromes: The Role of Initial Bath Conditions. Journal Of Physical Chemistry B, 122(1), 126–136.
Résumé: A multidimensional quantum mechanical protocol is used to describe the photoinduced electron transfer and electronic coherence in plant cryptochromes without any semiempirical, e.g., experimentally obtained, parameters. Starting from a two-level spin-boson Hamiltonian we look at the effect that the initial photoinduced nuclear bath distribution has on an intermediate step of this biological electron transfer cascade for two idealized cases. The first assumes a slow equilibration of the nuclear bath with respect to the previous electron transfer step that leads to an ultrafast decay with little temperature dependence; while the second assumes a prior fast bath equilibration on the donor potential energy surface leading to a much slower decay, which contrarily displays a high temperature dependence and a better agreement with previous theoretical and experimental results. Beyond Marcus and semiclassical pictures these results unravel the strong impact that the presence or not of equilibrium initial conditions has on the electronic population and coherence dynamics at the quantum dynamics level in this and conceivably in other biological electron transfer cascades.
Puthumpally-Joseph R., Mangaud E., Chevet V., Desouter-Lecomte M., Sugny D., & Atabek O. (2018). Basic mechanisms in the laser control of non-Markovian dynamics. Phys. Rev. A, 97(3), 033411.
Résumé: Referring to a Fano-type model qualitative analogy we develop a comprehensive basic mechanism for the laser control of the non-Markovian bath response and fully implement it in a realistic control scheme, in strongly coupled open quantum systems. Converged hierarchical equations of motion are worked out to numerically solve the master equation of a spin-boson Hamiltonian to reach the reduced electronic density matrix of a heterojunction in the presence of strong terahertz laser pulses. Robust and efficient control is achieved increasing by a factor of 2 the non-Markovianity measured by the time evolution of the volume of accessible states. The consequences of such fields on the central system populations and coherence are examined, putting the emphasis on the relation between the increase of non-Markovianity and the slowing down of decoherence processes.
Zhao, Z. Q., Chen, J., Zhang, Z. J., Zhang, D. H., Wang, X. G., Carrington, T., & Gatti, F. (2018). Computing energy levels of CH4, CHD3, CH3D, and CH3F with a direct product basis and coordinates based on the methyl subsystem. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 148(7), 074113.
2017 |
Chamakhi, R., Puthumpally-Joseph, R., Telmini, M., & Charron, E. (2017). Extracting spectroscopic molecular parameters from short pulse photo-electron angular distributions. J. Chem. Phys., 147(14), 144304.
Résumé: Using a quantum wave packet simulation including the nuclear and electronic degrees of freedom, we investigate the femtosecond and picosecond energy- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectra of the E(Sigmag+1) electronic state of Li2. We find that the angular distributions of the emitted photoelectrons depend strongly on the pulse duration in the regime of ultrashort laser pulses. This effect is illustrated by the extraction of a time-dependent asymmetry parameter whose variation with pulse duration can be explained by an incoherent average over different ion rotational quantum numbers. We then derive for the variation of the asymmetry parameter a simple analytical formula, which can be used to extract the asymptotic CW asymmetry parameters of individual transitions from measurements performed with ultra-short pulses.
Gatti F., & Lasorne B., M. H. - D., and Nauts A. (2017). Quantum Dynamics: Application in Chemistry. In Lectures Notes in Chemistry, Springer, Heidelberg (Vol. Book 98).
Gonon, B., Perveaux, A., Gatti, F., Lauvergnat, D., & Lasorne, B. (2017). On the applicability of a wavefunction-free, energy-based procedure for generating first-order non-adiabatic couplings around conical intersections. Journal Of Chemical Physics, 147(11), 114114.
Résumé: The primal definition of first-order non-adiabatic couplings among electronic states relies on the knowledge of how electronic wave functions vary with nuclear coordinates. However, the non-adiabatic coupling between two electronic states can be obtained in the vicinity of a conical intersection from energies only, as this vector spans the branching plane along which degeneracy is lifted to first order. The gradient difference and derivative coupling are responsible of the two-dimensional cusp of a conical intersection between both potential-energy surfaces and can be identified to the non-trivial eigenvectors of the second derivative of the square energy difference, as first pointed out in Koppel and Schubert [Mol. Phys. 104(5-7), 1069 (2006)]. Such quantities can always be computed in principle for the cost of two numerical Hessians in the worst-case scenario. Analytic-derivative techniques may help in terms of accuracy and efficiency but also raise potential traps due to singularities and ill-defined derivatives at degeneracies. We compare here two approaches, one fully numerical, the other semianalytic, where analytic gradients are available but Hessians are not, and investigate their respective conditions of applicability. Benzene and 3-hydroxychromone are used as illustrative application cases. It is shown that non-adiabatic couplings can thus be estimated with decent accuracy in regions of significant size around conical intersections. This procedure is robust and could be useful in the context of on-the-fly non-adiabatic dynamics or be used for producing model representations of intersecting potential energy surfaces with complete obviation of the electronic wavefunctions. Published by AIP Publishing.
Jaouadi, A., Lefebvre, R., & Atabek, O. (2017). Vibrational-ground-state zero-width resonnaces for laser filtration: An extended semiclassical analysis. Phys. Rev. A, 95, 063409.
Lefebvre, R. (2017). Factorisation of zero-width resonance wave functions. Molecular Physics, 115(15-16), 1966–1970.
Mendive-Tapia, D., Firmino, T., Meyer, H. D., & Gatti, F. (2017). Towards a systematic convergence of Multi-Layer (ML) Multi-Configuration Time-Dependent Hartree nuclear wavefunctions: The ML-spawning algorithm. CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 482, 113–123.
Muzas, A. S., del Cueto, M., Gatti, F., Somers, M. F., Kroes, G. J., Martin, F., & Diaz, C. (2017). H-2/LiF(001) diffractive scattering under fast grazing incidence using a DFT-based potential energy surface. Physical Review B, 96(20), 205432.
Résumé: Grazing incidence fast molecule diffraction (GIFMD) has been recently used to study a number of surfaces, but this experimental effort has not been followed, to present, by a subsequent theoretical endeavor. Aiming at filling this gap, in this work, we have carried out GIFMD simulations for the benchmark system H-2/ LiF(001). To perform our study, we have built a six-dimensional potential energy surface (6D-PES) by applying a modified version of the corrugation reducing procedure (CRP) to a set of density functional theory (DFT) energies. Based on this CRP interpolated PES, we have conducted quantum dynamics calculations using both the multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree and the time-dependent wave packet propagation methods. We have compared the results of our GIFMD simulations with available experimental spectra. From this comparison, we have uncovered a prominent role of the interaction between the quadrupole moment of H-2 and the electric field associated with LiF(001) for specific incidence crystallographic directions. We show that, on the one hand, the molecule's initial rotation strongly affects its diffractive scattering and, on the other hand, the scattering is predominantly rotationally elastic over a wide range of incidence conditions typical for GIFMD experiments.
Ndengue, S., Dawes, R., Gatti, F., & Meyer, H. D. (2017). Atom-triatom rigid rotor inelastic scattering with the MultiConfiguration Time Dependent Hartree approach. Chemical Physics Letters, 668, 42–46.
Résumé: The inelastic scattering between a rigid rotor triatomic molecule and an atom is described within the frame of the MultiConfiguration Time dependent Hartree (MCTDH) method. Sample calculations are done on the H2O-Ar system for which a flexible 6D PES (used here in the rigid rotor approximation) has been recently computed in our group and will be presented separately. The results are compared with corresponding time independent calculations using the Arthurs and Dalgarno approach and confirm as expected the equivalence of the two methods. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nguyen-Dang, T. T., Peters, M., Viau-Trudel, J., Couture-Bienvenue, E., Puthumpally-Joseph, R., Charron, E., & Atabek, O. (2017). Laser-induced electron diffraction: alignment defects and symmetry breaking. Molecular Physics, 115(15-16), 1934–1943.
Résumé: The fringe pattern that allows geometrical and orbital structure information to be extracted from LIED (laser-induced electron diffraction) spectra of symmetric molecules is shown to reflect a symmetry conservation principle. We show that under a field polarisation which preserves certain symmetry elements of the molecule, the symmetry character of the initial wave function is conserved during its time-evolution. We present a symmetry analysis of a deviation from a perfect alignment by decomposing the field into a major, symmetry-determining part, and a minor, symmetry-breaking part. This decomposition leads to a corresponding factorisation of the time-evolution operator. The formalism is applied to the analysis of the robustness of LIED readings and inversions with respect to deviations from a perfect perpendicular and parallel alignment of a symmetric ABA triatomic molecule. The results indicate a particularly strong stability of the type of LIED spectra associated with the perpendicular alignment situation.
Puthumpally-Joseph R., Mangaud E., Desouter-Lecomte M., Atabek O., & Sugny D. (2017). Towards laser control of open quantum systems: Memory effects. Mol. Phys., 115, 1944.
Puthumpally-Joseph, R., Viau-Trudel, J., Peters, M., Nguyen-Dang, T. T., Atabek, O., & Charron, E. (2017). Laser-induced electron diffraction: inversion of photo-electron spectra for molecular orbital imaging. Molecular Physics, 115(15-16), 1889–1897.
Résumé: In this paper, we discuss the possibility of imaging molecular orbitals from photoelectron spectra obtained via laser -induced electron diffraction in linear molecules. This is an extension of our recent work to the case of the HOMO-1 orbital of the carbon dioxide molecule. We show that such an imaging technique has the potential to image molecular orbitals at different internuclear distances in a sub-femtosecond time scale and with a resolution of a fraction of an Angström.
Sukharev, M., & Charron, E. (2017). Molecular plasmonics: The role of rovibrational molecular states in exciton-plasmon materials under strong-coupling conditions. Phys. Rev. B, 95, 115406.
2016 |
Decleva, P., Quadri, N., Perveaux, A., Lauvergnat, D., Gatti, F., Lasorne, B., Halasz, G. J., & Vibok, A. (2016). Attosecond electronic and nuclear quantum photodynamics of ozone monitored with time and angle resolved photoelectron spectra. Scientific Reports, 6, 36613.
Résumé: Recently we reported a series of numerical simulations proving that it is possible in principle to create an electronic wave packet and subsequent electronic motion in a neutral molecule photoexcited by a UV pump pulse within a few femtoseconds. We considered the ozone molecule: for this system the electronic wave packet leads to a dissociation process. In the present work, we investigate more specifically the time-resolved photoelectron angular distribution of the ozone molecule that provides a much more detailed description of the evolution of the electronic wave packet. We thus show that this experimental technique should be able to give access to observing in real time the creation of an electronic wave packet in a neutral molecule and its impact on a chemical process.
Del Cueto, M. M., AS Fuchsel, G Gatti, F Martin, F Diaz, C AF del Cueto, M. Muzas, A. S. Fuechsel, G. Gatti, F. Martin, F. Diaz. (2016). Role of van der Waals forces in the diffraction of noble gases from metal surfaces. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 93(6), 060301.
Fedortchenko S., Huppert S., Vasanelli A., Todorov Y., Ciuti C., Keller A., Coudreau T., & Milman P. (2016). Output squeezed radiation from dispersive ultrastrong light-matter coupling. Phys. Rev. A, 94, 013821.
Finkelstein-Shapiro, D., Calatayud, M., Atabek, O., Mujica, V., & Keller, A. (2016). Nonlinear Fano interferences in open quantum systems: An exactly solvable model. Physical Review A, 93, 063414.
Firmino, T., Mangaud, E., Cailliez, F., Devolder, A., Mendive-Tapia, D., Gatti, F., Meier, C., Desouter-Lecomte, M., & de la Lande, A. (2016). Quantum effects in ultrafast electron transfers within cryptochromes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(31), 21442–21457.
Résumé: Cryptochromes and photolyases are flavoproteins that may undergo ultrafast charge separation upon electronic excitation of their flavin cofactors. Charge separation involves chains of three or four tryptophan residues depending on the protein of interest. The molecular mechanisms of these processes are not completely clear. In the present work we investigate the relevance of quantum effects like the occurrence of nuclear tunneling and of coherences upon charge transfer in Arabidopsis thaliana cryptochromes. The possible breakdown of the Condon approximation is also investigated. We have devised a simulation protocol based on the realization of molecular dynamics simulations on diabatic potential energy surfaces defined at the hybrid constrained density functional theory/molecular mechanics level. The outcomes of the simulations are analyzed through various dedicated kinetics schemes related to the Marcus theory that account for the aforementioned quantum effects. MD simulations also provide a basic material to define realistic model Hamiltonians for subsequent quantum dissipative dynamics. To carry out quantum simulations, we have implemented an algorithm based on the Hierarchical Equations of Motion. With this new tool in hand we have been able to model the electron transfer chain considering either two- or three-state models. Kinetic models and quantum simulations converge to the conclusion that quantum effects have a significant impact on the rate of charge separation. Nuclear tunneling involving atoms of the tryptophan redox cofactors as well as of the environment (protein atoms and water molecules) is significant. On the other hand non-Condon effects are negligible in most simulations. Taken together, the results of the present work provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms controlling charge separation in this family of flavoproteins.
Ketterer A., Keller, A., Walborn S. P., Coudreau T., & Milman P. (2016). Quantum information processing in phase space: a modular variables approach. Phys. Rev. A, 94, 022325.
Laversanne-Finot A., Ketterer A., Barros M. R., Walborn S. P., Coudreau T., Keller A., & Milman P. (2016). Contextually in a Peres-Mermin square using arbitrary operators. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 701, 012026).
Leclerc, A., Viennot, D., Jolicard, G., Lefebvre, R., & Atabek, O. (2016). Controlling vibrational cooling with Zero-Width Resonnaces: An adiabatic Floquet approach. Phys. Rev. A, 94, 043409.
Lefebvre, R. (2016). Factorization and recomposition of molecular wave functions. J Chem Phys, 145(12), 124108.
Résumé: Some situations in the determination of molecular wave functions require to go beyond the Born-Oppenheimer (BO) approximation, with the wave function written as the product of an electronic wave function depending parametrically on the nuclear coordinates and a nuclear wave function. Such situations are usually treated by combining BO products. This form of the wave function leads to coupled equations which determine the nuclear factors of these products. There is another possibility: writing the exact molecular wave function as a single product having formally the same structure as a BO product. This approach has been at the origin of recent developments. We reconsider this problem with the aim of looking at the solutions of the coupled equations which determine the electronic factor of the factorization scheme. It is shown that these coupled equations can be reduced precisely to those encountered with the usual combination of diabatic BO products.
Puthumpally-Joseph, R., Sukharev, M., & Charron, E. (2016). Non-Hermitian wave packet approximation for coupled two-level systems in weak and intense fields. J. Chem. Phys., 144(15), 154109.
Résumé: We introduce a non-Hermitian Schrodinger-type approximation of optical Bloch equations for two-level systems. This approximation provides a complete and accurate description of the coherence and decoherence dynamics in both weak and strong laser fields at the cost of losing accuracy in the description of populations. In this approach, it is sufficient to propagate the wave function of the quantum system instead of the density matrix, providing that relaxation and dephasing are taken into account via automatically adjusted time-dependent gain and decay rates. The developed formalism is applied to the problem of scattering and absorption of electromagnetic radiation by a thin layer comprised of interacting two-level emitters.
Puthumpally-Joseph, R., Viau-Trudel, J., Peters, M., Nguyen-Dang, T. T., Atabek, O., & Charron, E. (2016). Inversion of strong-field photoelectron spectra for molecular orbital imaging. Phys. Rev. A, 94(2), 023421.
Résumé: Imaging structures at the molecular level is a developing interdisciplinary research field that spans the boundaries of physics and chemistry. High-spatial-resolution images of molecules can be obtained with photons or ultrafast electrons. In addition, images of valence molecular orbitals can be extracted via tomographic techniques based on the coherent extreme UV radiation emitted by a molecular gas exposed to an intense ultrashort infrared laser pulse. In this paper, we demonstrate that similar information can be obtained by inverting energy-resolved photoelectron spectra using a simplified analytical model.
Saideh V., Felicetti S., Coudreau T., Milman P., & Keller A. (2016). Generalized spin-squeezing inequalities for particle number with quantum fluctuations. Phys. Rev. A, 94, 032312.
Zhao, Z. Q., Chen, J., Zhang, Z. J., Zhang, D. H., Lauvergnat, D., & Gatti, F. (2016). Full-dimensional vibrational calculations of five-atom molecules using a combination of Radau and Jacobi coordinates: Applications to methane and fluoromethane. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 144(20), 204302.
2015 |
Barros M. R., Farías O. J., Keller A., Coudreau T., Milman P., & Walborn S. P. (2015). Detecting multipartite spatial entanglement with modular variables. Phys. Rev. A, 92, 022308.
Boucher G., Douce T., Bresteau D., Walborn S. P., Keller A., Coudreau T., Ducci S., & Milman P. (2015). Toolbox for continuous-variable entanglement production and measurement using spontaneous parametric down-conversion. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 92, 023804.
Jaouadi, A., Telmini, M., & Charron, E. (2015). Bose-Einstein condensation with a finite number of particles in a power-law trap. Phys. Rev. A, 92(1), 017602.
Keller A., & Milman P. (2015). La téléportation révolutionne la communication. La Recherche, 501(Juillet).
Ketterer A., Keller A., Coudreau T., & Milman P. (2015). Testing the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality using observables with arbitrary spectrum. Phys. Rev. A, 91, 012106.
Lefebvre R. (2015). Intense-field molecular photodissociation : the adiabatic views. In Frontiers in Quantum Methods and Applications in Chemistry and Physics, XIX (pp. 135–145).
Lefebvre, R. (2015). Factorized molecular wave functions: Analysis of the nuclear factor. J Chem Phys, 142(21), 214105.
Résumé: The exact factorization of molecular wave functions leads to nuclear factors which should be nodeless functions. We reconsider the case of vibrational perturbations in a diatomic species, a situation usually treated by combining Born-Oppenheimer products. It was shown [R. Lefebvre, J. Chem. Phys. 142, 074106 (2015)] that it is possible to derive, from the solutions of coupled equations, the form of the factorized function. By increasing artificially the interstate coupling in the usual approach, the adiabatic regime can be reached, whereby the wave function can be reduced to a single product. The nuclear factor of this product is determined by the lowest of the two potentials obtained by diagonalization of the potential matrix. By comparison with the nuclear wave function of the factorized scheme, it is shown that by a simple rectification, an agreement is obtained between the modified nodeless function and that of the adiabatic scheme.
Lefebvre, R. (2015). Perturbations in vibrational diatomic spectra: factorization of the molecular wave function. J Chem Phys, 142(7), 074106.
Résumé: The coupling between two electronic states of a diatomic molecule may lead to an erratic behaviour of the associated vibrational energies. An example is the homogeneous coupling between the valence b' state and the Rydberg c' state of the N2 molecule, both of symmetry (1)Sigmau (+). The standard treatment of such a situation is to write the wave function as a sum of two Born-Oppenheimer products. It has recently been argued [L. S. Cederbaum, J. Chem. Phys. 138, 224110 (2013); N. I. Gidopoulos and E. K. U. Gross, Philos. Trans. R. Soc., A 372, 20130059 (2014)] that even in such a case the wave function should be representable as a single product, with an electronic factor depending parametrically on nuclear positions and a nuclear factor. We setup such a representation in the case of the perturbations in the N2 molecule.
Moreira S. V., Keller A., Coudreau T., & Milman P. (2015). Modeling Leggett-Garg inequality violation. Phys. Rev. A, 92, 062132.
Puthumpally-Joseph, R., Atabek, O., Sukharev, M., & Charron, E. (2015). Theoretical analysis of dipole-induced electromagnetic transparency. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 91, 043835.
Saideh I., Ribeiro A. D., Ferrini G., Coudreau T., Milman P., & Keller A. (2015). General dichotomization procedure to provide qudit entanglement criteria. Phys. Rev. A, 92, 052334.
2014 |
Boucher G., Eckstein A., Orieux A., Favero I., Leo G., Coudreau T., Keller A., Milman P., & Ducci S. (2014). Polarization-entanglement generation and control in a counterpropagating phase-matching geometry. Phys. Rev. A, 89, 033815.
Fedortchenko S., Keller A., Coudreau T., & Milman P. (2014). Finite-temperature reservoir engineering and entanglement dynamics. Phys. Rev. A, 90, 042103.
Mandilara A., Coudreau T., Keller A., & Milman P. (2014). Entanglement classification of pure symmetric states via spin coherent states. Phys. Rev. A, 90, 050302(R).
Puthumpally-Joseph, R., Sukharev, M., Atabek, O., & Charron, E. (2014). Dipole-Induced Electromagnetic Transparency. Phys. Rev. Lett., 113, 163603.
Tarakeshwar P., Palma J. L., Finkelstein-Shapiro D., Keller A., Urdaneta I., Calatayud M., Atabek O., & Mujica V. (2014). SERS as a probe of charge-transfer pathways in hybrid dye/molecule-metal oxide complexes. J. Phys. Chem. C, 118, 3774.
Urdaneta I., Keller A., Atabek O., Palma J. L., Finkelstein-Shapiro D., Tarakeshwar P., Mujica V., & Calatayud M. (2014). Dopamine Adsorption on TiO2 Anatase Surfaces. J. Phys. Chem. C, 118, 20688.
Urdaneta I., Pilmé J., Keller A., Atabek O., Tarakeshwar P., Mujica V., & Calatayud M. (2014). Probing Raman enhancement in Dopamine-Ti2O4 hybrid using stretched molecular geometries. J. Phys. Chem. A, 118, 1196.
Vernaz-Gris P., Ketterer A., Keller A., Walborn S. P., Coudreau T., & Milman P. (2014). Continuous discretization of innite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. Phys. Rev. A, 89, 052311.
2013 |
Charron, E., & Sukharev, M. (2013). Non-Hermitian wave packet approximation of Bloch optical equations. J. Chem. Phys., 138, 024108.
Douce T., Eckstein A., Walborn S. P., Khoury A. Z., Ducci S., Keller A., Coudreau T., & Milman P. (2013). Direct measurement of the biphoton Wigner function through two-photon interference. Scientific Reports, 3, 3530.
2012 |
Peters, M., Nguyen-Dang, T. T., Charron, E., Keller, A., & Atabek, O. (2012). Laser-induced electron diffraction: A tool for molecular orbital imaging. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 85(5), 053417.
2011 |
Peters, M., Nguyen-Dang, T. T., Cornaggia, C., Saugout, S., Charron, E., Keller, A., & Atabek, O. (2011). Ultrafast molecular imaging by laser-induced electron diffraction. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 83, 051403.
2008 |
Saugout, S., Charron, E., & Cornaggia, C. (2008). H2 double ionization with few-cycle laser pulses. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 77, 023404.