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Home > Research Teams > Surfaces, Interfaces, Molecules & 2D Materials (SIM2D) > Surface chemistry & slow electrons, 0-50eV > Publications



Basalgète, R., Dupuy, R., Féraud, G., Romanzin, C., Philippe, L., Michaut, X., Michoud, J., Amiaud, L., Lafosse, A., Fillion, J. - H., & Bertin, M. (2021). Complex organic molecules in protoplanetary disks: X-ray photodesorption from methanol-containing ices: I. Pure methanol ices. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 647, A35.
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Basalgète, R., Dupuy, R., Féraud, G., Romanzin, C., Philippe, L., Michaut, X., Michoud, J., Amiaud, L., Lafosse, A., Fillion, J. - H., & Bertin, M. (2021). Complex organic molecules in protoplanetary disks: X-ray photodesorption from methanol-containing ices: II. Mixed methanol-CO and methanol-H<sub>2</sub>O ices. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 647, A36.
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Rathore, A., Cipriani, M., Huang, C. - C., Amiaud, L., Dablemont, C., Lafosse, A., Ingolfsson, O., De Simone, D., & De Gendt, S. (2021). Electron-induced fragmentation mechanisms in organic monomers and their implications for photoresist optimization for EUV lithography. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 23, 9228–9234.
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Sala, L., Szymańska, I. B., Dablemont, C., Lafosse, A., & Amiaud, L. (2018). Response under low-energy electron irradiation of a thin film of a potential copper precursor for focused electron beam induced deposition (FEBID). Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 9, 57–65.
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Houdoux, D., Houplin, J., Amiaud, L., Lafosse, A., & Dablemont, C. (2017). Interfacial water on organic substrates at cryogenic temperatures: hydrogen bonding and quantification in the submonolayer regime. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 19(3), 2304–2312.
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Amiaud, L., Fillion, J. - H., Dulieu, F., Momeni, A., & Lemaire, J. - L. (2015). Physisorption and desorption of H2, HD and D2 on amorphous solid water ice. Effect on mixing isotopologue on statistical population of adsorption sites. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 17(44), 30148–30157.
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Houplin, J., Amiaud, L., Dablemont, C., & Lafosse, A. (2015). DOS and electron attachment effects in the electron-induced vibrational excitation of terphenylthiol SAMs. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 17(45), 30721–30728.
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Houplin, J., Amiaud, L., Sedzik, T., Dablemont, C., Teillet-Billy, D., Rougeau, N., & Lafosse, A. (2015). A combined DFT/HREELS study of the vibrational modes of terphenylthiol SAMs. Eur. Phys. J. D, 69(9), 9 pp.
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Houplin, J., Dablemont, C., Sala, L., Lafosse, A., & Amiaud, L. (2015). Electron Processing at 50 eV of Terphenylthiol Self-Assembled Monolayers: Contributions of Primary and Secondary Electrons. Langmuir, 31(50), 13528–13534.
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Amiaud, L., Houplin, J., Bourdier, M., Humblot, V., Azria, R., Pradier, C. - M., & Lafosse, A. (2014). Low-energy electron induced resonant loss of aromaticity: consequences on cross-linking in terphenylthiol SAMs. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 16(3), 1050–1059.
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Piekarczyk, A., Bald, I., Flosadóttir, H. D., Ómarsson, B., Lafosse, A., & Ingólfsson, O. (2014). Influence of metal ion complexation on the metastable fragmentation of DNA hexamers. Eur. Phys. J. D, 68(6), 146.
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Houplin, J., Amiaud, L., Humblot, V., Martin, I., Matar, E., Azria, R., Pradier, C. M., & Lafosse, A. (2013). Selective terminal function modification of SAMs driven by low-energy electrons (0-15 eV). Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15(19), 7220–7227.
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Amiaud, L., Martin, I., Milosavljevic, A. R., Michaelson, S., Hoffman, A., Azria, R., & Lafosse, A. (2011). Low-energy electron scattering on deuterated nanocrystalline diamond films-a model system for understanding the interplay between density-of- states, excitation mechanisms and surface versus lattice contributions. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 13(24), 11495–11502.
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Azria, R., Lafosse, A., Amiaud, L., Michaelson, S., & Hoffman, A. (2011). Hydrogenated polycrystalline diamond films: Elastic and inelastic electron reflectivity. PROGRESS IN SURFACE SCIENCE, 86(5-8), 94–114.
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Kristensen, L. E., Amiaud, L., Fillion, J. - H., Dulieu, F., & Lemaire, J. - L. (2011). H-2, HD, and D-2 abundances on ice-covered dust grains in dark clouds. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 527.
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Fillion, J. H., Amiaud, L., Congiu, E., Dulieu, F., Momeni, A., & Lemaire, J. L. (2009). D-2 desorption kinetics on amorphous solid water: from compact to porous ice films. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 11(21), 4396–4402.
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Lafosse, A., Bertin, M., & Azria, R. (2009). Electron driven processes in ices: Surface functionalization and synthesis reactions. PROGRESS IN SURFACE SCIENCE, 84(5-6), 177–198.
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Lafosse, A., Bertin, M., Hoffman, A., & Azria, R. (2009). Surface functionalization by low-energy electron processing of molecular ices. SURFACE SCIENCE, 603(10-12), 1873–1877.
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Abouaf, R., & Teillet-Billy, D. (2008). Low energy electron collisions in H2S and H2Se: Structure in dissociative attachment cross-sections. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, 277(1-3), 79–83.
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Abouaf, R., Ptasinska, S., & Teillet-Billy, D. (2008). Low energy electron impact on gas phase 5-nitrouracil. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 455(4-6), 169–173.
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Amiaud, L., Momeni, A., Dulieu, F., Fillion, J. H., Matar, E., & Lemaire, J. L. (2008). Measurement of the adsorption energy difference between ortho- and para-D(2) on an amorphous ice surface. Phys. Rev. Lett., 100(5), 056101.
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Burean, E., Abouaf, R., Lafosse, A., Azria, R., & Swiderek, P. (2008). High-resolution vibrational electron-energy-loss spectroscopy of gaseous and solid glycine. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 112(25), 9405–9411.
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Hoffman, A., Lafosse, A., Michaelson, S., Bertin, M., & Azria, R. (2008). Nano size effects in the high resolution electron energy loss spectra and excitation function of hydrogenated diamond films. SURFACE SCIENCE, 602(18), 3026–3032.
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Lafosse, A., Bertin, M., Michaelson, S., Azria, R., Akhvlediani, R., & Hoffman, A. (2008). Surface defects induced by in-situ annealing of hydrogenated polycrystalline diamond studied by high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy. DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, 17(6), 949–953.
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Lemaire, J. L., Fillion, J. H., Dulieu, F., Momeni, A., Baouche, S., Amiaud, L., & Cobut, V. (2008). Formation of molecules in the interstellar medium. In search for formation mechanisms of molecular H2 on the interstellar dust grains: the FORMOLISM experiment. Actual Chim., (315), III-IX.
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Amiaud, L., Dulieu, F., Fillion, J. H., Momeni, A., & Lemaire, J. L. (2007). Interaction of atomic and molecular deuterium with a nonporous amorphous water ice surface between 8 and 30 K. J. Chem. Phys., 127(14), 12 pp.
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Amiaud, L., Fillion, J. H., Baouche, S., Dulieu, F., Momeni, A., & Lemaire, J. L. (2006). Interaction of D-2 with H2O amorphous ice studied by temperature-programed desorption experiments. J. Chem. Phys., 124(9), 9 pp.
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Dulieu, F., Amiaud, L., Baouche, S., Momeni, A., Fillion, J. H., & Lemaire, J. L. (2005). Isotopic segregation of molecular hydrogen on water ice surface at low temperature. Chem. Phys. Lett., 404(1-3), 187–191.
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