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Accueil > Annuaire > Soorkia Satchin
- 8 janvier 2022 (modifié le 11 avril 2024)Contact :
2018 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (Université Paris Sud)
2008 - 2010 : Post-doctorat à University of California at Berkeley et Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
2005 - 2008 : Doctorat en Physico-Chimie (Université Paris Sud), CEN Saclay
sous la direction de Benoît Soep
2004 - 2005 : Master de Physique Fondamentale et Application, parcours Physique Expérimentale des Atomes et des Molécules (Université Paris 6)
2000 - 2004 : Maîtrise de Chimie-Physique (Université de Marne-la-Vallée)
Coopération scientifique internationale
Direction de thèse
Activités administratives
1) - Ab initio study of the spin-orbit coupling between the and electronic states of Na2.
S. Soorkia, F. Le Quéré, C. Léonard and D. Figgen - Mol. Phys. 105 9 (2007) 1095-1104
2) - Bidentate ligation of magnesium by 1,2-dimethoxyethane in the gas phase.
S. Soorkia, M. Collier, B. Soep and J.-M. Mestdagh - J. Chem. Phys. 131 22 (2009) 224319
3) - Reaction of the C2H radical with 1-butyne (C4H6) : Low temperature kinetics and isomer-specific product detection.
S. Soorkia, A. J. Trevitt, T. M. Selby, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, K. R. Wilson and S. R. Leone – J. Phys. Chem. A. 114 9 (2010) 3340-3354
4) - Reactions of laser ablated zirconium atoms within a supersonic expansion : insertion versus radical mechanism.
S. Soorkia, C. Pothier, J. -M. Mestdagh and B. Soep - J. Phys. Chem. A. 114 18 (2010) 5655-5665
5) - Photodepletion of the Zr..F-CH3 van der Waals complex.
S. Soorkia, J. -M Mestdagh, J. Liévin and B. Soep - Chem. Phys. Letters 491 4-6 (2010) 140-145
6) - Direct detection of pyridine (C5H5N) formation by the reaction of CH (CD) with pyrrole : a ring expansion reaction.
S. Soorkia, C. A. Taatjes, D. L. Osborn, T. M. Selby, A. J. Trevitt, K. R. Wilson and S. R. Leone - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12 31 (2010) 8750-8758
7) - Determination of the ground electronic state in transition metal halides : ZrF
S. Soorkia, M. -A. Gaveau, J. -M. Mestdagh, N. Shafizadeh, J. Liévin, B. Soep and R. W. Field - J. Phys. Chem. A. 115 34 (2010) 9620-9632
8) - UV photodissociation dynamics of deprotonated 2’-deoxyadenosine 5’-monophosphate [5’-dAMP-H]-
Sunil S. Kumar, M. Pérot-Taillandier, B. Lucas, S. Soorkia, M. Barat and J. A. Fayeton - J. Phys. Chem. A. 115 38 (2010) 10383-10390
9) - Branching fractions of the CN + C3H6 reaction using synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry : evidence for the 3-cyanopropene product
A. J. Trevitt, S. Soorkia, J. D. Savee, T. S. Selby, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes and S. R. Leone - J. Phys. Chem. A. 115 46 (2011) 13467-13473
10) - Airfoil sampling of a pulsed Laval beam with tunable vacuum ultraviolet synchrotron ionization quadrupole mass spectrometry : Application to low-temperature kinetics and product detection
S. Soorkia, C.-L. Liu, J. D. Savee, S. J. Ferrell, S. R. Leone and K. R. Wilson - Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82 12 (2011) 124102
11) - Detection of pentatetraene by reaction of the ethynyl radical (C2H) with allene (CH2=C=CH2) at room temperature
F. Goulay, S. Soorkia, C.-L. Liu, J. D. Savee, S. J. Ferrell, S. R. Leone and K. R. Wilson
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13 46 (2011) 20820-20827
12) - Absolute photoionization cross-section of the propargyl radical
J. D. Savee, S. Soorkia, O. Welz, T. M. Selby, C. A. Taatjes and D. L. Osborn - J. Chem. Phys. 136 13 (2012) 134307
13) - Cα-Cβ chromophore bond dissociation in protonated tyrosine-methionine, methionine-tyrosine, tryptophan-methionine, methionine-tryptophan and their sulfoxide analogs
Sunil S. Kumar, B. Lucas, S. Soorkia, M. Barat and J. A. Fayeton - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14 (2012) 10225-10232
14) - Radical-neutral chemical reactions studied at low temperature with VUV
synchrotron photoionization mass spectrometry.
S. Soorkia, S. R. Leone and K. R. Wilson - AIP Conf. Proc. 1501 (2012) 1365-1372
15) - Photofragmentation at 263 nm of small peptides containing tyrosine : role of the charge transfer on CO.
Ch. Dehon, S. Soorkia, M. Pedrazzani, Ch. Jouvet, M. Barat, J. A. Fayeton and B. Lucas - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15 (2013) 8779-8788
16) - Electronic spectra of the protonated indole chromophore in the gas phase.
I. Alata, J. Bert, M. Broquier, C. Dedonder, G. Ferraud, G. Grégoire, S. Soorkia, E. Marceca and Ch. Jouvet - J. Phys. Chem. A. 117 21 (2013) 4420-4427
17) - Photo-fragmentation spectroscopy of benzylium and 1-phenylethyl cations.
G. Féraud, C. Dedonder-Lardeux, S. Soorkia and C. Jouvet - J. Chem. Phys. 140 024302 (2014)
18) - Photo-fragmentation spectroscopy of cold protonated aromatic amines in the gas phase.
G. Féraud, M. Broquier, C. Dedonder-Lardeux, G. Grégoire, S. Soorkia and C. Jouvet - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16 (2014) 5250-5259
19) - UV photofragmentation dynamics of protonated cystine : disulfide bond rupture
S. Soorkia, C. Dehon, S. Kumar, M. Pedrazzani, E. Frantzen, B. Lucas, M. Barat, J. Fayeton and C. Jouvet - J. Phys. Chem. Letters 5 (2014) 1110-1116
20) - Excited-states dynamics of protonated phenylalanine and tyrosine : photo-induced reactions following electronic excitation
G. Ferraud, M. Broquier, C. Dedonder-Lardeux, C. Jouvet, G. Grégoire and S. Soorkia - J. Phys. Chem. A. 119 (2014) 5914-5924
21) - Cold ion UV photofragmentation spectroscopy and dynamics
G. Ferraud, M. Broquier, C. Dedonder-Lardeux, C. Jouvet, G. Grégoire and S. Soorkia - AIP Conf. Proc. 1628 (2014) 870-878
22) - Conformer- and mode-specific excited state lifetimes of cold protonated tyrosine ions
S. Soorkia, M. Broquier and G. Grégoire - J. Phys. Chem. Letters 5 (2014) 4349
23) - Comprehensive study of cold protonated tyramine : UV photodissociation experiments and ab initio calculations.
M. Broquier, S. Soorkia and G. Grégoire - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 (2015) 25854-25862
24) - Bonding of heme FeIII with dioxygen : observation and characterization of an incipient bond
Léa Ferrand, S. Soorkia, G. Grégoire, M. Broquier, B. Soep and N. Shafizadeh - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17 (2015) 25693-25699
25) - Ion-induced dipole interactions and fragmentation times : Cα-Cβ chromophore bond dissociation channel.
S. Soorkia, C. Dehon, S. Sunil Kumar, M. Pérot-Taillandier, B. Lucas, C. Jouvet, M. Barat and J. A. Fayeton - J. Phys. Chem. Letters 6 (2015) 2070-2074
26) - Non-radiative processes in protonated aromatic azine, diazines and pyrimidine bases.
G. A. Pino, G. Feraud, M. Broquier, G. Grégoire, S. Soorkia, C. Dedonder and C. Jouvet - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18 (2016) 20126
27) - Twisted Intramolecular Charge Transfer in Protonated Amino Pyridine
M. Broquier, S. Soorkia, C. Dedonder-Lardeux, C. Jouvet, P. Theulé and G. Grégoire - J. Chem. Phys. 120 (2016) 3797
28) - Multiscale Excited State Lifetimes in Protonated Dimethylaminopyridines
S. Soorkia, M. Broquier and G. Grégoire - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18 (2016) 23785
29) - Dioxygen binding to protonated heme in the gas phase, an intermediate between ferric and ferrous heme.
N. Shafizadeh, S. Soorkia, G. Grégoire, M. Broquier, M.-E. Crestoni and B. Soep - Chem. Eur. J. 23 (2017) 13493
30) - Excited State Dynamics of Cold Protonated Cytosine Tautomers : Characterization of Charge Transfer, Inter System Crossing and Internal Conversion Processes
M. Broquier, S. Soorkia, G. Pino, C. Dedonder-Lardeux, C. Jouvet and G. Grégoire - J. Phys. Chem. A 121 (2017) 6429
31) - Tautomerism and electronic spectroscopy of protonated 1- and 2-aminonaphthalene
J. Noble, M. Broquier, G. Grégoire, S. Soorkia, G. Pino, E. Marceca, C. Dedonder-Lardeux and C. Jouvet - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 (2018) 6134
32) - Photodissociation spectroscopy of cold protonated synephrine : surprising differences between IR-UV hole-burning and IR photodissociation spectroscopy of the O-H and n-H modes
N. Nieuwjaer, C. Desfrançois, F. Lecomte, B. Manil, S. Soorkia, M. Broquier and G. Grégoire - J. Phys. Chem. A 122 (2018) 3798
33) - The surprisingly high ligation energy of CO to Ruthenium porphyrins
N. Shafizadeh, S. Boyé-Péronne, S. Soorkia, B. Cunha de Miranda, G. A. Garcia, L. Nahon, S. Chen, A. de la Lande, L. Poisson and B. Soep - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 (2018) 11730
34) - The dramatic effect of N-methylimidazole on trans axial ligand binding to ferric heme : experiment and theory
M. Arabi, R. Omidyan, S. Soorkia, G. Grégoire, M. Broquier, M. E. Crestoni, A. de la Lande, B. Soep and N. Shafizadeh - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21 (2019) 1750
35) - UV photoinduced dynamics of conformer-resolved aromatic peptides
S. Soorkia, C. Jouvet and G. Grégoire - Chem. Rev. 120 (2019) 3296
36) - Water binding to FeIII hemes studied in a cooled ion trap, characterization of a strong weak ligand
M. Arabi, S. Soorkia, G. Grégoire, M. Broquier, A. de la Lande, B. Soep, R. Omidyan and N. Shafizadeh - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21 (2019) 21329
37) - UV photofragmentation of cold Cytosine-M+ complexes (M+ : Na+, K+, Ag+)
M. I. Taccone, A. Cruz, J. Dezalay, S. Soorkia, M. Broquier, G. Grégoire, C. G. Sanchez and G. A. Pino - J. Phys. Chem. A 123 (2019) 7744
38) - Excited-state proton transfer in protonated adrenaline revealed by cryogenic UV photodissociation spectroscopy
J. Dezalay, M. Broquier, S. Soorkia, K. Hirata, S.-I. Ishiuchi, M. Fujii and G. Grégoire - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22 (2020) 11498
39) - Excited state dynamics of protonated keto uracil : intersystem crossing pathways in competition
J. Dezalay, M. Broquier, S. Soorkia, and G. Grégoire - Eur. Phys. J. D Phys. 75 (2021) 17
40) - UV Photodissociation action spectra of protonated formylpyridines
B. McKinnon, S. Marlton, J. Dezalay, S. Soorkia, S. Blanskby and A. Trevitt - J. Chem. Phys. 157 (2022) 134305
41) - Conformer-selective Photodynamics of TrpH+-H2O
F. Molina, J. Dezalay, J.-I Tabata, S. Soorkia, M. Broquier, K. Hirata, S.-I Ishiuchi, M. Fujii and G. Grégoire - Chem. Phys. Chem. (2022) DOI : 10.1002/cphc.202200916
42) - Cryogenic IR and UV spectroscopy of isomer-selected cytosine radical cation
F. Molina, J. Dezalay, S. Soorkia, M. Broquier, M. Hochlaf, G. Pino and G. Grégoire - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 24 (2022) 25182
43) Radical-radical reactions in molecular weight growth : the phenyl + propargyl reaction
T. M. Selby, F. Goulay, S. Soorkia, A. Ray, A. W. Jasper, S. J. Klippenstein, A. N. Mozorov, A. M. Mebel, J. D. Savee, C. A. Taatjes and D. L. Osborn - J. Phys. Chem. A (2023) DOI : 10.1021/acs.jpca.2c08121
44) - Chlorophyll and Pheophytin protonated and deprotonated ions : observation and theory
M. Diop, M. El-Hayek, J. Attard, A. Muhieddine, V. Veremeienko, S. Soorkia, Ph. Carbonnière, A. de la Lande, B. Soep and N. Shafizadeh - J. Chem. Phys. (2023) DOI : 10.1063/5.0174351
45) Selective tautomer production and cryogenic ion spectroscopy of radical cations : the uracil and thymine cases
F. Molina, M. Broquier, S. Soorkia, G. Grégoire and G. A. Pino - J. Phys. Chem. A (2023) accepted