2014 |
Meance, S., Gamby, J., Faure, M., Kou, Q. L., & Haghiri-Gosnet, A. M. (2014). Electrochemiluminescence on-a-chip: Towards a hand-held electrically powered optofluidic source. Talanta, 129, 150–154.
Résumé: We report a microfluidic platform that integrates several parallel optical sources based on electrochemiluminescence (ECL) of 9,10-diphenylanthracene (DPA) as luminophore agent. The annihilation of DPA radicals provides a low wavelength emission at lambda=430 nm in the blue-visible range. By varying the distance between electrodes for each ECL integrated source, this glass/PDMS/glass platform enabled a systematic investigation of the main electrochemical parameters involved in ECL These parameters have been studied either in a static mode or in a dynamic one. Even at slow flow rate (similar to 2 μl s(-1)), the renewal of electroactive species could be easily promoted inside the microfluidic channel which gives rise to a stable optical intensity for several minutes. Compared with traditional optically pumped dye sources, this microfluidic system demonstrates that ECL can be easily implemented on chip for producing much compact optofluidic sources. Such simply electrically powered system-on-chip would surely encourage the future of hand-held μTAS devices with integrated fast detection and embedded electronics. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2013 |
Song, J., Bouchoule, S., Patriarche, G., Galopin, E., Yacomotti, A. M., Cambril, E., Kou, Q., Troadec, D., He, J. - J., & Harmand, J. - C. (2013). Improvement of the oxidation interface in an AlGaAs/AlxOy waveguide structure by using a GaAs/AlAs superlattice. Physica Status Solidi A-Applications And Materials Science, 210(6), 1171–1177.
Résumé: The wet oxidation from the mesa sidewalls of AlGaAs/GaAs epitaxial structures is investigated in details. In addition to the intended lateral oxidation of the Al-rich buried layer, we observe a parasitic vertical oxidation of the adjacent layers of lower Al content. This vertical oxidation produces a rough interface between the oxidized and non-oxidized materials and reduces the effective thickness of the adjacent layers. This detrimental phenomenon is drastically reduced when the adjacent layer is replaced by a GaAs/AlAs superlattice (SL). In this case, a sharp interface between the Al-Ga-oxide and the SL is obtained after the oxidation process. Further experiments point out the critical role of hydrogen in the oxidation process of low Al content alloys. Hydrogen atoms produced during the oxidation of the Al-rich layer are proposed to be responsible for the vertical oxidation of the adjacent layers. We devise that the SL interfaces are favorable to reduce the diffusion of the reactants in the vertical direction.
2012 |
Song, J., Wang, L., Jin, L., Xia, X., Kou, Q., Bouchoule, S., & He, J. - J. (2012). Intensity-Interrogated Sensor Based on Cascaded Fabry-Perot Laser and Microring Resonator. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 30(17), 2901–2906.
Résumé: A highly sensitive integrated optical biosensor based on the cascade of a Fabry-Perot cavity laser and a microring resonator is investigated theoretically and experimentally. The free spectral ranges of the microring and the laser cavity are designed to be about the same in order to apply intensity interrogation. The variation of the refractive index of the fluidic sample results in a large shift in the envelope function of the total transmission spectrum of the sensor, and consequently, a large change in the transmitted power. The simple light-source-integrated sensing scheme achieved a high sensitivity of 1000 dB/RIU in the preliminary experiment, demonstrating its principle and potential for low-cost practical applications.
2011 |
Aubry, G., Kou, Q., Soto-Velasco, J., Wang, C., Meance, S., He, J. J., & Haghiri-Gosnet, A. M. (2011). A multicolor microfluidic droplet dye laser with single mode emission. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 98(11), 111111.
Résumé: A digital microfluidic dye laser that integrates a Fabry-Perot cavity with two fiber-based mirrors is shown to exhibit a single mode emission. In addition, fast switching is achieved via the alternation of droplet streams that contain two different dyes. Single-longitudinal-mode emission is observed for each dye wavelength (at 565 and 586 nm) with a linewidth narrower than 0.12 nm. This system appears thus well suited for on-chip spectroscopy and flow cytometry. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3565242]
Aubry, G., Wang, C., Soto-Velasco, J., Meance, S., Haghiri-Gosnet, A. - M., & Kou, Q. (2011). On-chip production of liquid optical microcavities. MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, 88(8), 2618–2621.
Résumé: Microfluidic production of droplets acting as optical resonators has been investigated for different liquid materials and cross-junction geometries. Liquid couples are selected to meet the requirements to refractive indexes. The generation of unconfined droplets is studied by monitoring the liquid flow rates and by changing the channel geometry. Such optical resonators used passively or actively can be of great interest as on-chip laser sources or biosensors. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Meance, S., Papin, K., Gamby, J., Aubry, G., Kou, Q., & Haghiri-Gosnet, A. - M. (2011). An integrated on chip organic optical source based on electrochemiluminescence. MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, 88(8), 1798–1800.
Résumé: We report here on an original “glass-PDMS-glass” electrochemiluminescence optofluidic device that integrates 32 electrodes on a large surface. This organic electrically powered light source has been integrated on chip using an alternative process based on a photopatternable silicone resist. Under a continuous flow rate, this device allows electrogenerated chemiluminescence for several minutes which would be very useful for future μTAS systems. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2010 |
Aubry, G., Meance, S., Haghiri-Gosnet, A. - M., & Kou, Q. (2010). Flow rate based control of wavelength emission in a multicolor microfluidic dye laser. MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, 87(5-8), 765–768.
Résumé: An original method is investigated to monitor the emission of a microfluidic dye laser. It relies on the flow rate of a dye mixture solution. The two dyes are at the origin of laser effects at two distinct wavelengths. In function of the dye mixture flow rate, one wavelength or the other can be selected. The purpose is to achieve a wavelength on-demand system which would be of great interest for spectroscopic analysis of biochemical samples. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2009 |
Aubry, G., Meance, S., Couraud, L., Haghiri-Gosnet, A. - M., & Kou, Q. (2009). Intracavity microfluidic dye laser droplet absorption. MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, 86(4-6), 1368–1370.
Résumé: An original design for droplet absorption measurement is presented. A microfluidic dye laser is combined with a droplet production system to realise intracavity absorption measurement on few nanoliter volumes. Conditions on droplets for obtaining laser signal are investigated and absorption measurement proof of concept is demonstrated. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2007 |
Luo, C., Li, H., Xiong, C., Peng, X., Kou, Q., Chen, Y., Ji, H., & Ouyang, Q. (2007). The combination of optical tweezers and microwell array for cells physical manipulation and localization in microfluidic device. BIOMEDICAL MICRODEVICES, 9(4), 573–578.
Résumé: A microfluidic device combined with the microwell array and optical tweezers was set up for cell manipulation, localization and cultivation. Yeast cells were manipulated by a 1,064 nm laser and transferred to microwell array as a demonstration. The flow velocities at which the yeast cell can be confined in microwells of different sizes are charactered. The simulation of the cell's flow trace in the microwell at different flow velocities is consisting with our experiment result. And we also proved a trapping laser power of 0.30 W is harmless for yeast cell cultivation. As a simple approach, this method can push forward the cell cultivation, cell interaction and other cell biology or biomedical studies in microfluidic system.
2006 |
Galas, J. C., Peroz, C., Kou, Q., & Chen, Y. (2006). Microfluidic dye laser intracavity absorption. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 89(22).
Résumé: The authors report absorption measurements on low concentration analytes using a microfluidic dye laser. The laser cavity is made of two gold mirrors coated on the end faces of two optical fibers inserted in a chip. Rhodamine 6G dye molecules dissolved in ethanol are used for laser amplification and absorption measurements are done with methylene blue dye solutions. When optically pumped with a frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm wavelength, the device shows a laser output emission at 565 nm and a high sensitivity of the lasing output to the losses in the cavity, in good agreement with the results of numerical calculations.
Kou, Q., Yesilyurt, I., & Chen, Y. (2006). Collinear dual-color laser emission from a microfluidic dye laser. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 88(9).
Résumé: Collinear dual-color laser emission on a chip is obtained from a liquid dye mixture flowing through an optical microcavity. Soft lithography has been used to fabricate the microfluidic channels and integrate the optical resonator. The laser cavity, of nanoliter volume, is made of two parallel gold mirrors coated on the end faces of optical fibers and integrated into a polydimethylsiloxane chip. Such a design allows a simple but efficient coupling of the laser emission with an optical fiber. The amplification medium is composed of rhodamine 6G and sulforhodamine, dissolved in a common ethanol solution. When the dye mixture is optically pumped by a pulsed and frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser, simultaneous laser emission at wavelengths 559 nm and 597 nm is observed, showing yellow and red colors with a complete spatial overlap within the single output beam. Moreover, the overall laser efficiency for the dye mixture system is significantly increased compared to that for the individual dyes. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.
2005 |
Galas, J. C., Torres, J., Belotti, M., Kou, Q., & Chen, Y. (2005). Microfluidic tunable dye laser with integrated mixer and ring resonator. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 86(26).
Résumé: We report on results of design and fabrication of a microfluidic dye laser that consists of a ring resonator, a waveguide for laser emission output, and microfluidic elements for flow control, all integrated on a chip. The optical resonator and the waveguide were obtained by photolithography, whereas microfluidic elements such as channels, valves, and pumps were fabricated by multilayer soft lithography. As results, the prototype device worked with a few nanoliters of Rhodamine 6G dye molecules in ethanol solution and showed a laser threshold of similar to 15 μJ/mm(2) when optically pumped with a frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm wavelength. The modification of the laser output intensity due to photobleaching effect was characterized by changing the dye flow velocity through the cavity. In addition, the emission wavelength of the laser could be easily tuned by changing the dye molecule concentration with the integrated microfluidic elements. (c) American Institute of Physics.
2004 |
Kou, Q., Yesilyurt, I., Escalier, G., Galas, J. C., Coureau, L., & Chen, Y. (2004). Microfluidic dye laser integration in a lab-on-a-chip device. In MEMS/MOEMS TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS II (Vol. 5641, pp. 112–115).
Résumé: We report on an original design and fabrication of microfluidic dye laser integrated into a functional polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) lab-on-a-chip system. Soft lithography has been used for the fabrication of the microfluidic channels allowing the liquid dye circulation. The laser cavity, formed by two cleaved optical fibers with end face metallization, is directly integrated into a microfluidic channel. The active dye molecules are optically pumped by a pulsed and frequency-doubled Nd:Yag laser at 532 nm wavelength. Finally, the output laser beam is extracted and coupled into the optical fiber. As a result, the characteristics of the laser output power as a function of pumping energy density is presented. We also show that the micro dye laser we fabricated can work steadily with an average output power up to 0.35 mW. The wavelength tunability is also demonstrated with the laser system.
Kou, Q., Yesilyurt, I., Studer, V., Belotti, M., Cambril, E., & Chen, Y. (2004). On-chip optical components and microfluidic systems. MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, 73-4, 876–880.
Résumé: We present the concept and the fabrication of on-chip optical components based on new microfluidic functionalities. Soft lithography has been used for the fabrication of microfluidic devices made of poly-dimethylsiloxane (PDMS). By filling the microchannels with a liquid of high refractive index, waveguides can be obtained. Other types of microoptical components such as beamsplitters, couplers, lenses and prisms are also fabricated. By inserting optical fibres into the microchannels, optical measurements are performed to show the expected effects. In addition, the dynamic spectroscopic detection of micro-beads of different colours has been demonstrated, and this should be applicable in various chemical and biological applications. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.