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Home > Research Teams > Surfaces, Interfaces, Molecules & 2D Materials (SIM2D) > Nano-architecture moléculaires et surfaces nanostructurées. > Publications > Publications



Kalashnyk, N., Amiaud, L., Dablemont, C., Lafosse, A., Bobrov, K., & Guillemot, L. (2018). Strain relaxation and epitaxial relationship of perylene overlayer on Ag(110). The Journal of Chemical Physics, 148(21), 214702.
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Kalashnyk N., R. L. A., Li D., Smogunov, Dappe Y.J., Jones T.S. and Guillemot L. (2017). Unraveling Giant Cu(110) Surface Restructuring Induced by a Non-Planar Phthalocyanine. NanoResearch, , 1–7.
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Bobrov, K., Kalashnyk, N., & Guillemot, L. (2016). Thermodynamic balance of perylene self-assembly on Ag(110). J Chem Phys, 145(15), 154705.
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Bobrov K., K. N., Guillemot L. (2015). True perylene epitaxy on Ag(110) driven by site recognition effect. J. Chem. Phys., 142(10), 101929.
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Shen, J., Jia, J., Bobrov, K., Guillemot, L., & Esaulov, V. A. (2015). Electron Transfer Processes on Supported Au Nanoclusters and Nanowires and Substrate Effects. J.Phys.Chem.C, 119(27), 15168–15176.
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Bobrov, K., & Guillemot, L. (2013). Autocatalytic effect of Cu nano-islands on the reaction of water with the oxygen covered Cu(110) surface. Surface Science, 611, 32–39.
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Shen, J., Jia, J., Bobrov, K., Guillemot, L., & Esaulov, V. A. (2013). Electron transfer processes on Au nanoclusters supported on graphite. Gold Bull, 46(4), 343–347.
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Chen, L., Shen, J., Jia, J. J., Kandasamy, T., Bobrov, K., Guillemot, L., Fuhr, J. D., Martiarena, M. L., & Esaulov, V. A. (2011). Li+-ion neutralization on metal surfaces and thin films. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 84(5), 052901.
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Guillemot, L., & Bobrov, K. (2011). Formation of a Chemisorbed Water-Hydroxyl Phase on Cu(110) Mediated by Surface Transport. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 115(45), 22387–22392.
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Guillemot, L., & Bobrov, K. (2011). Morphological instability of the Cu(110)-(2 x 1)-O surface under thermal annealing. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 83(7), 075409.
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Bobrov, K., & Guillemot, L. (2010). Strain engineering tunable nanotemplates on the Cu(110)-(2 x 1)-O surface. SURFACE SCIENCE, 604(21-22), 1894–1898.
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Canario, A. R., Guillemot, L., Grizzi, O., Bandurin, Y., & Esaulov, V. A. (2009). Scattering of F atoms and anions on a TiO2(110) surface. SURFACE SCIENCE, 603(8), 1099–1105.
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Guillemot, L., & Bobrov, K. (2009). Chirality induced by surface strain studied using scanning tunneling microscopy. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 79(20), 201406.
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Bobrov, K., & Guillemot, L. (2008). Interplay between adsorbate-induced reconstruction and local strain: Formation of phases on the Cu(110)-(2x1): O surface. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 78(12), 121408.
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Bobrov, K., & Guillemot, L. (2007). Nanostructure formation by reactions of H2O with pre-adsorbed O on a Ag(110) surface. SURFACE SCIENCE, 601(15), 3268–3275.
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Guillemot, L., & Bobrov, K. (2007). On the formation of OH ordered layers by dissociation of H2O on an oxygen covered Ag(110) surface: An STM investigation. SURFACE SCIENCE, 601(3), 871–875.
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