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Home > Research Teams > Nanophysics@Surfaces (Nanophys) > Research > Molecular Nanodevices > Electronic/optical excitations - Manipulation & molecular devices at surfaces - (Low temperature STM) > Publications > publications



Wang, Y., Boyer, A. - G., Sauriat-Dorizon, H., Duverger, E., & Riedel, D. (2021). Electronic Structure and Bistable Conformational Study of the Tetraphenylporphyrin Erbium(III) Acetylacetonate Complex on the CaF2/Si(100) Surface at Low Temperatures. J. Phys. Chem. C, 125(26), 14453–14460.
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Duverger, E., Boyer, A. - G., Sauriat-Dorizon, H., Sonnet, P., Stephan, R., Hanf, M. - C., & Riedel, D. (2020). Two-Dimensional Functionalized Ultrathin Semi-Insulating CaF2 Layer on the Si(100) Surface at a Low Temperature for Molecular Electronic Decoupling. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12(26), 29661–29670.
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Yengui, M., Duverger, E., Sonnet, P., & Riedel, D. (2019). Translational Manipulation of Magnetic Cobalt Adatoms on the Si(100)-2 × 1 Surface at 9 K. J. Phys. Chem. C, 123(43), 26415–26423.
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Ramos, P., Mankarious, M., Pavanello, M., & Riedel, D. (2018). Probing Charge Transfer Dynamics in a Single Iron Tetraphenylporphyrin Dyad Adsorbed on an Insulating Surface. Nanoscale, 10(37), 17603–17616.
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Labidi, H., Pinto, H. P., Leszczynski, J., & Riedel, D. (2017). Exploiting a single intramolecular conformational switching Ni-TPP molecule to probe charge transfer dynamics at the nanoscale on bare Si(100)-2x1. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 19, 28982–28992.
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Riedel, D. (2017). Surface Hydrogenation of the Si(100)-2x1 and Electronic Properties of Silicon Dangling Bonds on the Si(100):H Surfaces. In On-Surface Atomic Wires And Logic Gates (pp. 1–24). Advances in Atom and Single Molecule Machines. M. Kolmer & C. Joachim.
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Yengui, M., Duverger, E., Sonnet, P. & Riedel, D. (2017). A two-dimensional ON/OFF switching device based on anisotropic interactions of atomic quantum dots on Si(100):H. Nat. Commun., 8, 2211.
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Chiaravalloti, F., Dujardin, G. & Riedel, R. (2015). Atomic scale control of hexaphenyl molecules manipulation along functionalized ultra-thin insulating layer on the Si(100) surface at low temperature (9 K). JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 27(5), 054006.
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Yengui, M., & Riedel, D. (2015). Evidence of Low Schottky Barrier Effects and the Role of Gap State in the Electronic Transport Through Individual CoSi2 Silicide Nano-Islands at Low Temperature (9K). JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 119, 22700.
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Yengui, M., Pinto, H., Leszczynski, J. & Riedel, D. (2015). Atomic scale study of corrugating and anticorrugating states on the bare Si(1 0 0) surface. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 27(4), 045001.
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Sonnet, P., & Riedel, D. (2014). The Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Adsorbed Molecules on Semiconductors : Some Theoretical Answers to the Experimental Observations. In Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry III (Vol. 3, pp. 1–40). Jerzy Leszczynski; Manoj K. Shukla.
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Yengui, M., & Riedel, D. (2014). Cobalt adsorption on the bare Si(100)-2x1 surface at low temperature (12 K). SURFACE SCIENCE, 619(1), 10–18.
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Bellec, A., Chaput, L., Dujardin, G., Riedel, D., Stauffer, L., & Sonnet, P. (2013). Reversible charge storage in a single silicon atom. Phys. Rev. B, 88(24), 241406.
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Labidi, H., Sonnet, P., & Riedel, D. (2013). Electronic Control of the Tip-Induced Hopping of an Hexaphenyl-Benzene Molecule Physisorbed on a Bare Si(100) Surface at 9 K. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 117(26), 13663–13675.
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Labidi, H., Kantorovich, L., & Riedel, D. (2012). Atomic-scale control of hydrogen bonding on a bare Si(100)-2x1 surface. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 86(16), 165441.
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Chiaravalloti, F., Dujardin, G., Riedel, D., Pinto, H. P., & Foster, A. S. (2011). Atomic-scale study of the adsorption of calcium fluoride on Si(100) at low-coverage regime. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 84(15), 155433.
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Bellec, A., Riedel, D., Dujardin, G., Boudrioua, O., Chaput, L., Stauffer, L., & Sonnet, P. (2010). Nonlocal Activation of a Bistable Atom through a Surface State Charge-Transfer Process on Si(100)-(2 x 1):H. Phys. Rev. Lett., 105(4), 048302.
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Riedel, D. (2010). Single molecule manipulation at low temperature and laser scanning tunnelling photo-induced processes analysis through time-resolved studies. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 22(26), 264009.
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Riedel, D., Delattre, R., Borisov, A. G., & Teperik, T. V. (2010). A Scanning Tunneling Microscope as a Tunable Nanoantenna for Atomic Scale Control of Optical-Field Enhancement. Nano Lett., 10(10), 3857–3862.
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Bellec, A., Ample, F., Riedel, D., Dujardin, G., & Joachim, C. (2009). Imaging Molecular Orbitals by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy on a Passivated Semiconductor. Nano Lett., 9(1), 144–147.
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Bellec, A., Riedel, D., Dujardin, G., Boudrioua, O., Chaput, L., Stauffer, L., & Sonnet, P. (2009). Electronic properties of the n-doped hydrogenated silicon (100) surface and dehydrogenated structures at 5 K. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 80(24), 245434.
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Chiaravalloti, F., Riedel, D., Dujardin, G., Pinto, H. P., & Foster, A. S. (2009). STM topography and manipulation of single Au atoms on Si(100). Phys. Rev. B, 79(24), 245431.
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Riedel, D., Bocquet, M. L., Lesnard, H., Lastapis, M., Lorente, N., Sonnet, P., & Dujardin, G. (2009). Selective Scanning Tunnelling Microscope Electron-induced Reactions of Single Biphenyl Molecules on a Si(100) Surface. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131(21), 7344–7352.
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Riedel, D., Cranney, M., Martin, M., Guillory, R., Dujardin, G., Dubois, M., & Sonnet, P. (2009). Surface-Isomerization Dynamics of trans-Stilbene Molecules Adsorbed on Si(100)-2x1. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131(15), 5414–5423.
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Bellec, A., Riedel, D., Dujardin, G., Rompotis, N., & Kantorovich, L. N. (2008). Dihydride dimer structures on the Si(100):H surface studied by low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. Phys. Rev. B, 78(16), 165302.
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Lastapis, M., Martin, M., Riedel, D., & Dujardin, G. (2008). Role of the dopant in silicon on the dynamics of a single adsorbed molecule. Phys. Rev. B, 77(12), 125316.
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