Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay



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Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Structure et dynamique des systèmes complexes isolés photoexcités (SYSIPHE) > Publications > 2008


Peer-reviewed Publications

Crepin, C., Moneron, L., Douin, S., Boye-Peronne, S., Kolos, R., Turowski, M., Gronowski, M., Sepiol, J., Benilan, Y., & Gazeau, M. - C. (2008). Tentative identification of C3N center dot radical luminescence in solid krypton. POLISH JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 82(4), 741–749.
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Dozova, N., Murray, C., McCaffrey, J. G., Shafizadeh, N., & Crepin, C. (2008). Amplified emission of phthalocyanine isolated in cryogenic matrices. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 10(16), 2167–2174.
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Le Barbu-Debus, K., Broquier, M., Mahjoub, A., & Zehnacker-Rentien, A. (2008). Chiral recognition between alpha-hydroxylesters: A double-resonance IR/UV study of the complexes of methyl mandelate with methyl glycolate and methyl lactate. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 112(40), 9731–9741.
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Lucas, B., Barat, M., Fayeton, J. A., Jouvet, C., Çarçabal, P., & Grégoire, G. (2008). Statistical versus non-statistical photo-fragmentation of protonated GWG tri-peptide induced by UV excitation. Chemical Physics, 347(1-3), 324–330.
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Lucas, B., Barat, M., Fayeton, J. A., Perot, M., Jouvet, C., Gregoire, G., & Brondsted Nielsen, S. (2008). Mechanisms of photoinduced Calpha[Single Bond]Cbeta bond breakage in protonated aromatic amino acids. J Chem Phys, 128(16), 164302.
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Tuna, T., Chabot, M., Pino, T., Desesquelles, P., Le Padellec, A., Martinet, G., Barat, M., Lucas, B., Mezdari, F., Montagnon, L., Van-Oanh, N. T., Lavergne, L., Lachaize, A., Carpentier, Y., & Beroff, K. (2008). Fragmentation branching ratios of highly excited hydrocarbon molecules C(n)H and their cations C(n)H(+) (n <= 4). JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 128(12).
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Turowski, M., Gronowski, M., Boye-Peronne, S., Douin, S., Moneron, L., Crepin, C., & Kolos, R. (2008). The C(3)N(-) anion: First detection of its electronic luminescence in rare gas solids. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 128(16).
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Zehnacker, A., & Suhm, M. A. (2008). Chirality recognition between neutral molecules in the gas phase. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 47(37), 6970–6992.
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Actes de Conférences

Alcaraz, C., Carniato, V., Lecadre, F., Carcabal, P., Broquier, M., Dedonder-Lardeux, C., & Jouvet, C. (2008). A VUV line at the Server Laser at the Paris-Sud University Laser Center. In UVX 2008: 9E COLLOQUE SUR LES SOURCES COHERENTES ET INCOHERENTES UV (pp. 1–6). E D P SCIENCES.
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Cafarelli, P., Carcabal, P., Champeaux, J. - P., Le Padellec, A., Moretto-Capelle, P., Rabier, J., & Sence, M. (2008). Ionization and Fragmentation of 5-Chlorouracil induced by 100 keV protons collisions. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1080, pp. 71–77).
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