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Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Structure et dynamique des systèmes complexes isolés photoexcités (SYSIPHE) > Publications > 2013


Peer-reviewed Publications

Alata, I., Bert, J., Broquier, M., Dedonder, C., Feraud, G., Gregoire, G., Soorkia, S., Marceca, E., & Jouvet, C. (2013). Electronic Spectra of the Protonated Indole Chromophore in the Gas Phase. J. Phys. Chem. A, 117, 4420–4427.
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Altnöder J., B. A., Lee J.J., Otto K.E., Suhm M.A., Zehnacker-Rentien A. (2013). Chirality-dependent balance between hydrogen bonding and London dispersion in isolated (±)-1-indanol clusters. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 15, 10167–10180.
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Barry, C. S., Cocinero, E. J., Carcabal, P., Gamblin, D. P., Stanca-Kaposta, E. C., Remmert, S. M., Fernandez-Alonso, M. C., Rudic, S., Simons, J. P., & Davis, B. G. (2013). 'Naked' and Hydrated Conformers of the Conserved Core Pentasaccharide of N-linked Glycoproteins and Its Building Blocks. Journal Of The American Chemical Society, 135(45), 16895–16903.
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Capello, M. C., Broquier, M., Dedonder-Lardeux, C., Jouvet, C., & Pino, G. A. (2013). Fast excited state dynamics in the isolated 7-azaindole-phenol H-bonded complex. J Chem Phys, 138(5), 054304.
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Carcabal, P., Cocinero, E. J., & Simons, J. P. (2013). Binding energies of micro-hydrated carbohydrates: measurements and interpretation. CHEMICAL SCIENCE, 4(4), 1830–1836.
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Carré B., Poisson, L., Shafizadeh, N., & Soep, B. (2013). Stereodynamics of Chemical Reactions. Journal of Chemical Physics A, 117, 8093–8094.
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Dehon, C., Soorkia, S., Pedrazzani, M., Jouvet, C., Barat, M., Fayeton, J. A., & Lucas, B. (2013). Photofragmentation at 263 nm of small peptides containing tyrosine: role of the charge transfer on CO. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15, 8779–8788.
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Ha-Thi M.H, Shafizadeh N., Poisson, L., & Soep, B. (2013). An Efficient Indirect Mechanism for the Ultrafast Intersystem Crossing in Copper Porphyrins. Journal of Chemical Physics A, 117, 8111–8118.
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Mahjoub, A., Le Barbu-Debus, K., & Zehnacker, A. (2013). Structural Rearrangement in the Formation of Jet-Cooled Complexes of Chiral (S)-1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-3-isoquinolinemethanol with Methyl Lactate: Chirality Effect in Conformer Selection. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 117(14), 2952–60.
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Miyazaki, M., Kawanishi, A., Nielsen, I., Alata, I., Ishiuchi, S. -ichi, Dedonder, C., Jouvet, C., & Fujii, M. (2013). Ground state proton transfer in phenol-(NH3)(n) (n </= 11) clusters studied by mid-IR spectroscopy in 3-10 mum range. J Phys Chem A, 117(7), 1522–1530.
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Sen, A., Le Barbu-Debus, K., Scuderi, D., & Zehnacker-Rentien, A. (2013). Mass Spectrometry Study and Infrared Spectroscopy of the Complex Between Camphor and the Two Enantiomers of Protonated Alanine: The Role of Higher-Energy Conformers in the Enantioselectivity of the Dissociation Rate Constants. Chirality, 25, 436–443.
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Sen, A., Lepere, V., Le Barbu-Debus, K., & Zehnacker, A. (2013). How do Pseudoenantiomers Structurally Differ in the Gas Phase? An IR/UV Spectroscopy Study of Jet-Cooled Hydroquinine and Hydroquinidine. CHEMPHYSCHEM, 14(15), 3559–3568.
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Stanca-Kaposta, E. C., Carcabal, P., Cocinero, E. J., Hurtado, P., & Simons, J. P. (2013). Carbohydrate-Aromatic Interactions: Vibrational Spectroscopy and Structural Assignment of Isolated Monosaccharide Complexes with p-Hydroxy Toluene and N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine Methylamide. J. Phys. Chem. B, 117(27), 8135–8142.
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Thon, R., Chin, W., Galaup, J. - P., Ouvrard, A., Bourguignon, B., & Crepin, C. (2013). Vibrational Perturbations of W(CO)(6) Trapped in a Molecular Lattice Probed by Linear and Nonlinear Spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. A, 117(34), 8145–8156.
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