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Blancard C., Cubaynes D., Guilbaud S., & and Bizau J.-M. (2018). Absolute Photoionization Cross Section for Fe6+ to Fe10+ Ions in the Photon Energy Region of the 2p–3d Resonance Lines. The Astrophysical Journal, 853(1), 32.
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Puglisi A., M. T., Kennedy E.T., Mosnier J.P., Bizau J.M., Cubaynes D., Sisourat N. and Carniato S. (2018). X-ray photochemistry of carbon hydride molecular ions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20, 4415.
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Blancard C., Cubaynes D., Guilbaud S., & and Bizau J.-M. (2017). L -shell photoionization of Mn 5+ to Mn 8+ ions. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 96, 013410.
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Douix S., Duflot D., Cubaynes D., Bizau J.M., & and Giuliani A. (2017). Photoionization of the Buckminsterfullerene Cation. J. Phys. Chem. Lett, 8(1), 7–12.
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Khalal M. A., L. P., Andric L., Palaudoux J., Penent F., Bučar K., Žitnik M., Püttner R., Jänkälä K., Cubaynes D., Guilbaud S., and Bizau J.-M. (2017). 4d -inner-shell ionization of Xe+ ions and subsequent Auger decay. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 96, 013412.
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Khalal M.A., S. J., Jänkälä K., Huttula S-M, Huttula M, Bizau J-M, Cubaynes D., Guilbaud S., Ito K., Andric L., Feng J., Lablanquie P., Palaudoux J. and Penent F. (2017). Multielectron spectroscopy: energy levels of K n+ and Rb n+ ions (n = 2, 3, 4). Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 50(22), 225003.
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Lablanquie P., K. M. A., Andric L., Palaudoux J., Penent F., Bizau J-M, Cubaynes D., Jänkälä K., Hikosaka Y., Ito K., Bučar K., Žitnikg M. (2017). Multi-electron coincidence spectroscopy: Triple Auger decay of Ar 2p and 2s holes. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 220, 125–132.
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Bizau, J. M., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., El Hassan, N., Al Shorman, M. M., Bouisset, E., Guigand, J., Moustier, O., Marie, A., Nadal, E., Robert, E., Nicolas, C., & Miron, C. (2016). A merged-beam setup at SOLEIL dedicated to photoelectron-photoion coincidence studies on ionic species. Journal Of Electron Spectroscopy And Related Phenomena, 210, 5–12.
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Bizau, J. M., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., Penent, F., Lablanquie, P., Andric, L., Palaudoux, J., Al Shorman, M. M., & Blancard, C. (2016). Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Ions: Study of the Auger Decay of the 4d -> nf (n=4,5) Resonances in Xe5+ Ion. Physical Review Letters, 116(10), 103001.
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McLaughlinB. M., Bizau J.-M., Cubaynes D., Guilbaud S., Douix S, Al Shorman M. M., El Ghazaly M. O. A., Sakho I., & Gharaibeh M. F. (2016). K-shell photoionization of O4 + and O5 + ions: experiment and theory. Royal Astronomical Society, 465, 4690.
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Mosnier, J. P., Kennedy, E. T., van Kampen, P., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., Sisourat, N., Puglisi, A., Carniato, S., & Bizau, J. M. (2016). Inner-shell photoexcitations as probes of the molecular ions CH+, OH+, and SiH+: Measurements and theory. Physical Review A, 93, 061401.
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Bizau, J. M., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., Al Shorman, M. M., Gharaibeh, M. F., Ababneh, I. Q., Blancard, C., & McLaughlin, B. M. (2015). K-shell photoionization of O+ and O2+ ions: Experiment and theory. Physical Review A, 92, 023401.
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Bizau, J. M., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., Al Shorman, M. M., Penent, F., Lablanquie, P., Andric, L., Palaudoux, J., & Blancard, C. (2015). Auger decay of the 4d(9)5s(2)5pnf excited states of Xe5+ ion. In Xxix International Conference On Photonic (Vol. 635).
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Gharaibeh, M. F., Bizau, J. M., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., Al Shorman, M. M., Ababneh, I. Q., Sakho, I., Blancard, C., & McLaughlin, B. M. (2015). K-Shell Photoionization of the Oxygen Isonuclear Sequence. In Xxix International Conference On Photonic (Vol. 635).
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Palaudoux, J., Sheinerman, S., Soronen, J., Huttula, S. M., Huttula, M., Jankala, K., Andric, L., Ito, K., Lablanquie, P., Penent, F., Bizau, J. M., Guilbaud, S., & Cubaynes, D. (2015). Valence Auger decay following 3s photoionization in potassium. Physical Review A, 92(1), 012510.
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Sheinerman, S., Lablanquie, P., Andric, L., Ito, K., Palaudoux, J., Huttula, S. M., Huttula, M., Jankala, K., Soronen, J., Bizau, J., Guilbaud, S., Cubaynes, D., & Penent, F. (2015). Post-collision interaction in Potassium 3s photoionization. In Xxix International Conference On Photonic (Vol. 635).
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Gharaibeh, M. F., El Hassan, N., Al Shorman, M. M., Bizau, J. M., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., Sakho, I., Blancard, C., & McLaughlin, B. M. (2014). K-shell photoionization of B-like atomic nitrogen ions: experiment and theory. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 47(6), 065201.
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Helml, W., Maier, A. R., Schweinberger, W., Grguras, I., Radcliffe, P., Doumy, G., Roedig, C., Gagnon, J., Messerschmidt, M., Schorb, S., Bostedt, C., Gruener, F., DiMauro, L. F., Cubaynes, D., Bozek, J. D., Tschentscher, T., Costello, J. T., Meyer, M., Coffee, R., Duesterer, S., Cavalieri, A. L., & Kienberger, R. (2014). Measuring the temporal structure of few-femtosecond free-electron laser X-ray pulses directly in the time domain. NATURE PHOTONICS, 8(12), 950–957.
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Kennedy, E. T., Mosnier, J. - P., Van Kampen, P., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., Blancard, C., McLaughlin, B. M., & Bizau, J. - M. (2014). Photoionization cross sections of the aluminumlike Si+ ion in the region of the 2p threshold (94-137 eV). PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 90, 063409.
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McLaughlin, B. M., Bizau, J. M., Cubaynes, D., Al Shorman, M. M., Guilbaud, S., Sakho, I., Blancard, C., & Gharaibeh, M. F. (2014). K-shell photoionization of B-like oxygen (O3+) ions: experiment and theory. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 47(11), 115201.
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Al Shorman, M. M., Gharaibeh, M. F., Bizau, J. M., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., El Hassan, N., Miron, C., Nicolas, C., Robert, E., Sakho, I., Blancard, C., & McLaughlin, B. M. (2013). K-shell photoionization of Be-like and Li-like ions of atomic nitrogen: experiment and theory. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 46(19), 195701.
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O'Keeffe, P., Gryzlova, E. V., Cubaynes, D., Garcia, G. A., Nahon, L., Grum-Grzhimailo, A. N., & Meyer, M. (2013). Isotopically Resolved Photoelectron Imaging Unravels Complex Atomic Autoionization Dynamics by Two-Color Resonant Ionization. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 111(24), 243002.
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Bizau, J. M., Cubaynes, D., Al Shorman, M. M., Guilbaud, S., Blancard, C., Lemaire, J., Thissen, R., Giuliani, A., Nicolas, C., & Milosavljevic, A. R. (2012). Photoionization of atomic and molecular positively charged ions. In 26TH SUMMER SCHOOL AND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE PHYSICS OF IONIZED GASES (SPIG 2012) (Vol. 399).
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Blancard, C., Cosse, P., Faussurier, G., Bizau, J. - M., Cubaynes, D., El Hassan, N., Guilbaud, S., Al Shorman, M. M., Robert, E., Liu, X. - J., Nicolas, C., & Miron, C. (2012). L-shell photoionization of Ar+ to Ar3+ ions. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 85(4), 043408.
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Gharaibeh, M. F., Bizau, J. - M., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., El Hassan, N., Al Shorman, M. M., Blancard, C., & McLaughlin, B. M. (2012). K-Shell Photoionization of Singly Ionized Atomic Nitrogen. In XXVII ICPEAC Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 388).
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Richardson, V., Li, W. B., Kelly, T. J., Costello, J. T., Nikolopoulos, L. A. A., Duesterer, S., Cubaynes, D., & Meyer, M. (2012). Dichroism in the above-threshold two-colour photoionization of singly charged neon. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 45(8), 085601.
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Bizau, J. M., Blancard, C., Coreno, M., Cubaynes, D., Dehon, C., El Hassan, N., Folkmann, F., Gharaibeh, M. F., Giuliani, A., Lemaire, J., Milosavljevic, A. R., Nicolas, C., & Thissen, R. (2011). Photoionization study of Kr+ and Xe+ ions with the combined use of a merged-beam set-up and an ion trap. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 44(5), 055205.
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Gharaibeh, M. F., Bizau, J. M., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., El Hassan, N., Al Shorman, M. M., Miron, C., Nicolas, C., Robert, E., Blancard, C., & McLaughlin, B. M. (2011). K-shell photoionization of singly ionized atomic nitrogen: experiment and theory. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 44(17), 175208.
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Meyer, M., Grum-Grzhimailo, A. N., Cubaynes, D., Felfli, Z., Heinecke, E., Manson, S. T., & Zimmermann, P. (2011). Magnetic Dichroism in K-Shell Photoemission from Laser Excited Li Atoms. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 107(21), 213001.
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Milosavljevic, A. R., Nicolas, C., Lemaire, J., Dehon, C., Thissen, R., Bizau, J. - M., Refregiers, M., Nahon, L., & Giuliani, A. (2011). Photoionization of a protein isolated in vacuo. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 13(34), 15432–15436.
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Bizau, J. - M., Mosnier, J. - P., Kennedy, E. T., Cubaynes, D., Wuilleumier, F. J., Blancard, C., Champeaux, J. - P., & Folkmann, F. (2009). Photoionization of the Ne-like Si4+ ion in ground and metastable states in the 110-184-eV photon energy range. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 79(3).
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El Hassan, N., Bizau, J. M., Blancard, C., Cosse, P., Cubaynes, D., Faussurier, G., & Folkmann, F. (2009). Photoionization cross sections of iron isonuclear sequence ions: Fe2+ to Fe6+. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 79(3).
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Thissen, R., Bizau, J. M., Blancard, C., Coreno, M., Dehon, C., Franceschi, P., Giuliani, A., Lemaire, J., & Nicolas, C. (2008). Photoionization cross section of Xe(+) ion in the pure 5p(5) (2)P(3/2) ground level. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 100(22), 223001.
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- First Observation of Photoelectron Spectra Emitted in the Photoionization of a Singly Charged - Ion Beam with Synchrotron Radiation, J. M. Bizau, D. Cubaynes, M. Richter, F. J. Wuilleumier, J. Obert, J.-C. Putaux, T. J. Morgan, E. Källne, S. Sorensen et A. Damany, Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 576 (1991).

- First Angular Distribution Measurements of Photoelectrons Emitted in Resonant Inner-Shell Photoexcitation in a Singly-Charged Ion: the Ca+ Case, S. Al Moussalami, J.-M. Bizau, B. Rouvellou, D. Cubaynes, L. Journel, F. J. Wuilleumier, J. Obert, J.-C. Putaux, T. J. Morgan et M. Richter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 4496 (1996).

- Photoelectron Spectroscopy Experiments on Singly-Charged Positive-Ion using Synchrotron Radiation, B. Rouvellou, J.-M. Bizau, J. Obert, D. Cubaynes, S. Al Moussalami, N.Berland, C. Blancard, E. Bouisset, L. Journel, J. -C. Puteaux, C. Vinsot, et F. J. Wuilleumier, Nucl. Instrum. Methods B134, 287-303 (1998).

- Photoionization of highly-charged ions using an ECR ion source and undulator radiation, J.M. Bizau, J.M. Esteva, D. Cubaynes, F.J. Wuilleumier, C. Blancard, A. Compant La Fontaine, C. Couillaud, J. Lachkar, R. Marmoret, C. Rémond, J. Bruneau, D. Hitz, P. Ludwig et M. Delaunay, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 435-438 (2000).

- Absolute measurements and theoretical calculations of photoionization cross sections along the isonuclear sequence of the multiply-charged Ba ions, J.-M. Bizau, D. Cubaynes, J.P. Champeaux, J.-M. Esteva, F.J. Wuilleumier, C. Blancard, J. Bruneau, A. Compant la Fontaine, C. Couillaud, R. Marmoret, C. Rémond, D. Hitz, M. Delaunay, N. Haque, P.C. Desmukh, H.L. Zhou, S.T. Manson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 273002 (2001).

- Measurements and calculations of photoionization cross sections of multiply-charged ions in ground and metastable states along the isonuclear series of oxygen : O2+ to O4+, J-P. Champeaux, J-M. Bizau, D. Cubaynes, C. Blancard, S. Nahar, D. Hitz, J. Bruneau, F.J. Wuilleumier, Astrophys. J. Supp. Series 148, 583 (2003).

- Absolute photoionization cross sections and resonance structure of doubly ionized silicon in the region of the 2p-1 threshold : Experiment and theory, J.P. Mosnier, M.H. Sayyad, E.T. Kennedy, J.M. Bizau, D. Cubaynes, F.J. Wuilleumier, J.P. Champeaux, C. Blancard, R. Hari Varma, T. Banerjee, P.C. Deshmukh et S. T. Manson, Phys. Rev. A 68, 052712 (2003).

- L shell photoionisation of N2+ and O3+ isoelectronic ions, J.-M. Bizau, J.-P. Champeaux, D. Cubaynes, C. Blancard, D. Hitz, J. Bruneau, J.-L. Lemaire, A. Compant La Fontaine, A. Girard and F.J. Wuilleumier, Phys. Scr. T110, 57 (2004).

- Absolute cross sections for L-shell photoionization of the ions N2+, N3+, O3+, O4+, F3+, F4+ and Ne4+, J.-M. Bizau, J.-P. Champeaux, D. Cubaynes, F.J. Wuilleumier, F. Folkmann, T.S. Jacobsen, F. Penent, C. Blancard et H. Kjeldsen, Astronomy and Astrophysics 439, 387 (2005).

- Absolute photoionization cross sections along the Xe isonuclear sequence : Xe3+ to Xe6+, J.M. Bizau, C. Blancard, D. Cubaynes, F. Folkmann, J.P. Champeaux, J.L. Lemaire et F.J. Wuilleumier, Phys. Rev. A 73, 022718 (2006).

- Experimental and theoretical determination of the photoionization cross section of the Fe4+ ion, J.M. Bizau, C. Blancard, D. Cubaynes, F. Folkmann, D. Kilbane, G. Faussurier, H. Luna, J.L. Lemaire, J. Blieck et F.J. Wuilleumier, Phys. Rev. A 73, 020707® (2006).

- Absolute photoionization cross section measurements of the Kr I-isoelectronic sequence, D. Kilbane, F. Folkmann, J.M. Bizau, C. Banahan, S. Scully, H. Kjeldsen, P. van Kampen, M.W.D. Mansfield, J.T. Costello and J.B. West, Phys. Rev. A 75, 032711 (2007).

- Photoionization cross section of Xe+ ion in the pure 5p5 2P3/2 ground level, R. Thissen, J.M. Bizau, C. Blancard, M. Coreno, C. Dehon, P. Franceschi, A. Giuliani, J. Lemaire and C. Nicolas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 223001 (2008).

- Photoionization of Ne-like Si4+ ion in the ground and metastable levels, J.P. Mosnier, E.T. Kennedy, J.M. Bizau, D. Cubaynes, F.J. Wuilleumier, C. Blancard, J.P. Champeaux and F. Folkmann, Phys. Rev. A 79, 033407 (2009).

- Photoionization cross sections of the iron isonuclear sequence: Fe2+ to Fe6+, N. El Hassan, J.M. Bizau, C. Blancard, D. Cubaynes, G. Faussurier et F. Folkmann, Phys. Rev. A 79, 033415 (2009).