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Molecular Nanoscience Group

The Molecular Nanoscience Group is part of the Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay, a joint research laboratory of the CNRS and Université de Paris-Sud XI. The goal of the Molecular Nanoscience Group is the creation of atomic-scale structures capable of incorporating diverse nanomachine functions (bistable molecule, single atom memory, photon nano-source, graphene and silicene nano devices, etc.).

The aim of the group is to achieve electrical and optical control of individual atomic-scale devices by combining experimental and theoretical expertise in :

  • the fabrication of functionalized atomic and molecular devices on surface
  • the electronic, optical and quantum control of such devices through atomic-scale manipulation using the Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), Optical Spectroscopy, and Synchrotron Radiation
  • the modelling of surfaces and adsorbates in a laser beam and the STM tunnel junction

Recent Articles

Probing optical modes in a MIM

S. Cao, M. Achlan, J.-F. Bryche, Ph. Gogol, G. Dujardin, G. Raşeev, E. Le Moal, and E. Boer-Duchemin, “An electrically induced probe of the modes of a plasmonic multilayer stack”, Opt. Express 27, 33011-33026 (2019)

STM induced luminescence of TMD excitons

Delphine Pommier, Rémi Bretel, Luis E. Parra López, Florentin Fabre, Andrew Mayne, Elizabeth Boer-Duchemin, Gérald Dujardin, Guillaume Schull, Stéphane Berciaud, and Eric Le Moal, “Scanning tunneling microscope-induced excitonic luminescence of a two-dimensional semiconductor” Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 027402 (2019)

Blue Phosphorene

W. Zhang, H. Enriquez, Y.F. Tong, A. Bendounan, A. Kara, A.P. Seitsonen, A.J. Mayne, G. Dujardin, H. Oughaddou, "Epitaxial Synthesis of Blue Phosphorene", Small 14, 1804066 (2018)

Wacky Buckyball bonding to SiC

F.C. Bocquet, L. Giovanelli, Y. Ksari, T. Ovramenko, A. J. Mayne, G. Dujardin, F. Spillebout, P. Sonnet, F. Bondino, E. Magnano and J.-M. Themlin, "Peculiar covalent bonding of C60/6H-SiC(0 0 0 1)-(3 × 3) probed by photoelectron spectroscopy", Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter 30, 505002 (2018)

Charge transfer dynamics within a molecular dimer

P. Ramos, M. Mankarious, M. Pavanello, D. Riedel, "Probing Charge Transfer Dynamics in a Single Iron Tetraphenylporphyrin Dyad Adsorbed on an Insulating Surface", Nanoscale 10, 17603-17616 (2018)

Molecular Nanoscience

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