lundi 13 janvier
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mercredi 24 juillet 2024
Accueil > Séminaires > Année 2024 > Séminaire d’Ileana-Alexandra Pavel-Licsandru (7 mai)
IPHC, Faculté de Pharmacie, Université de Strasbourg
- 3 mai 2024The detection of oxidative stress can be performed by employing Janus nanoparticles. On the two parts of the particles, redox reactions take place spontaneously leading to an increase movement in the presence of reactive oxidative species. The same principle was applied to chemiluminescence swimmers, who can be employed as “intelligent” as in to make decisions based on external factors. In terms of intelligent nanoparticles, collaborative movement of magnesium nanoparticles was observed in another topic. In the quest to tackle lactose intolerance, different silica-based systems and formulations were conceived to protect and deliver the enzyme lactase in the intestine. One other subject presented is related to conductive polymer-based sensors for breath analysis as a noninvasive method to evaluate one’s health state. Finally, a small contribution on antibacterial proteins for specific cancerous cell targeting.
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