mercredi 22 janvier
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mercredi 24 juillet 2024
Accueil > Séminaires > Année 2024 > Séminaire de Jonathan Dubois (13 février)
Laboratoire de Chimie Physique Matière et Rayonnement - CNRS/Sorbonne Université
- 14 janvier 2024 (modifié le 25 janvier 2024)When a quantum particle undergoes tunneling, the time spent under the barrier, referred to as the tunneling time, is subject to several debated questions regarding both its definition and its measurability [1,2]. In particular, the measurement of the tunneling times in the context of strong-field ionization [3] is still controversial [4] and the latest conclusions remain in conflict with the results from so-called Larmor clock experiments [5]. Here, we will show that a photoelectron wavepacket created through tunneling carries information on its own tunneling time, making it an unambiguously measurable quantity in the context of highly non-linear strong-field physics.
For this, we identify a dynamical process, the ‘transversal squeezing’, according to which the longer the time a 3D wavepacket spends ‘under’ a barrier, the narrower its transverse momentum distribution at the tunnel exit. Our approach has been rigorously established analytically within an SFA-like framework and constitutes an alternative theory for the interpretation of ‘attoclock’ experiments [3]. Its practical implementation also uses a circularly polarized laser which, at the atomic scale, creates a tunneling barrier that both oscillates and rotates within the pulse. Therefore, a given photoemission direction is associated with a single barrier configuration. By fully exploiting this mapping and the transversal squeezing, we can thus attribute a given tunneling time to each direction in the photoelectron moment distribution (PMD), in a more comprehensive way than the original attoclock. Using numerical ab initio simulations on H initially in its 1s ground state, we show that a proper analysis of the PMD gives access to orientation-dependent tunneling times lying in the 100 as range, in excellent agreement with the SFA-based predictions. Furthermore, an extension to initial states carrying ring currents (m≠0) demonstrates that electrons counter-rotating with the laser undergo shorter tunneling times than co-rotating ones [6] and provides an additional improvement of the original attoclock.
[1] M. Büttiker & R. Landauer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 1739 (1982)
[2] D. Sokolovski, Phys. Rev. A 52, R5® (1995)
[3] P. Eckle et al., Science 322, 1525 (2008)
[4] U. S. Sainadh et al., J. Phys. Phot. 2, 042002 (2020)
[5] R. Ramos et al., Nature 583, 529 (2020)
[6] J. Dubois et al., Phys. Rev. A (in production)
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