Peer-reviewed Publications |
Aguillon, F., & Borisov, A. G. (2023). Atomic-Scale Defects Might Determine the Second Harmonic Generation from Plasmonic Graphene Nanostructures. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 14, 238–244.
Résumé: In this work, we theoretically investigate the impact of the atomic scale lattice imperfections of graphene nanoflakes on their nonlinear response enhanced by the resonance between an incident electromagnetic field and localized plasmon. As a case study, we address the second harmonic generation from graphene plasmonic nanoantennas of different symmetries with missing carbon atom vacancy defects in the honeycomb lattice. Using the many-body time-dependent density matrix approach, we find that one defect in the nanoflake comprising over five thousand carbon atoms can strongly impact the nonlinear hyperpolarizability and override the symmetry constraints. The effect reported here cannot be captured using the relaxation time approximation within the quantum or classical framework. Results obtained in this work have thus important implications for the design of nonlinear graphene devices.
Alsalama, M., Tong, Y., Berdiyorov, G. R., Esaulov, V., & Hamoudi, H. (2023). Refilling strategy of crosslinked aromatic SAMs for enhancing the molecular packing density. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 612, 155867.
Résumé: The stability and uniform coverage of molecular self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on metal substrates is of crucial importance for device integration. One strategy to enhance the stability of the SAMs is based on electron irradiation-induced intermolecular crosslinking. During this process, the coverage area of the SAMs decreases due to the formation of carbon-carbon covalent bonds between the neighboring molecules, which leaves empty spaces at the interfaces. Therefore, to increase molecular coverage, the empty spaces can be refilled either by the same or different types of molecules. In this article, we demonstrate a multistep method of creating densely packed SAMs of biphenyl-4-4-thiol molecules after electron radiation. 4 '-Mercapto-[1,1 '-biphenyl]-4-carbonitrile molecules are used for refilling because of the distinct signature of nitrogen atoms as a marker in the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra. We used these molecules to estimate the reduction of the area of SAM coverage after electron radiation. As a result, 28.9% +/- 5.9% of the total surface area was released. The exper-imental results are supplemented by density functional theory calculations to estimate the area of the empty regions caused by intermolecular crosslinking. The theoretical predictions align closely with the experimental results. These findings can be of practical importance in creating stable molecular SAM devices using the pro-posed alternating irradiation and refilling procedure.
Babaze, A., Neuman, T., Esteban, R., Aizpurua, J., & Borisov, A. G. (2023). Dispersive surface-response formalism to address nonlocality in extreme plasmonic field confinement. Nanophotonics, 12(16), 3277–3289.
Résumé: The surface-response formalism (SRF), where quantum surface-response corrections are incorporated into the classical electromagnetic theory via the Feibelman parameters, serves to address quantum effects in the optical response of metallic nanostructures. So far, the Feibelman parameters have been typically obtained from many-body calculations performed in the long-wavelength approximation, which neglects the nonlocality of the optical response in the direction parallel to the metal–dielectric interface, thus preventing to address the optical response of systems with extreme field confinement. To improve this approach, we introduce a dispersive SRF based on a general Feibelman parameter d⊥(ω, k‖), which is a function of both the excitation frequency, ω, and the wavenumber parallel to the planar metal surface, k‖. An explicit comparison with time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) results shows that the dispersive SRF correctly describes the plasmonic response of planar and nonplanar systems featuring extreme field confinement. This work thus significantly extends the applicability range of the SRF, contributing to the development of computationally efficient semiclassical descriptions of light–matter interaction that capture quantum effects.
Basalgète, R., Torres-Díaz, D., Lafosse, A., Amiaud, L., Féraud, G., Jeseck, P., Philippe, L., Michaut, X., Fillion, J. - H., & Bertin, M. (2023). X-ray photodesorption of complex organic molecules in protoplanetary disks: I. Acetonitrile CH3CN. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 676, A13.
Résumé: Context. X-rays emitted from pre-main-sequence stars at the center of protoplanetary disks can induce nonthermal desorption from interstellar ices populating the cold regions of the disk. This process, known as X-ray photodesorption, needs to be quantified for complex organic molecules (COMs), including acetonitrile CH3CN, which has been detected in several disks.
Aims. The purpose of this work is to experimentally estimate the X-ray photodesorption yields of neutral species from pure CH3CN ices and from interstellar ice analogs for which CH3CN is mixed either in a CO-dominated ice or in a H2O-dominated ice.
Methods. The ices, grown in an ultrahigh vacuum chamber, were irradiated at 15 K by soft X-rays from synchrotron light (SOLEIL synchrotron) in the N K edge region (395–420 eV) and in the O K edge region (530–555 eV). X-ray photodesorption was probed in the gas phase via quadrupole mass spectrometry by monitoring the changes in the mass signals due to the X-ray irradiation of the ices. X-ray photodesorption yields were derived from the mass signals and were extrapolated to higher X-ray energies in order to provide astrophysical yields adapted to astrochemical models.
Boulet, C., & Ma, Q. (2023). The influence of line mixing on the j and k dependencies of halfwidths and temperature exponents in N2-broadening coefficients of CH3F spectral lines. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 310, 108716.
The N2-broadening halfwidths of CH3F in the ν5 and ν6 perpendicular bands have been calculated, along with their temperature exponents. These calculations utilize a modified and refined version of the Robert-Bonamy formalism, developed by the current authors within a semi-classical line shape framework. Extensive comparisons between the predicted halfwidths from the model and experimental measurements at 296 K and 183 K are presented. Our latest model accurately predicts the dependencies of the halfwidths on both the j and k quantum numbers. Furthermore, by extending our calculations to two additional temperatures, namely 240 K and 350 K, the temperature exponent N is determined for various sub-branches. The dependencies of N on j and k are analyzed, and theoretical explanations are provided to elucidate the predicted behaviors of N.
Bournazel, M., Ma, J., Billard, F., Hertz, E., Wu, J., Boulet, C., Faucher, O., & Hartmann, J. - M. (2023). Quantum modeling, beyond secularity, of the collisional dissipation of molecular alignment using the energy-corrected sudden approximation. J. Chem. Phys., 158, 174302.
Résumé: We propose a Markovian quantum model for the time dependence of the pressure-induced decoherence of rotational wave packets of gas-phase molecules beyond the secular approximation. It is based on a collisional relaxation matrix constructed using the energy-corrected sudden approximation, which improves the previously proposed infinite order sudden one by taking the molecule rotation during collisions into account. The model is tested by comparisons with time-domain measurements of the pressure-induced decays of molecular-axis alignment features (revivals and echoes) for HCl and CO2 gases, pure and diluted in He. For the Markovian systems HCl–He and CO2–He, the comparisons between computed and measured data demonstrate the robustness of our approach, even when the secular approximation largely breaks down. In contrast, significant differences are obtained in the cases of pure HCl and CO2, for which the model underestimates the decay rate of the alignment at short times. This result is attributed to the non-Markovianity of HCl–HCl and CO2–CO2 interactions and the important contribution of those collisions that are ongoing at the time when the system is excited by the aligning laser pulse.
Bournazel, M., Ma, J., Billard, F., Hertz, E., Wu, J., Boulet, C., Hartmann, J. - M., & Faucher, O. (2023). Non-Markovian collisional dynamics probed with laser-aligned molecules. Physical Review A, 107, 023115.
Résumé: The Markov, as well as the secular, approximations are key assumptions that have been widely used to model decoherence in a large variety of open quantum systems, but, as far as intermolecular collisions are considered, very little has been done in the time domain. In order to probe the limits of both approximations, we here study the influence of pressure on the alignment revivals (echoes) created in properly chosen gas mixtures (HCl and
, pure and diluted in He) by one (two) intense and short laser pulse(s). Experiments and direct predictions using molecular-dynamics simulations consistently demonstrate, through analyses at very short times
after the laser kick(s), the breakdown of these approximations in some of the selected systems. We show that the nonadiabatic laser-induced molecular alignment technique and model used in this paper directly provide detailed information on the physical mechanisms involved in the collisional dissipation. Besides this “fundamental” interest, our findings also have potential practical applications for radiative heat transfer in planetary atmospheres and climate studies. Indeed, short time delays in the dipole autocorrelation function monitoring the light absorption spectrum correspond to large detunings from the optical resonances in the frequency domain, thus influencing the atmospheric transparency windows. Furthermore, the fact that the approach tested here for linear rotors can potentially be applied to almost any gas mixture (including, for instance, nonlinear and/or reacting molecules) further strengthens and broadens the perspectives that it opens.
Bretel, R., Le Moal, S., Oughaddou, H., & Le Moal, E. (2023). Hydrogen-bonded one-dimensional molecular chains on ultrathin insulating films: Quinacridone on KCl/Cu(111). Phys. Rev. B, 108, 125423.
Résumé: We report on the growth of one-dimensional (1D) chains of the prochiral quinacridone (QA) molecule on ultrathin KCl films on Cu(111) in ultrahigh vacuum. Using low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), we observe straight homochiral 1D chains of QA molecules on one (1L), two (2L), and three (3L) atomic layer thick (100)-terminated KCl islands. The KCl films mostly consist of 2L-thick KCl islands delineated by long polar and short nonpolar edges. These 2L-thick KCl islands are topped by smaller one-atom-thick KCl islands or pits, which are delineated by nonpolar step edges. We find that QA chains can nucleate at these nonpolar step edges or on top of KCl terraces without assistance of step edges. In both cases, the longest straight QA chains observed grow along the KCl ⟨100⟩ directions or slightly rotated (typically less than 10∘) from them. Intermolecular distances ranging from 6.4 Å to 6.8 Å are measured for QA chains on KCl/Cu(111), which is compatible with hydrogen bonds between neighboring flat-lying QA molecules. These intermolecular distances being larger than the measured KCl lattice parameter (i.e., 6.21 Å at 78 K), QA chain growth on KCl/Cu(111) is incommensurate. Molecular arrangement models for the QA chains on KCl are proposed, based on the analysis of the STM images.
Buhler, J., Roncin, P., & Brand, C. (2023). Describing the scattering of keV protons through graphene. FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY, 11, 1291065.
Résumé: Implementing two-dimensional materials in technological solutions requires fast, economic, and non-destructive tools to ensure efficient characterization. In this context, scattering of keV protons through free-standing graphene was proposed as an analytical tool. Here, we critically evaluate the predicted effects using classical simulations including a description of the lattice's thermal motion and the membrane corrugation via statistical averaging. Our study shows that the zero-point motion of the lattice atoms alone leads to considerable broadening of the signal that is not properly described by thermal averaging of the interaction potential. In combination with the non-negligible probability for introducing defects, it limits the prospect of proton scattering at 5 keV as an analytic tool.
Chen, N. L., Gans, B., Hartweg, S., Garcia, G. A., Boyé-Péronne, S., & Loison, J. - C. (2023). Unravelling the electronic structure of the silicon dimer using threshold photoelectron spectroscopy. Molecular Physics, 121(17-18), e2140721.
Résumé: The low-lying electronic states of silicon dimer (Si2) and its cation (Si2+) have been studied by single-photon photoelectron spectroscopy combining a flow-tube reactor, vacuum-ultraviolet synchrotron radiation, and a double imaging photoelectron/photoion spectrometer. The energy range covered in this study (7.0?9.5?eV) allowed to observe several photoionising transitions involving the three lowest electronic states of Si2 (X3Σg?, D3?u, a1?g) and five of the six lowest states of Si2+ (X+4Σg?, a+2?u, b+2?g, c+2Σg?, and e+2?u). Using ab initio calculations and Franck-Condon simulations, several electronic transitions are identified which bring new elements in the description of the dense electronic landscapes of the silicon dimer and its cation. Interestingly, one of the most intense transitions is spin-forbidden (X+4Σg??a1?g) and is most probably observed through autoionisation processes by spin interactions.
Chrayteh, M., Dréan, P., Goubet, M., Coudert, L. H., Roucou, A., & Cuisset, A. (2023). Microwave spectra of dinitrotoluene isomers: a new step towards the detection of explosive vapors. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2522(2422), 1630711–1631811.
Résumé: The spectroscopic characterization of explosive taggants used for TNT detection is a research topic of growing interest. We present a gas-phase rotational spectroscopic study of weakly volatile dinitrotoluene (DNT) isomers. The pure rotational spectra of 2,4-DNT and 2,6-DNT were recorded in the microwave range (2–20 GHz) using a Fabry-Perot Fourier-transform microwave (FP-FTMW) spectrometer coupled to a pulsed supersonic jet. Rotational transitions are split by hyperfine quadrupole coupling at the two 14N nuclei leading to up to 9 hyperfine components. The spectral analysis was supported by quantum chemical calculations carried out at the B98/cc-pVTZ and MP2/cc-pVTZ levels of theory. Based on 2D potential energy surfaces at the B98/cc-pVTZ level of theory, the methyl group internal rotation barriers were calculated to be V3 = 515 cm−1 and 698 cm−1 for 2,4- and 2,6-DNT, respectively. Although no splitting due to internal rotation was observed for 2,6-DNT, several splittings were observed for 2,4-DNT. The microwave spectra of both species were fitted using a semi-rigid Hamiltonian accounting for the quadrupole coupling hyperfine structure. Based on the internal axis method (IAM), an additional analysis was performed to retrieve an accurate value of the rotationless A–E tunneling splitting which could be extracted from the rotational dependence of the tunneling splitting. This yielded in the case of 2,4-DNT to an experimental value of 525 cm−1 for the barrier height V3 which agrees well with the DFT value. The coupled internal rotations of –CH3 and –NO2 are investigated in terms of 2-D surfaces, as already done in the case of 2-nitrotoluene [A. Roucou et al., Chem. Phys. Chem., 2020, 21, 2523–2538].
Coudert, L. H., Mikhailenko, S., Campargue, A., & Mellau, G. C. (2023). Line Position and Line Intensity Modelings of H218O up to the First Triad and J = 20. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 5255(2), 02310500.
Résumé: Line position and line intensity analyses are carried out for the H218O isotopic species of the water molecule. Both datasets involve the five lowest lying vibrational states. For the line position analysis, the dataset includes infrared and far infrared transitions recorded in this work using high-temperature Fourier transform emission spectroscopy. Also included are already published infrared, far infrared, microwave, terahertz, Doppler-free combination differences, and kHz accuracy lines. The fitting is carried out with the bending–rotation approach and allows us to reproduce 12 858 line positions involving levels with J ≤ 20 and Ka ≤ 18, with a unitless standard deviation of 1.9, varying 207 spectroscopic parameters. For the line intensity analysis, far infrared line intensities measured in this work using Fourier transform spectroscopy in addition to previously measured line intensities are fitted. 5612 line intensities are accounted for with a unitless standard deviation of 1.5. The results from both analyses are used to build a line list for atmospherical purposes, spanning the 2–5000 cm−1 spectral range and containing 7593 lines. This line list and calculated energies and line intensities are compared to those already published.
D. Bresteau, C. Spezzani, O. Tcherbakoff, J.-F. Hergott, F. Lepetit, P. D’Oliveira, P. Salieres, R. Geneaux, M. Luttmann, I. Vadillo-Torre, J. Lenfant, S. J. Weber, M. Dehlinger, E. Meltchakov, F. Delmotte, C. Bourassin-Bouchet, J. Im, Z. Chen, J. Caillaux, J. Zhang, M. Marsi, L. Barreau, L. Poisson, D. Dowek, M. Fanciulli, O. Heckmann, M. C. Richter, K. Hricovini, M. Sebdaoui, D. Dennetiere, F. Polack, & T. Ruchon. (2023). FAB10: a user-oriented bandwidth-tunable extreme ultraviolet lightsource for investigations of femtosecond to attosecond dynamics in gas and condensed phases. Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top., .
Résumé: We present the commissioning of the FAB10 beamline (Femtosecond to Attosecond Beamline at 10 kHz repetition rate) that has been developped and operated in the last few years at the ATTOLab facility of Paris-Saclay University. Based on the high harmonic generation process, the beamline is dedicated to investigations of ultrafast dynamics in a broad variety of systems ranging from gas phase to condensed matter in pump-probe arrangements. Its design and operation has been strongly influenced by both the laser and the large scale instruments communities, which makes it unique in several aspects. In particular, it is possible to tune the extreme ultraviolet (XUV, 10–100 eV) bandwidth from 0.2 to 20 eV – with corresponding pulse duration from 30 to 0.3 femtoseconds (fs) – thanks to an original and fully automated XUV spectral filter with three operation modes. After a general overview of the beamline features, each of those operation modes is described, characterized and illustrated with commissioning experiments.
Dartois, E., Kebukawa, Y., Yabuta, H., Mathurin, J., Engrand, C., Duprat, J., Bejach, L., Dazzi, A., Deniset-Besseau, A., Bonal, L., Quirico, E., Sandt, C., Borondics, F., Barosch, J., Cody, G. D., De Gregorio, B. T., Hashiguchi, M., Kilcoyne, D. A. L., Komatsu, M., Martins, Z., Matsumoto, M., Montagnac, G., Mostefaoui, S., Nittler, L. R., Ohigashi, T., Okumura, T., Remusat, L., Sandford, S., Shigenaka, M., Stroud, R., Suga, H., Takahashi, Y., Takeichi, Y., Tamenori, Y., Verdier-Paoletti, M., Yamashita, S., Nakamura, T., Morita, T., Kikuiri, M., Amano, K., Kagawa, E., Noguchi, T., Naraoka, H., Okazaki, R., Sakamoto, K., Yurimoto, H., Abe, M., Kamide, K., Miyazaki, A., Nakato, A., Nakazawa, S., Nishimura, M., Okada, T., Saiki, T., Tachibana, S., Tanaka, S., Terui, F., Tsuda, Y., Usui, T., Watanabe, S. -ichiro, Yada, T., Yogata, K., & Yoshikawa, M. (2023). Chemical composition of carbonaceous asteroid Ryugu from synchrotron spectroscopy in the mid- to far-infrared of Hayabusa2-returned samples. A&A, 671, A2.
Résumé: Context. The current period is conducive to exploring our Solar System's origins with recent and future space sample return missions, which provide invaluable information from known Solar System asteroids and comets The Hayabusa2 mission of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) recently brought back samples from the surface of the Ryugu carbonaceous asteroid.
Aims. We aim to identify the different forms of chemical composition of organic matter and minerals that constitute these Solar System primitive objects, to shed light on the Solar System's origins.
Methods. In this work, we recorded infrared (IR) hyper-spectral maps of whole-rock Ryugu asteroid samples at the highest achievable spatial resolution with a synchrotron in the mid-IR (MIR). Additional global far-IR (FIR) spectra of each sample were also acquired.
Results. The hyper-spectral maps reveal the variability of the functional groups at small scales and the intimate association of phyl-losilicates with the aliphatic components of the organic matter present in Ryugu. The relative proportion of column densities of the identified IR functional groups (aliphatics, hydroxyl + interlayer and/or physisorbed water, carbonyl, carbonates, and silicates) giving access to the composition of the Ryugu samples is estimated from these IR hyper-spectral maps. Phyllosilicate spectra reveal the presence of mixtures of serpentine and saponite. We do not detect anhydrous silicates in the samples analysed, at the scales probed. The carbonates are dominated by dolomite. Aliphatics organics are distributed over the whole samples at the micron scale probed with the synchrotron, and intimately mixed with the phyllosilicates. The aromatic C=C contribution could not be safely deconvolved from OH in most spectra, due to the ubiquitous presence of hydrated minerals. The peak intensity ratios of the organics methylene to methyl (CH2/CH3) of the Ryugu samples vary between about 1.5 and 2.5, and are compared to the ratios in chondrites from types 1 to 3. Overall, the mineralogical and organic characteristics of the Ryugu samples show similarities with those of CI chondrites, although with a noticeably higher CH2/CH3 in Ryugu than generally measured in C1 chondrites collected on Earth, and possibly a higher carbonate content.
Debiossac, M., Pan, P., & Roncin, P. (2023). Elastic and inelastic diffraction of fast neon atoms on a LiF surface. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 25(45), 30966–30974.
Résumé: Grazing incidence fast atom diffraction has mainly been investigated with helium atoms, considered as the best possible choice for surface analysis. This article presents experimental diffraction profiles recorded with neon projectile, between 300 eV and 4 keV kinetic energy with incidence angles theta(i) between 0.3 and 1.5 degrees along three different directions of a LiF(001) crystal surface. These correspond to perpendicular energy ranging from a few meV up to almost 1 eV. A careful analysis of the scattering profile allows us to extract the diffracted intensities even when inelastic effects become so large that most quantum signatures have disappeared. The relevance of this approach is discussed in terms of surface topology.
Djevahirdjian, L., Lechevallier, L., Martin-Drumel, M. - A., Pirali, O., Ducournau, G., Kassi, R., & Kassi, S. (2023). Frequency stable and low phase noise THz synthesis for precision spectroscopy. Nature Communications, 1411(1), 716277.
Résumé: We present a robust approach to generate a continuously tunable, low phase noise, Hz linewidth and mHz/s stability THz emission in the 0.1 THz to 1.4 THz range. This is achieved by photomixing two commercial telecom, distributed feedback lasers locked by optical-feedback onto a single highly stable V-shaped optical cavity. The phase noise is evaluated up to 1.2 THz, demonstrating Hz-level linewidth. To illustrate the spectral performances and agility of the source, low pressure absorption lines of methanol and water vapors have been recorded up to 1.4 THz. In addition, the hyperfine structure of a water line at 556.9 GHz, obtained by saturation spectroscopy, is also reported, resolving spectral features displaying a full-width at half-maximum of 10 kHz. The present results unambiguously establish the performances of this source for ultra-high resolution molecular physics.
Dubosq, C., Pla, P., Dartois, E., & Simon, A. (2023). Spectroscopic investigation of interstellar hydrogenated carbon clusters. A&A, 670, A175.
Résumé: Context. The assignment of the mid-infrared (mid-IR) emission features and plateaus observed in C-rich and H-rich regions of the interstellar medium (ISM) is still debated. Such mid-IR assignments must also be related to their contribution to the extinction curve in our galaxy and to the ultraviolet (UV) bump.
Aims. The aim of this work is to investigate the influence of hydrogenation rate on the mid-IR spectra of populations of carbon clusters in order to constraint the nH/nC ratios in regions of the ISM where carbon is an important component. Their potential contribution to the extinction curve and in particular to the UV bump is also investigated.
Methods. The absorption IR and optical spectra of tens of thousands of C24Hn (n = 0, 6, 12, 18, 24) isomers classified into structural families – namely flakes, branched, pretzels, and cages – were computed using the density functional based tight binding electronic structure method and its time-dependent version, respectively. Final spectra were obtained by averaging the spectra of many individual isomers.
Results. The shapes and the relative intensities of the bands centered at ~3.25 and 3.40 µm and assigned to the C–H stretch of sp2 and sp3 carbon atoms, respectively, present a clear dependence on the nH/nC ratio. From a comparison with the astronomical spectrum from the Orion bar H2S1, the most interesting emitting candidates would pertain to the flakes population; this is the most energetically favorable family of clusters, possessing a high content of five and six carbon rings and being mostly planar, with no sp1 carbon atoms and with a nH/nC ratio of lower than 0.5. The same conclusion is drawn when comparing the computed IR features in the [4–20 µm] region with the observed plateaus from some C-rich and H-rich planetary nebulae objects of the Small Magellanic Cloud. The contribution of the same family could be considered for the UV bump. When nH/nC increases, only a contribution to the high-energy part of the continuum due to σ → π✶ excitations can reasonably be considered.
Conclusions. These results bring some constraints on the structural features and on the nH/nC ratio of the hydrogenated carbon populations emitting in the mid-IR domain in interstellar objects such as protoplanetary and reflection nebulae. The flakes population, with a low nH/nC ratio, is an interesting candidate for the carbon population emitting in these regions, but not for that absorbing in the diffuse ISM. None of the populations studied in the present work can account for the UV bump, but they would contribute to a broad extinction rise in this domain. The computed features reported in this article could be used to interpret future astronomical data provided by the James Webb Space Telescope.
Elliott, E. R., Aveline, D. C., Bigelow, N. P., Boegel, P., Botsi, S., Charron, E., D'Incao, J. P., Engels, P., Estrampes, T., Gaaloul, N., Kellogg, J. R., Kohel, J. M., Lay, N. E., Lundblad, N., Meister, M., Mossman, M. E., Muller, G., Muller, H., Oudrhiri, K., Phillips, L. E., Pichery, A., Rasel, E. M., Sackett, C. A., Sbroscia, M., Schleich, W. P., Thompson, R. J., & Williams, J. R. (2023). Quantum gas mixtures and dual-species atom interferometry in space. Nature, 62366(798777), 50255–50855.
Résumé: The capability to reach ultracold atomic temperatures in compact instruments has recently been extended into space(1,2). Ultracold temperatures amplify quantum effects, whereas free fall allows further cooling and longer interactions time with gravity-the final force without a quantum description. On Earth, these devices have produced macroscopic quantum phenomena such as Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), superfluidity, and strongly interacting quantum gases(3). Terrestrial quantum sensors interfering the superposition of two ultracold atomic isotopes have tested the universality of free fall (UFF), a core tenet of Einstein's classical gravitational theory, at the 10(-12) level(4). In space, cooling the elements needed to explore the rich physics of strong interactions or perform quantum tests of the UFF has remained elusive. Here, using upgraded hardware of the multiuser Cold Atom Lab (CAL) instrument aboard the International Space Station (ISS), we report, to our knowledge, the first simultaneous production of a dual-species BEC in space (formed from (87)Rb and (41)K), observation of interspecies interactions, as well as the production of (39)K ultracold gases. Operating a single laser at a 'magic wavelength' at which Rabi rates of simultaneously applied Bragg pulses are equal, we have further achieved the first spaceborne demonstration of simultaneous atom interferometry with two atomic species ((87)Rb and (41)K). These results are an important step towards quantum tests of UFF in space and will allow scientists to investigate aspects of few-body physics, quantum chemistry and fundamental physics in new regimes without the perturbing asymmetry of gravity.
Ferrer Asensio, J., Spezzano, S., Coudert, L. H., Lattanzi, V., Endres, C. P., Jørgensen, J. K., & Caselli, P. (2023). Millimetre and sub-millimetre spectroscopy of doubly deuterated acetaldehyde (CHD2CHO) and first detection towards IRAS 16293-2422★. A&A, 670, A177.
Résumé: Context. The abundances of deuterated molecules with respect to their main isotopologue counterparts have been determined to be orders of magnitude higher than expected from the cosmic abundance of deuterium relative to hydrogen. The increasing number of singly and multi-deuterated species detections helps us to constrain the interplay between gas-phase and solid-state chemistry and to understand better deuterium fractionation in the early stages of star formation. Acetaldehyde is one of the most abundant complex organic molecules (COMs) in star-forming regions and its singly deuterated isotopologues have already been observed towards protostars.
Aims. A spectroscopic catalogue for astrophysical purposes is built for doubly deuterated acetaldehyde (CHD2CHO) from measurements in the laboratory. With this accurate catalogue, we aim to search for and detect this species in the interstellar medium and retrieve its column density and abundance.
Methods. Sub-millimetre wave transitions were measured for the non-rigid doubly deuterated acetaldehyde CHD2CHO displaying hindered internal rotation of its asymmetrical CHD2 methyl group. An analysis of a dataset consisting of previously measured microwave transitions and of the newly measured ones was carried out with an effective Hamiltonian which accounts for the tunnelling of the asymmetrical methyl group.
Results. A line position analysis was carried out, allowing us to reproduce 853 transition frequencies with a weighted root mean square standard deviation of 1.7, varying 40 spectroscopic constants. A spectroscopic catalogue for astrophysical purposes was built from the analysis results. Using this catalogue, we were able to detect, for the first time, CHD2CHO towards the low-mass proto-stellar system IRAS 16293-2422 utilising data from the ALMA Proto-stellar Interferometric Line Survey.
Conclusions. The first detection of the CHD2CHO species allowed for the derivation of its column density with a value of 1.3×1015 cm−2 and an uncertainty of 10–20%. The resulting D2/D ratio of ~20% is found to be coincident with D2/D ratios derived for other COMs towards IRAS 16293-2422, pointing to a common formation environment with enhanced deuterium fractionation.
Gans, B., Liévin, J., Halvick, P., Chen, N. L., Boyé-Péronne, S., Hartweg, S., Garcia, G. A., & Loison, J. - C. (2023). Single-photon ionization of SiC in the gas phase: experimental and ab initio characterization of SiC+. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25, 23568–23578.
Résumé: We report the first experimental observation of single-photon ionization transitions of the SiC radical between 8.0 and 11.0 eV performed on the DESIRS beamline at the SOLEIL synchrotron facility. The SiC radical, very difficult to synthesize in the gas phase, was produced through chemical reactions between CHx (x = 0–3) and SiHy (y = 0–3) in a continuous microwave discharge flow tube, the CHx and SiHy species being formed by successive hydrogen-atom abstractions induced by fluorine atoms on methane and silane, respectively. Mass-selected ion yield and photoelectron spectra were recorded as a function of photon energy using a double imaging photoelectron/photoion coincidence spectrometer. The photoelectron spectrum enables the first direct experimental determinations of the X+ 4Σ− ← X 3Π and 1+ 2Π ← X 3Π adiabatic ionization energies of SiC (8.978(10) eV and 10.216(24) eV, respectively). Calculated spectra based on Franck–Condon factors are compared with the experimental spectra. These spectra were obtained by solving the rovibrational Hamiltonian, using the potential energy curves calculated at the multireference single and double configuration interaction level with Davidson correction (MRCI + Q) and the aug-cc-pV5Z basis set. MRCI + Q calculations including the core and core–valence electron correlation were performed using the aug-cc-pCV6Z basis set to predict the spectroscopic properties of the six lowest electronic states of SiC+. Complete basis set extrapolations and relativistic energy corrections were also included in the determination of the energy differences characterizing the photoionization process. Using our experimental and theoretical results, we derived semi-experimental values for the five lowest ionization energies of SiC.
Gutiérrez-Quintanilla, A., Chevalier, M., Platakyte, R., Ceponkus, J., & Crépin, C. (2023). Revisiting Photoisomerization in Fluorinated Analogues of Acetylacetone Trapped in Cryogenic Matrices. EPJD, 77, 158.
Résumé: UV-induced processes are commonly studied in acetylacetone analogues. In this contribution,
we revisit the existing work on the photoisomerization process in some of the fluorinated analogues of
acetylacetone, i.e., trifluoroacetylacetone (F3-acac) and hexafluoroacetylacetone (F6-acac). We performed
selective UV laser excitation of these molecules trapped in soft cryogenic matrices, namely neon and parahydrogen,
and probed by vibrational spectroscopy. Clear spectroscopy of 3 isomers of F6-acac and 6 isomers
of F3-acac is obtained, including the first characterization of a second open enol isomer of hexafluoroacetylacetone.
In addition, we present the electronic absorption spectra of both molecules in cryogenic matrices
before and after specific UV irradiations, giving new data on the electronic transitions of photoproducts.
Vibrational and electronic experimental results are analyzed and discussed within comparisons with DFT
and TD-DFT calculations. Our findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the photoisomerization
process in these molecules after electronic excitation in gas and condensed phase.
Huart, L., Fournier, M., Dupuy, R., Vacheresse, R., Mailhiot, M., Cubaynes, D., Ceolin, D., Herve du Penhoat, M. A., Renault, J. P., Guigner, J. - M., Kumar, A., Lutet-Toti, B., Bozek, J., Ismail, I., Journel, L., Lablanquie, P., Penent, F., Nicolas, C., & Palaudoux, J. (2023). First (e,e) coincidence measurements on solvated sodium benzoate in water using a magnetic bottle time-of-flight spectrometer. Phys Chem Chem Phys, (Advance Article).
Résumé: Understanding the mechanisms of X-ray radiation damage in biological systems is of prime interest in medicine (radioprotection, X-ray therapy...). Study of low-energy rays, such as soft-X rays and light ions, points to attribute their lethal effect to clusters of energy deposition by low-energy electrons. The first step, at the atomic or molecular level, is often the ionization of inner-shell electrons followed by Auger decay in an aqueous environment. We have developed an experimental set-up to perform electron coincidence spectroscopy on molecules in a water micro-jet. We present here the first results obtained on sodium benzoate solutions, irradiated at the oxygen and carbon K-edges.
Imani, Z., Mundlapati, V. R., Brenner, V., Gloaguen, E., Le Barbu-Debus, K., Zehnacker, A., Robin, S., Aitken, D. J., & Mons, M. (2023). Non-covalent interactions reveal the protein chain δ conformation in a flexible single-residue model. ChemComm, 59, 1161–1164.
Résumé: The δ conformation is a local secondary structural feature in proteins that implicates a πamide N-H···N interaction between a backbone N atom and the NH of the following residue. Small molecule probes of this conformation have been limited so far to rigid proline-type models that may over-emphasize the significance of the interaction. We show here that, in thiacyclic amino acid derivatives with a sulphur atom in the γ-position, specific side-chain/backbone N-H···S interactions stabilize the δ conformation sufficiently to allow it to compete with classical C5 and C7 H-bonding conformers. With support from quantum chemistry, the δ-folded conformers have been characterized by IR spectroscopy in the gas phase. In solution, the IR absorption of the πamide N-H appears at 3450 cm-1, notably less red-shifted than in proline-type models, in a frequency range often considered as implicating a free NH motif and suggestive of very weak hydrogen bonding at best.
Issler, K., Sturm, F., Petersen, J., Flock, M., Mitric, R., Fischer I, Barreau L, & Poisson L. (2023). Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of 4-(dimethylamino)benzethyne – an experimental and computational study. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 14(25), 9837–9845.
Résumé: We investigated the excited-state dynamics of 4-(dimethylamino)benzethyne (4-DMABE) in a combined theoretical and experimental study using surface-hopping simulations and time-resolved ionisation experiments. The simulations predict a decay of the initially excited S(2) state into the S(1) state in only a few femtoseconds, inducing a subsequent partial twist of the dimethylamino group within approximately 100 fs. This leads to drastically reduced Franck-Condon factors for the ionisation transition to the cationic ground state, thus inhibiting the effective ionisation of the molecule, which leads to a vanishing photoelectron signal on a similar timescale as observed in our time-resolved photoelectron spectra. From the phototoelectron spectra, an adiabatic ionisation energy of 7.17 +/- 0.02 eV was determined. The experimental decays match the theoretical predictions very well and the combination of both reveals the electronic characteristics of the molecule, namely the role of intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) states in the deactivation pathway of electronically excited 4-DMABE.
Iwasawa, H., Sumida, K., Ishida, S., Le Fevre, P., Bertran, F., Yoshida, Y., Eisaki, H., Santander-Syro, A. F., & Okuda, T. (2023). Exploring spin-polarization in Bi-based high-T(c) cuprates. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 13, 13451.
Résumé: The role of spin-orbit interaction has been recently reconsidered in high-[Formula: see text] cuprates, stimulated by the recent experimental observations of spin-polarized electronic states. However, due to the complexity of the spin texture reported, the origin of the spin polarization in high-[Formula: see text] cuprates remains unclear. Here, we present the spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) data on the facing momentum points that are symmetric with respect to the [Formula: see text] point, to ensure the intrinsic spin nature related to the initial state. We consistently found the very weak spin polarization only along the nodal direction, with no indication of spin-splitting of the band. Our findings thus call for a revision of the simple application of the spin-orbit interaction, which has been treated within the standard framework of the Rashba interaction in high-[Formula: see text] cuprates.
J-N. Vigneau, O. Atabek, T.-T. Nguyen-Dang, & E. Charron. (2023). Strong field non-Franck–Condon ionization of H2: a semi-classical analysis. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, .
Résumé: Single ionization of H2 molecules exposed to strong and short laser pulses is investigated by a semi-classical method. Three laser characteristics are considered: (i) The carrier-wave frequency corresponds to wavelengths covering and bridging the two ionization regimes: From tunnel ionization (TI) at 800 nm to multiphoton ionization (MPI) at 266 nm. (ii) Values of the peak intensity are chosen within a window to eliminate competing double ionization processes. (iii) Particular attention is paid to the polarization of the laser field, which can be linearly or circularly polarized. The results and their interpretation concern two observables, namely the end-of-pulse total ionization probability and vibrational distribution generated in the cation H+2. The most prominent findings are an increased ionization efficiency in linear polarization and a vibrational distribution of the cation that favors lower-lying levels than those that would be populated in a vertical (Franck–Condon) ionization, leading to non-Franck–Condon distributions, both in linear and circular polarizations.
Jacovella, U., Ruscic, B., Chen, N., LE, H. L., Boyé-Péronne, S., Hartweg, S., Roy Chowdhury, M., Garcia, G. A., Loison, J. - C., & Gans, B. (2023). Refining thermochemical properties of CF, SiF, and their cations by combining photoelectron spectroscopy, quantum chemical calculations, and the Active Thermochemical Tables approach. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25, 30838–30847.
Résumé: Fluorinated species have a pivotal role in semiconductor material chemistry and some of them have been detected beyond the Earth atmosphere. Achieving good energy accuracy on fluorinated species using quantum chemical calculations has long been a challenge. In addition, obtaining direct experimental thermochemical quantities has also proved difficult. Here, we report the threshold photoelectron and photoion yield spectra of SiF and CF radicals generated with a fluorine reactor. The spectra were analysed with the support of ab initio calculations, resulting in new experimental values for the adiabatic ionisation energies of both CF (9.128±0.006 eV) and SiF (7.379±0.009 eV). Using these values, the underlying thermochemical network of Active Thermochemical Tables was updated, providing further refined enthalpies of formation and dissociation energies of CF, SiF, and their cationic counterparts.
Jiang, N., Melosso, M., Alessandrini, S., Bizzocchi, L., Martin-Drumel, M. - A., Pirali, O., & Puzzarini, C. (2023). Insights into the molecular structure and infrared spectrum of the prebiotic species aminoacetonitrile. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25, 4754–4763.
Résumé: Aminoacetonitrile is an interstellar molecule with a prominent prebiotic role, already detected in the chemically-rich molecular cloud Sagittarius B2(N) and postulated to be present in the atmosphere of the largest Saturn's moon, Titan. To further support its observation in such remote environments and laboratory experiments aimed at improving our understanding of interstellar chemistry, we report a thorough spectroscopic and structural characterization of aminoacetonitrile. Equilibrium geometry, fundamental bands as well as spectroscopic and molecular parameters have been accurately computed by exploiting a composite scheme rooted in the coupled-cluster theory that accounts for the extrapolation to the complete basis set limit and core-correlation effects. In addition, a semi-experimental approach that combines ground-state rotational constants for different isotopic species and calculated vibrational corrections has been employed for the structure determination. From the experimental side, we report the analysis of the three strongest fundamental bands of aminoacetonitrile observed between 500 and 1000 cm−1 in high-resolution infrared spectra. More generally, all computed band positions are in excellent agreement with the present and previous experiments. The only exception is the ν15 band, for which we provide a revision of the experimental assignment, now in good agreement with theory.
Jiang, S., Neuman, T., Bretel, R., Boeglin, A., Scheurer, F., Le Moal, E., & Schull, G. (2023). Many-Body Description of STM-Induced Fluorescence of Charged Molecules. Phys. Rev. Lett., 130, 126202.
Résumé: A scanning tunneling microscope is used to study the fluorescence of a model charged molecule (quinacridone) adsorbed on a sodium chloride (NaCl)-covered metallic sample. Fluorescence from the neutral and positively charged species is reported and imaged using hyperresolved fluorescence microscopy. A many-body model is established based on a detailed analysis of voltage, current, and spatial dependences of the fluorescence and electron transport features. This model reveals that quinacridone adopts a palette of charge states, transient or not, depending on the voltage used and the nature of the underlying substrate. This model has a universal character and clarifies the transport and fluorescence mechanisms of molecules adsorbed on thin insulators.
Kaddar, Y., Zhang, W., Enriquez, H., Dappe, Y. J., Bendounan, A., Dujardin, G., Mounkachi, O., El kenz, A., Benyoussef, A., Kara, A., & Oughaddou, H. (2023). Dirac Fermions in Blue Phosphorene Monolayer. ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, 33(21), 2213664.
L. Dakroub, T. Sinyakova, D. Cubaynes, C. Bomme, L. Chopineau, G. Garcia, O. Peyrusse, F. Quéré, C. Bourassin-Bouchet, & A. Klisnick. (2023). Laser-dressed photoionization for the temporal characterization of attosecond pulses generated from plasma mirrors. Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top., .
Résumé: We report on the implementation of a laser-dressed photoionization method aimed at measuring the temporal structure of high-order harmonics generated from plasma mirrors at the attosecond timescale. Using numerical simulations, we show that the infrared dressing pulse induces up-down asymmetry on the angular distribution of photoelectrons. Experimentally single-shot photoelectron spectra with angular resolution were successfully detected with a velocity-map imaging spectrometer. However, the impact of the infrared dressing field in the photoelectron spectra could not be observed. We discuss several issues that potentially hampered these observations and suggest corresponding setup improvements.
Lacinbala, O., Calvo, F., Dartois, E., Falvo, C., Parneix, P., Simon, A., & Pino, T. (2023). A plausible molecular mechanism to explain near-infrared continuum emission: Recurrent fluorescence. A&A, 671, A89.
Résumé: Context. Very small grains and large hydrocarbon molecules are known to convert a fraction of the ultraviolet (UV) and visible stellar radiation to near- and mid-infrared (IR) photons via stochastic heating and subsequent radiative de-excitation. However, no convincing explanation for the near-IR continuum emission observed in some reflection nebulae and planetary nebulae has been provided so far.
Aims. We aim to investigate the extent that recurrent fluorescence originating from stellar photon absorption by Cn (n = 24, 42, 60) carbon clusters can account for the IR emission detected in various interstellar environments. To this aim, we modelled the collective emission signature of a carbon cluster sample induced by irradiation from a 20 000 K blackbody source. From the obtained results, we set out to determine the fraction of interstellar carbon locked up in the emitting objects.
Methods. The collective emission signature was computationally determined for different structural families encompassing cages, flakes, pretzels, and branched isomers by means of a kinetic Monte Carlo stochastic approach based on harmonic vibrational densities of states. The collective emission spectra result from the overall radiative cooling of a large population of neutral carbon clusters, during which recurrent fluorescence and vibrational emission compete with each other.
Results. Our modelling shows that recurrent fluorescence from C60 cages and flakes (with little or no sp1 carbon atoms) and C42 cages are able to explain the near-IR continuum emission observed in several reflection nebulae and planetary nebulae. Assuming that the continuum emission observed towards NGC 7023 is due to recurrent fluorescence induced by UV or visible photon absorption in neutral cage carbon clusters containing about 30–60 atoms, the carriers contain about 0.1–1.5% of the interstellar carbon abundance.
Le Moal, S., Krieger, I., Kremring, R.: W., S. Yang, X.: Soubatch, S, Tautz, F. S., Silly, M., Borisov, A. G., Sokolowski, M., & Le Moal, E. (2023). Core-Level Binding Energy Shifts in Ultrathin Alkali-Halide Films on Metals: KCl on Ag(100). J. Phys. Chem. C, 127(50), 24253–24265.
Résumé: We present an experimental and theoretical analysis of the core-level binding energy shifts in metal-supported ultrathin KCl films, i.e., a case from a broader class of fewatom-thick, wide-bandgap insulating layers that is increasingly used in nanosciences and nanotechnologies. Using synchrotron-based high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy (HRPES) measurements, we identify the different contributions to the core-level binding energy shifts for the Cl– anions and K+ cations of two to three atomic layer-thick KCl films grown on Ag(100). The distances of the Cl– and K+ ions of the first two atomic layers of the KCl film from the metal substrate are determined from normal incidence X-ray standing wave measurements. We also calculate the core-level binding energy shifts using an analytical electrostatic model and find that the theoretical results are in agreement with the experimental HRPES results only when polarization and substrateinduced image charge effects are taken into account. Finally, our results evidence the effect of the third atomic layer of the KCl film, which partially covers and screens the first two atomic layers of KCl wetting the metal substrate.
Ma, Q., & Boulet, C. (2023). The j and k dependencies of the line coupling and line mixing effects: Theoretical studies of the relaxation matrices of N2-broadened CH3D. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 299, 108504.
Résumé: Line coupling and line mixing effects in parallel and perpendicular bands of CH3D perturbed by N2 have been studied. The work focuses on exhibiting the j and k dependencies of these two processes. The calculations were based on a previously reported anisotropic intermolecular potential including both the long-range multipole, induction, and dispersion forces and a short-range atom-atom model. It is shown that components with L1 = 3 of the atom-atom model are dominant contributions to the diffusion operator. As a consequence, in comparison with other molecular systems such as the CH3Cl-N2 and CH3I-N2, theoretically predicted line coupling and line mixing effects exhibit completely new j and k dependencies. In general, the theoretically calculated halfwidths and intra-doublets’ off-diagonal elements of the relaxation matrix are in reasonable agreement with measurements.
Mallik, S., Göbel, B., Witt, H., Vicente-Arche, L. M., Varotto, S., Bréhin, J., Ménard, G., Saïz, G., Tamsaout, D., Santander-Syro, A. F., Fortuna, F., Bertran, F., Le Fèvre, P., Rault, J., Boventer, I., Mertig, I., Barthélémy, A., Bergeal, N., Johansson, A., & Bibes, M. (2023). Electronic band structure of superconducting KTaO3 (111) interfaces. APL MATERIALS, 11(12), 121108.
Résumé: Two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) based on KTaO3 are emerging as a promising platform for spin-orbitronics due to their high Rashba spin–orbit coupling (SOC) and gate-voltage tunability. The recent discovery of a superconducting state in KTaO3 2DEGs now expands their potential towards topological superconductivity. Although the band structure of KTaO3 surfaces of various crystallographic orientations has already been mapped using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), this is not the case for superconducting KTaO3 2DEGs. Here, we reveal the electronic structure of superconducting 2DEGs based on KTaO3 (111) single crystals through ARPES measurements. We fit the data with a tight-binding model and compute the associated spin textures to bring insight into the SOC-driven physics of this fascinating system.
Martin-Drumel, M. - A., Zhang, Q., Doney, K. D., Pirali, O., Vervloet, M., Tokaryk, D., Western, C., Linnartz, H., Chen, Y., & Zhao, D. (2023). The bending of C3: Experimentally probing the l-type doubling and resonance. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 391, 111734.
Résumé: C3, a pure carbon chain molecule that has been identified in different astronomical environments, is considered a good probe of kinetic temperatures through observation of transitions involving its low-lying bending mode (ν2) in its ground electronic state. The present laboratory work aims to investigate this bending mode with multiple quanta of excitation by combining recordings of high resolution optical and infrared spectra of C3 produced in discharge experiments. The optical spectra of rovibronic (Ã1Πu−X̃1Σg+) transitions have been recorded by laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy using a single longitude mode optical parametric oscillator as narrow bandwidth laser source at the University of Science and Technology of China. 36 bands originating from X̃(0v20), v2=0−5, are assigned. The mid-infrared spectrum of the rovibrational ν3 band has been recorded by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy using a globar source on the AILES beamline of the SOLEIL synchrotron facility. The spectrum reveals hot bands involving up to 5 quanta of excitation in ν2. From combining analyses of all the presently recorded spectra and literature data, accurate rotational parameters and absolute energy levels of C3, in particular for states involving the bending mode, are determined. A single PGOPHER file containing all available data involving the X̃ and à states (literature and present study) is used to fit all the data. The spectroscopic information derived from this work enables new interstellar searches for C3, not only in the infrared and optical regions investigated here but also notably in the ν2 band region (around 63 cm−1) where vibrational satellites can now be accurately predicted. This makes C3 a universal diagnostic tool to study very different astronomical environments, from dark and dense to translucent clouds.
McClure, M. K., Rocha, W. R. M., Pontoppidan, K. M., Crouzet, N., Chu, L. E. U., Dartois, E., Lamberts, T., Noble, J. A., Pendleton, Y. J., Perotti, G., Qasim, D., Rachid, M. G., Smith, Z. L., Sun, F., Beck, T. L., Boogert, A. C. A., Brown, W. A., Caselli, P., Charnley, S. B., Cuppen, H. M., Dickinson, H., Drozdovskaya, M. N., Egami, E., Erkal, J., Fraser, H., Garrod, R. T., Harsono, D., Ioppolo, S., Jiménez-Serra, I., Jin, M., Jørgensen, J. K., Kristensen, L. E., Lis, D. C., McCoustra, M. R. S., McGuire, B. A., Melnick, G. J., Öberg, K. I., Palumbo, M. E., Shimonishi, T., Sturm, J. A., van Dishoeck, E. F., & Linnartz, H. (2023). An Ice Age JWST inventory of dense molecular cloud ices. Nature Astronomy, 7, 431–443.
Résumé: Icy grain mantles are the main reservoir of the volatile elements that link chemical processes in dark, interstellar clouds with the formation of planets and the composition of their atmospheres. The initial ice composition is set in the cold, dense parts of molecular clouds, before the onset of star formation. With the exquisite sensitivity of the James Webb Space Telescope, this critical stage of ice evolution is now accessible for detailed study. Here we show initial results of the Early Release Science programme Ice Age that reveal the rich composition of these dense cloud ices. Weak ice features, including 13CO2, OCN−, 13CO, OCS and complex organic molecule functional groups, are now detected along two pre-stellar lines of sight. The 12CO2 ice profile indicates modest growth of the icy grains. Column densities of the major and minor ice species indicate that ices contribute between 2% and 19% of the bulk budgets of the key C, O, N and S elements. Our results suggest that the formation of simple and complex molecules could begin early in a water-ice-rich environment.
Michoulier, E., Lemoine, D., Spiegelman, F., Nave, S., & Rapacioli, M. (2023). Dissipative friction dynamics within the density-functional based tight-binding scheme. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS, 232(12), 1975–1983.
Résumé: The accurate description of an atom or molecule colliding with a metal surface remains challenging. Several strategies have been performed over the past decades to include in a Langevin dynamics the energy transfer related to electron–hole pair excitations in a phenomenological way through a friction contribution. We report the adaptation of two schemes previously developed in the literature to couple the electronic friction dynamics with the density-functional based tight-binding (DFTB) approach. The first scheme relies on an electronic isotropic friction coefficient determined from the local electronic density (local density friction approximation or LDFA). In the second one, a tensorial friction is generated from the non-adiabatic couplings of the ground electronic state with the single electron–hole excitations (electron tensor friction approximation or ETFA). New DFTB parameterization provides potential energy curves in good agreement with first-principle density-functional theory (DFT) energy calculations for selected pathways of hydrogen atom adsorbing onto the (100) silver surface or penetrating subsurface. Preliminary DFTB/Langevin dynamics simulations are presented for hydrogen atom scattering from the (100) silver surface and energy loss timescales are characterized.
Mukherjee, A., Momeni, A., Allouche, A. R., Staicu Casagrande, E. M., Minea, T., & Khemliche, H. (2023). Grazing incidence fast atom diffraction in high-pressure conditions. Surf. Interfaces, 37, 102754.
Résumé: Grazing Incidence Fast Atom Diffraction (GIFAD) is a recent technique for characterizing surface structures and real-time monitoring of thin film growth. Up to now, GIFAD has only been used in Ultra-High-Vacuum conditions, typically in the range of 10−10 to 10−8 mbar, and has therefore only been considered for high vacuum deposition methods like Molecular Beam Epitaxy or very low-pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). At pressures exceeding 10−6 mbar, gas phase collisions along the atom beam trajectory not only reduce the mean free path but also degrade the beam coherence length and thus potentially suppress the diffraction signal. In addition, pressures lower than 10−5 mbar are required to maintain a low noise level on the scattered particle detector. In a new configuration, we demonstrate that GIFAD can operate at pressure as high as 10−2 mbar of argon with well-contrasted diffraction patterns. This opens wide avenues for the study of surface reactivity, thin film growth in Magnetron Sputtering Deposition, where electron diffraction is inevitably perturbed by the electromagnetic fields. This High-Pressure version of GIFAD could also be extended to Reactive Pulsed Laser Deposition and many CVD variants.
Nadoveza, N., Panades-Barrueta, R. L., Shi, L., Gatti, F., & Pelaez, D. (2023). Analytical high-dimensional operators in canonical polyadic finite basis representation (CP-FBR). J Chem Phys, (158), 114109.
Résumé: In the present work, we introduce a simple means of obtaining an analytical (i.e., grid-free) canonical polyadic (CP) representation of a multidimensional function that is expressed in terms of a set of discrete data. For this, we make use of an initial CP guess, even not fully converged, and a set of auxiliary basis functions [finite basis representation (FBR)]. The resulting CP-FBR expression constitutes the CP counterpart of our previous Tucker sum-of-products-FBR approach. However, as is well-known, CP expressions are much more compact. This has obvious advantages in high-dimensional quantum dynamics. The power of CP-FBR lies in the fact that it requires a grid much coarser than the one needed for the dynamics. In a subsequent step, the basis functions can be interpolated to any desired density of grid points. This is useful, for instance, when different initial conditions (e.g., energy content) of a system are to be considered. We show the application of the method to bound systems of increased dimensionality: H(2) (3D), HONO (6D), and CH(4) (9D).
Nejad, A., Mellor, A. P. F., Lange, M., Alata, I., Zehnacker, A., & Suhm, M. A. (2023). Subtle hydrogen bond preference and dual Franck-Condon activity – the interesting pairing of 2-naphthol with anisole. PCCP, 25(15), 10427–10439.
Résumé: The hydrogen-bonded complexes between 2-naphthol (or beta-naphthol) and anisole are explored by detecting their IR absorption in the OH stretching range as well as their UV absorption by means of laser-induced fluorescence and resonance-enhanced two-photon UV ionisation. For the more stable cis and the metastable trans conformations of the OH group in 2-naphthol, hydrogen bonding to the oxygen atom of anisole is consistently detected in different supersonic jet expansions. Alternative hydrogen bonding to the aromatic ring of anisole remains elusive, although the majority of state-of-the-art hybrid DFT functionals with London dispersion correction and – less surprisingly – MP2 wavefunction theory predict it to be slightly more stable at zero-point level, unless three-body dispersion correction is added to the B3LYP-D3(BJ) approach. This changes at the CCSD(T) level, which forecasts an energy advantage of 1-3 kJ mol(-1) for the classical hydrogen bond arrangement even after including (DFT) zero-point energy contributions. The UV and IR spectra of the cis complex exhibit clear evidence for intensity redistribution of the primary OH stretch oscillator to combination states with the same low-frequency intermolecular bending mode by Franck-Condon-type vertical excitation mechanisms. This rare case of dual (vibronic and vibrational) Franck-Condon activity of a low-frequency mode invites future studies of homologues where aromatic ring docking of the OH group may be further stabilised, e.g. through anisole ring methylation.
Neziri, E., Zhang, W., Smogunov, A., Mayne, A. J., Kara, A., Dappe, Y. J., & Oughaddou, H. (2023). Structural properties of Bi/Au(110). NANOTECHNOLOGY, 34(23), 235601.
Résumé: Atomically thin bismuth films (2D Bi) are becoming a promising research area due to their unique properties and their wide variety of applications in spintronics, electronic and optoelectronic devices. We report on the structural properties of Bi on Au(110), explored by low-energy electron diffraction (LEED), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. At a Bi coverage lower than one monolayer (1 ML) various reconstructions are observed, we focus on Bi/Au(110)-c(2 x 2) reconstruction (at 0.5 ML) and Bi/Au(110)-(3 x 3) structure (at 0.66 ML). We propose models for both structures based on STM measurements and further confirm by DFT calculations.
Oughaddou, H., Kara, A., Rochdi, N., Dappe, Y. J., & Tetard, L. (2023). Special issue on advances in renewable energies, materials and technology. THE EUROPEAN PHYSICS JOURNAL APPLIED PHYSICS, 98, E2.
Pan, P., Kanitz, C., Debiossac, M., Le-Guen, A., Rad, J. N., & Roncin, P. (2023). Lateral line profiles in fast-atom diffraction at surfaces. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 108(3), 035413.
Résumé: Grazing incidence fast-atom diffraction (GIFAD) uses keV atoms to probe the topmost layer of crystalline surfaces. The atoms are scattered by the potential energy landscape of the surface onto elastic diffraction spots located at the Bragg angles and on the Laue circle. However, atoms transfer a significant momentum to the surface, giving rise to possible phonon excitation. This causes the inelastic intensity to spread above and below the circle along the direction of the surface normal. The relative intensity of the elastic contribution is well fitted by the Debye-Waller model adapted to GIFAD, but the composite azimuthal line profile governing the ability to resolve diffraction spots has not been investigated in detail. The paper reports a series of diffraction measurements of helium on a LiF(001) surface revealing marked differences in the polar (θ) and lateral (ϕ) inelastic profiles but also similarities in the evolution of their line widths σθ and σϕ. We observe two regimes: When elastic diffraction is significant, the Laue circle appears as a reference for inelastic diffraction; the azimuthal inelastic line shape is an exponential decay and its width increases almost linearly as the scattering angle deviates from the specular condition. When elastic diffraction weakens, the inelastic line shape evolves towards a Gaussian and its width is no longer minimum on the Laue circle. As a possible difference with x ray, neutrons, and electrons, the in-plane motion of surface atoms may not be the dominant cause of the broadening of the lateral profile in GIFAD.
Panadés-Barrueta, R. L., Nadoveza, N., Gatti, F., & Peláez, D. (2023). On the sum-of-products to product-of-sums transformation between analytical low-rank approximations in finite basis representation. Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top., 2322(121), 18971–19041.
Résumé: In this work, we analyze and compare different possible strategies for the transformations among low-rank (i.e., few number of terms) tensor approximations. The motivation behind this is to achieve compact yet accurate representations of potential-like operators (scalar fields) in symbolic or analytical form. We do this analysis from a formal and from a numerical perspective. Specifically, we concentrate on Tucker and Canonic Polyadic ansätze. We introduce the sum-of-product finite basis representations (SOP-FBR) for both. Here, the factor matrices (aka single-particle functions) are approximated through a set of auxiliary basis functions, specific to the system. In this way, analytical, grid-independent, low-rank expressions can be obtained. We illustrate how finite-precision arithmetic hinders transformations among all these forms. The solution to this issue seems to adapt current algorithms to high-precision arithmetic at the expense of an increase in CPU times.
Pollet, R., & Chin, W. (2023). In silico Investigation of the Thermochemistry and Photoactivity of Pyruvic Acid in an Aqueous Solution of NaCl. Chem. Eur. J., 2922(5555).
Résumé: Abstract The photochemistry of oxocarboxylic acids contributes significantly to the complex chemistry occurring in the atmosphere. In this regard, pyruvic acid undergoes photoreactions that lead to many diverse products. The presence of sodium cation near pyruvic acid in an aqueous solution, or its conjugate base in non-acidic conditions, influences the hydration equilibrium and the photosensitivity to UV-visible light of the oxocarboxylic acid. We performed an ab?initio metadynamics simulation which serves two purposes: first, it unveils the mechanisms of the reversible hydration reaction between the keto and the diol forms, with a free-energy difference of only 2?kJ/mol at 300?K, which shows the influence of sodium on the keto/diol ratio; second, it provides solvent-shared ion pairing (SSIP) and contact ion pairing (CIP) structures, including Na+ coordinated to carbonyl, for the calculations of the electronic transition energies to an antibonding π* orbital, which sheds light on the photoactivity of these two forms in the actinic region.
Pommier, D., Hufschmitt, Z., Zhang, C., Lai, Y., Dujardin, G., Le Moal, E., Sauvan, C., Greffet, J. - J., Wang, J., & Boer-Duchemin, E. (2023). Nanoscale Electrical Excitation of Surface Plasmon Polaritons with a Nanoantenna Tunneling Junction. ACS Photon., 10(8), 2641–2649.
Résumé: Quantum tunneling-driven optical nanoantennas are key components for the development of integrated plasmonic nanodevices. In this work, we use the tunneling junction between a nanoantenna and a thin gold film to electrically excite propagating surface plasmons on the nanoscale. The nanoantenna is a chemically synthesized gold nanocube (∼50 nm side length) that is separated from a thin (50 nm) gold film by an insulating molecular layer (1,8-octanedithiols, ∼1 nm thick). A novel method for completing the electrical circuit between the nanoantenna and the gold film using an atomic force microscope (AFM) is developed. Based on the results of numerical modeling, the nanoantenna modes exciting the propagating surface plasmon polaritons are identified as hybridized gap and antenna modes. Our results demonstrate the ability to interrogate individual tunneling-driven nanoantennas, a crucial step toward the development of electrical nanosources of surface plasmon polaritons and light.
Pratt, S. T., Jacovella, U., Boyé-Péronne, S., Ashfold, M. N. R., Joyeux, D., De Oliveira, N., & Holland, D. M. P. (2023). High-resolution absorption spectroscopy of room-temperature and jet-cooled ammonia between 59,000 and 93,000 cm−1. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 39633, 11181011.
Résumé: We present new high-resolution photoabsorption spectra of ammonia spanning the region between 59,000 cm−1 and 93,000 cm−1 that were recorded by using the Fourier Transform Spectrometer at the Synchrotron SOLEIL. This region extends from just above the Franck-Condon envelope for the à 1A2″ ← X̃ 1A1′ transition to well above the NH3+ X̃+ 2A2″ ionization threshold. The spectra were recorded at a measured resolution of 0.23 cm−1 in both a room-temperature cell (293 K) and in a slit-jet supersonic expansion (∼70 K). The absolute photoabsorption cross section with an uncertainty of ± 5% is also reported for the room-temperature spectrum. The present resolution is a factor of 10 – 100 times higher than in other recently reported broad band spectra of ammonia, and many of the observed bands show partially resolved rotational structure. We have attempted to assign this structure for a number of these bands. The oscillator strengths extracted from the data are in good agreement with previous measurements but, in the case of structured bands, the present higher resolution measurements return higher peak absorption cross sections, that increase further when the sample is cooled. The present higher resolution spectra suggest that a number of previous vibronic band assignments that were based on quantum defect considerations may require some revision. Finally, we discuss the substantial differences between the photoabsorption and photoionization data just above the first ionization threshold.
Quertite, K., Enriquez, H., Trcera, N., Lagarde, P., Bendounan, A., Mayne, A. J., Dujardin, G., El kenz, A., Benyoussef, A., Kara, A., & Oughaddou, H. (2023). First steps of silicene growth on an insulating thin-film: effect of the substrate temperature. THE EUROPEAN PHYSICS JOURNAL APPLIED PHYSICS, 98, 41.
Quijada, M., Babaze, A., Aizpurua, J., & Borisov, A. G. (2023). Nonlinear Optical Response of a Plasmonic Nanoantenna to Circularly Polarized Light: Rotation of Multipolar Charge Density and Near-Field Spin Angular Momentum Inversion. ACS Photon., 10(11), 3963–3975.
Résumé: The spin and orbital angular momentum carried by electromagnetic pulses open new perspectives to control nonlinear processes in light–matter interactions, with a wealth of potential applications. In this work, we use time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) to study the nonlinear optical response of a free-electron plasmonic nanowire to an intense, circularly polarized electromagnetic pulse. In contrast to the well-studied case of the linear polarization, we find that the nth harmonic optical response to circularly polarized light is determined by the multipole moment of order n of the induced nonlinear charge density that rotates around the nanowire axis at the fundamental frequency. As a consequence, the frequency conversion in the far field is suppressed, whereas electric near fields at all harmonic frequencies are induced in the proximity of the nanowire surface. These near fields are circularly polarized with handedness opposite to that of the incident pulse, thus producing an inversion of the spin angular momentum. An analytical approach based on general symmetry constraints nicely explains our numerical findings and allows for generalization of the TDDFT results. This work thus offers new insights into nonlinear optical processes in nanoscale plasmonic nanostructures that allow for the manipulation of the angular momentum of light at harmonic frequencies.
Rossi, C., Alacaraz, C., Thissen, R., & Jacovella, U. (2023). Tunable photoionization chemical monitoring (TPI-CM)—A means to probe molecular ion structures and monitor unimolecular processes through bimolecular ion–molecule reactions: Past, present, and future. J Phys Org Chem, , e4489.
Résumé: Abstract The way in which molecules can arrange themselves is at the root of organic chemistry and elucidating the structures present in isomeric mixtures remains a major challenge nowadays. A tantalizing question for chemists is how molecules transform from one structural configuration to another one. This review introduces in details a technique?tunable photoionization chemical monitoring?that couples tandem mass spectrometry and photoionization enabling to answer the two aforementioned questions for molecular ions. It is based on tracking reactivity changes in bimolecular ion?molecule reactions as a function of the internal energy of the ions. This is illustrated with (i) the structural elucidation of ortho-benzyne distonic cation within a C6H4+$$ {}6{H4}^{+} $$ population and (ii) the tracking of the isomerization from azulene radical cation as it gets gradually energized to naphthalene cation. In both cases, charge transfer reactions have been primarily used because of their universality. Finally, a state-of-the-art of the TPI-CM technique using the CERISES mass spectrometer is given, indicating current limitations as well as prospects of improvement.
Rossi, C., Gans, B., Giuliani, A., & Jacovella, U. (2023). Vacuum Ultraviolet Fingerprints as a New Way of Disentangling Tropylium/Benzylium Isomers. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14, 8444–8447.
Résumé: The two inseparable companions, tropylium (Tr+) and benzylium (Bz+), were interrogated by vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) radiation from 4.5 to 7.0 eV in an ion trap. These new fingerprints provide a new means of distinguishing these two intertwined C7H7+ isomers. In particular, the singular spectral signature of Tr+ in the VUV consists of a single strong electronic transition at ≈6 eV. To illustrate this diagnostic tool, we shed light on the structure of the C7H7+ intermediate that is ubiquitous when using commercial atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) sources. We have identified its structure as the 7-membered ring Tr+, which contradicts some previous beliefs.
Rouquet, E., Roy Chowdhury, M., Garcia, G. A., Nahon, L., Dupont, J., Lepere, V., Le Barbu-Debus, K., & Zehnacker, A. (2023). Induced photoelectron circular dichroism onto an achiral chromophore. Nat Commun, 1411(1), 629066.
Résumé: An achiral chromophore can acquire a chiral spectroscopic signature when interacting with a chiral environment. This so-called induced chirality is documented in electronic or vibrational circular dichroism, which arises from the coupling between electric and magnetic transition dipoles. Here, we demonstrate that a chiroptical response is also induced within the electric dipole approximation by observing the asymmetric scattering of a photoelectron ejected from an achiral chromophore in interaction with a chiral host. In a phenol-methyloxirane complex, removing an electron from an achiral aromatic pi orbital localised on the phenol moiety results in an intense and opposite photoelectron circular dichroism (PECD) for the two enantiomeric complexes with (R) and (S) methyloxirane, evidencing the long-range effect (~5 A) of the scattering chiral potential. This induced chirality has important structural and analytical implications, discussed here in the context of growing interest in laser-based PECD, for in situ, real time enantiomer determination.
Shi, L., Schroder, M., Meyer, H. - D., Pelaez, D., Wodtke, A. M., Golibrzuch, K., Schonemann, A. - M., Kandratsenka, A., & Gatti, F. (2023). Quantum and classical molecular dynamics for H atom scattering from graphene. J Chem Phys, 15911(1911).
Résumé: This work presents systematic comparisons between classical molecular dynamics (cMD) and quantum dynamics (QD) simulations of 15-dimensional and 75-dimensional models in their description of H atom scattering from graphene. We use an experimentally validated full-dimensional neural network potential energy surface of a hydrogen atom interacting with a large cell of graphene containing 24 carbon atoms. For quantum dynamics simulations, we apply Monte Carlo canonical polyadic decomposition to transform the original potential energy surface (PES) into a sum of products form and use the multi-layer multi-configuration time-dependent Hartree method to simulate the quantum scattering of a hydrogen or deuterium atom with an initial kinetic energy of 1.96 or 0.96 eV and an incident angle of 0 degrees , i.e., perpendicular to the graphene surface. The cMD and QD initial conditions have been carefully chosen in order to be as close as possible. Our results show little differences between cMD and QD simulations when the incident energy of the H atom is equal to 1.96 eV. However, a large difference in sticking probability is observed when the incident energy of the H atom is equal to 0.96 eV, indicating the predominance of quantum effects. To the best of our knowledge, our work provides the first benchmark of quantum against classical simulations for a system of this size with a realistic PES. Additionally, new projectors are implemented in the Heidelberg multi-configuration time-dependent Hartree package for the calculation of the atom scattering energy transfer distribution as a function of outgoing angles.
Spaniol, J. - T., Lee, K. L. K., Pirali, O., Puzzarini, C., & Martin-Drumel, M. - A. (2023). A rotational investigation of the three isomeric forms of cyanoethynylbenzene (HCC-C6H4-CN): benchmarking experiments and calculations using the “Lego brick” approach. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25, 6397–6405.
Résumé: We report the study of three structural isomers of phenylpropiolonitrile (3-phenyl-2-propynenitrile, C6H5–C3N) containing an alkyne function and a cyano group, namely ortho-, meta-, and para-cyanoethynylbenzene (HCC–C6H4–CN). The pure rotational spectra of these species have been recorded at room temperature in the millimeter-wave domain using a chirped-pulse spectrometer (75–110 GHz) and a source-frequency modulation spectrometer (140–220 GHz). Assignments of transitions in the vibrational ground state and several vibrationally excited states were supported by quantum chemical calculations using the so-called “Lego brick” approach [A. Melli, F. Tonolo, V. Barone and C. Puzzarini, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2021, 125, 9904–9916]. From these assignments, accurate spectroscopic (rotational and centrifugal distortion) constants have been derived: for all species and all observed vibrational states, predicted rotational constants show relative accuracy better than 0.1%, and often of the order of 0.01%, compared to the experimental values. The present work hence further validates the use of the “Lego brick” approach for predicting spectroscopic constants with high precision.
Taillard, A., Wakelam, V., Gratier, P., Dartois, E., Chabot, M., Noble, J. A., Keane, J. V., Boogert, A. C. A., & Harsono, D. (2023). Constraints on the non-thermal desorption of methanol in the cold core LDN 429-C★. A&A, 2023, A141.
Résumé: Context. Cold cores are one of the first steps of star formation, characterized by densities of a few 104–105 cm−3, low temperatures (15 K and below), and very low external UV radiation. In these dense environments, a rich chemistry takes place on the surfaces of dust grains. Understanding the physico-chemical processes at play in these environments is essential to tracing the origin of molecules that are predominantly formed via reactions on dust grain surfaces.
Aims. We observed the cold core LDN 429-C (hereafter L429-C) with the NOEMA interferometer and the IRAM 30 m single dish telescope in order to obtain the gas-phase abundances of key species, including CO and CH3OH. Comparing the data for methanol to the methanol ice abundance previously observed with Spitzer allows us to put quantitative constraints on the efficiency of the non-thermal desorption of this species.
Methods. With physical parameters determined from available Herschel data, we computed abundance maps of 11 detected molecules with a non-local thermal equilibrium (LTE) radiative transfer model. These observations allowed us to probe the molecular abundances as a function of density (ranging from a few 103 to a few 106 cm−3) and visual extinction (ranging from 7 to over 75), with the variation in temperature being restrained between 12 and 18 K. We then compared the observed abundances to the predictions of the Nautilus astrochemical model.
Results. We find that all molecules have lower abundances at high densities and visual extinctions with respect to lower density regions, except for methanol, whose abundance remains around 4.5 × 10−10 with respect to H2. The CO abundance spreads over a factor of 10 (from an abundance of 10−4 with respect to H2 at low density to 1.8 × 10−5 at high density) while the CS, SO, and H2S abundances vary by several orders of magnitude. No conclusion can be drawn for CCS, HC3N, and CN because of the lack of detections at low densities. Comparing these observations with a grid of chemical models based on the local physical conditions, we were able to reproduce these observations, allowing only the parameter time to vary. Higher density regions require shorter times than lower density regions. This result can provide insights on the timescale of the dynamical evolution of this region. The increase in density up to a few 104 cm−3 may have taken approximately 105 yr, while the increase to 106 cm−3 occurs over a much shorter time span (104 yr). Comparing the observed gas-phase abundance of methanol with previous measurements of the methanol ice, we estimate a non-thermal desorption efficiency between 0.002 and 0.09%, increasing with density. The apparent increase in the desorption efficiency cannot be reproduced by our model unless the yield of cosmic-ray sputtering is altered due to the ice composition varying as a function of density.
Tajouo Tela, H., Quintas-Sanchez, E., Dubernet, M. - L., Scribano, Y., Dawes, R., Gatti, F., & Ndengue, S. (2023). Rovibrational states calculations of the H(2)O-HCN heterodimer with the multiconfiguration time dependent Hartree method. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 2522(4644), 3181333–3182433.
Résumé: Water and hydrogen cyanide are two of the most common species in space and the atmosphere with the ability of binding to form dimers such as H(2)O-HCN. In the literature, while calculations characterizing various properties of the H(2)O-HCN cluster (equilibrium distance, vibrational frequencies and rotational constants) have been done in the past, extensive calculations of the rovibrational states of this system using a reliable quantum dynamical approach have yet to be reported. In this work, we intend to mend that by performing the first calculation of the rovibrational states of the H(2)O-HCN van der Waals complex on a recently developed potential energy surface. We use the block improved relaxation procedure implemented in the Heidelberg MultiConfiguration Time-Dependent Hartree (MCTDH) package to compute the states of the H(2)O-HCN isomer, from which we extract the transition frequencies and rotational constants of the complex. We further adapt an approach first suggested by Wang and Carrington-and supported here by analysis routines of the Heidelberg MCTDH package-to properly characterize the computed rovibrational states. The subsequent assignment of rovibrational states was done by theoretical analysis and visual inspection of the wavefunctions. Our simulations provide a Zero Point Energy (ZPE) and intermolecular vibrational frequencies in good agreement with past ab initio calculations. The transition frequencies and rotational constants obtained from our simulations match well with the available experimental data. This work has the broad aim to propose the MCTDH approach as a reliable option to compute and characterize rovibrational states of van der Waals complexes such as the current one.
Thibault, F., Viel, A., & Boulet, C. (2023). Simulation of argon induced coupling coefficients of NH3 doublets and their speed dependence. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 296, 108453.
Résumé: We present a theoretical evaluation of collision induced effects on a few typical doublets in the ν4 band of ammonia perturbed by argon. Quantum dynamical calculations performed on two NH3-Ar potential energy surfaces provide pressure broadening and intradoublet generalized cross sections. From these calculations we derive thermally averaged values at various temperatures. The intradoublet coupling terms at room temperature are found to be in good agreement with available data in the literature. In addition, we study the speed dependence of the pressure broadening and intradoublet coupling coefficients. The former show a usual speed dependence, quite important, but the later show a weak speed dependence at least around 296 K and above.
Valdés, J. E., León, A. M., Arista, N., & Esaulov, V. A. (2023). Anomalous electronic energy losses in protons passing through Gd thin films. RADIATION EFFECTS AND DEFECTS IN SOLIDS, 178(1-2), 20–27.
Résumé: We report a theoretical analysis of recent data on the unexpectedly high electronic energy loss protons in a polycrystalline gadolinium target. These results led the authors of this data to conclude that the free electron model used to analyse these results fails. In this work we provide a quantitative explanation of the experimental results, using an approach based on density functional theory within the framework of the free electron gas model. We performed semi-classical trajectory simulations (SCTS) and employ the local-density-approximation model (LDA), using an inhomogeneous electron density distribution and the polycrystalline character of Gd samples. The good agreement obtained, delineates the need of considering a realistic description of a particle trajectory and the effective electron density 'seen' along it, whose description remains within a FEG model.
Vivek, M., Goniakowski, J., Santander-Syro, A., & Gabay, M. (2023). Octahedral rotations and defect-driven metallicity at the (001) surface of CaTiO3. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 107(4), 045101.
Voute, A., Dörfler, A., Wiesenfeld, L., Dulieu, O., Gatti, F., Peláez, D., & Willitsch, S. (2023). Charge transfer of polyatomic molecules in ion-atom hybrid traps: Stereodynamics in the millikelvin regime. Phys. Rev. Research, 5(3).
Résumé: Rate constants for the charge-transfer reaction between N2H+ and Rb in the millikelvin regime are measured in an ion-atom hybrid trap and are found to be lower than the Langevin capture limit. Multireference ab initio computation of the potential energy surfaces involved in the reaction reveals that the low-temperature charge transfer is hindered by short-range features highly dependent on the collision angle and is promoted by a deformation of the molecular frame. The present study highlights the importance of polyatomic effects and of stereodynamics in cold molecular ion-neutral collisions.
Wang, J., Ouvrard, A., Zheng, W., Carrez, S., Ghalgaoui, A., & Bourguignon, B. (2023). In situ study of catalytic CO oxidation on ultrathin MgO film supported Pd nanoparticles by sum frequency generation: size and site effects. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25(15), 10845–10852.
Résumé: Controlling the reactive sites of nanoparticles (NPs) is crucial to improve catalyst efficiency. In this work, sum-frequency generation is used to probe CO vibrational spectra on MgO(100) ultrathin film/Ag(100) supported Pd nanoparticles ranging from 3 to 6 nm in diameter and compared to those of coalesced Pd NPs and Pd(100) single crystals. We aim to demonstrate in situ the role played by active adsorption sites in the catalytic CO oxidation reactivity trends varying with the NP size. From ultrahigh vacuum to the mbar range and temperatures from 293 K to 340 K, our observations suggest that bridge sites are the main active sites for CO adsorption and catalytic oxidation. On Pd(100) single crystals at 293 K, CO oxidation predominates over CO poisoning at a pressure ratio of O2/CO greater than 300; on Pd NPs, both the site coordination due to NP geometry and MgO-induced Pd–Pd interatomic distance change impact the reactivity trend varying with size in different ways. Edge sites with low coordination are more reactive than facet sites, while facet sites with a smaller Pd–Pd atomic length are more reactive than that with a larger length. The interplay of both site and size effects gives rise to a non-monotonic reactivity trend of CO on the MgO(100) ultrathin film supported Pd NPs: the reactivity of Pd NPs increases for the smaller NP size side due to a higher edge/facet ratio and meanwhile increases for the larger NP size side due to the terrace facet with a smaller Pd–Pd atomic length at the NP surface and a lower diffusion barrier.