Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay



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Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Nanomédecine et Biophotonique (NanoBio) > Publications > 2021


par Martrenchard-Barra Séverine - 7 novembre 2021

Peer-reviewed Publications

Chaupard, M., de Frutos, M., & Gref, R. (2021). Deciphering the Structure and Chemical Composition of Drug Nanocarriers: From Bulk Approaches to Individual Nanoparticle Characterization. Part. Part. Syst. Charact., .
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Christodoulou I, B. T., Li X, Patriarche G, Serre C, Marlière C, Gref R. (2021). Degradation Mechanism of Porous Metal-Organic Frameworks by In Situ Atomic Force Microscopy. Nanomaterials (Basel), 11(3), 722.
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Jouchet, P., Cabriel, C., Bourg, N., Bardou, M., Poüs, C., Fort, E., & Lévêque-Fort, S. (2021). Nanometric axial localization of single fluorescent molecules with modulated excitation. Nat. Photonics, 15, 297.
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Li, X., Porcino, M., Qiu, J., Constantin, D., Martineau-Corcos, C., & Gref, R. (2021). Doxorubicin-Loaded Metal-Organic Frameworks Nanoparticles with Engineered Cyclodextrin Coatings: Insights on Drug Location by Solid State NMR Spectroscopy. Nanomaterials (Basel), 11(4), 945.
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Mau, A., Friedl, K., Leterrier, C., Bourg N, & Leveque-Fort, S. (2021). Fast widefield scan provides tunable and uniform illumination optimizing super-resolution microscopy on large fields. Nat Commun, 12, 3077.
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Porcino, M., Li, X., Gref, R., & Martineau-Corcos C. (2021). Solid-state NMR spectroscopy as a powerful tool to investigate the location of fluorinated lipids in highly porous hybrid organic-inorganic nanoparticles. Magn Reson Chem, .
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Orre T, Joly A, Karatas, Z., Kastberger, B., Cabriel, C., Bottcher RT, Leveque-Fort S, Sibarita, J. - B., Fassler R, Wehrle-Haller B, Rossier, O., & Giannone G. (2021). Molecular motion and tridimensional nanoscale localization of kindlin control integrin activation in focal adhesions. (Vol. 12).
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Porcino M, Li, X., Gref R, & Martineau-Corcos C. (2021). Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy: A Key Tool to Unravel the Supramolecular Structure of Drug Delivery Systems..
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Siyu He, L. W., Xue Li, Hongyu Sun, Ting Xiong, Jie Liu, Chengxi Huang, Huipeng Xu, Huimin Sun, Weidong Chen, Ruxandra Gref, Jiwen Zhang. (2021). Metal-organic frameworks for advanced drug delivery..
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