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Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Nanomédecine et Biophotonique (NanoBio) > Nanoparticules de type "cage" pour lutter contre des maladies sévères > Offres de stages, thèses, post-docs > Nanoparticules coeur-couronne pour traiter le cancer : de la synthèse à l’évaluation biologique
Stage niveau M2
Niveau M2 à l’interface chimie-biologie
- 22 octobre 2021Throughout the last decades, our knowledge about cancer and its treatment has grown steadily. However, despite the efforts of the scientific community to find new therapies against this disease, we keep facing major problems. Among these are the numerous complications related to the side effects of conventional treatments, but even more delicate, the question of resistance to treatments remains the most complex subject to overcome.
This master project intends to circumvent these two recurrent problems by using nanosized Metal Organic Frameworks (nanoMOFs) to deliver anticancer therapeutics. NanoMOFs have many properties of interest for biomedical applications. To mention just a few : their porous structure, allowing them to encapsulate a variety of drugs, their biodegradability and their low toxicity.
In a first step, an anticancer drug will be incorporated. In a second step, the nanoparticles will be coated with a well-known monoclonal antibody targeting the HER2 receptor : trastuzumab. This coating should enable targeting prostate cancer cells that developed a resistance to hormone therapy often associated with the overexpression of HER2 receptor.
The biological evaluation will be carried on in the frame of a collaboration with Institut Gustave Roussy (IGR). We welcome a M2 student with an interdisciplinary background and keen to work in the two institutes, IGR and ISMO.
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Voir en ligne : Nanoparticules de type "cage" pour lutter contre des maladies sévères