Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay



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Accueil > Production Scientifique > Thèses soutenues > Année 2021 > Soutenance de thèse d’Ozan Lacinbala (30 sept )

Soutenance de thèse d’Ozan Lacinbala (30 sept )

par Martrenchard-Barra Séverine - 28 septembre 2021

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IR radiative relaxation of benzene derivatives and large carbon clusters in the gas phase

This thesis is in line with investigations started after the statement of the PAH hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, the carriers of ubiquitously observed emission features in the mid-infrared wavelength range in the interstellar medium regions are species similar to aromatic hydrocarbons (with an aliphatic component), as well as a contribution of fullerenes for specific IR emission bands. These species undergo a radiative relaxation induced by the absorption of a stellar UV photon by emitting in the mid-infrared by radiative de-excitation. In this work, vibrational emission has been employed as observable for experimental investigation of isomerization mechanism in benzene derivatives.
Theoretically, the recurrent fluorescence and vibrational emission in large Cn (n= 24, 42, 60) carbon clusters have been studied in interstellar and temperature fixed conditions.