Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay



jeudi 16 janvier

Mise à jour
mercredi 24 juillet 2024

Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Dynamiques et Interactions : Rayonnement, Atomes, Molécules (DIRAM) > Publications > 2019


Peer-reviewed Publications

Amri S., Corgier R., Sugny D., Rasel E. M., Gaaloul N., & Charron E. (2019). Optimal control of the transport of Bose-Einstein condensates with atom chips. Sci. Rep., 9, 5346.
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Atabek, O., & Lefebvre, R. (2019). Zero-width resonances in the context of Fano's configuration interaction formalism. Molecular Physics, 117(15-16), 2010–2013.
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Chamakhi R., Telmini M., Atabek O., & Charron E. (2019). Anisotropy control in photoelectron spectra: A coherent two-pulse interference strategy. Phys. Rev. A, 100, 033402.
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Chin, A. W., Mangaud, E., Chevet, V., Atabek, O., & Desouter-Lecomte, M. (2019). Visualising the role of non-perturbative environment dynamics in the dissipative generation of coherent electronic motion. Chemical Physics, 525, 110392.
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Devolder, A., Luc-Koenig, E., Atabek, O., Desouter-Lecomte, M., & Dulieu, O. (2019). Laser-assisted self-induced Feshbach resonance for controlling heteronuclear quantum gas mixtures. Phys. Rev. A, 100(5), 052703.
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Gonon, B., Lasorne, B., Karras, G., Joubert-Doriol, L., Lauvergnat, D., Billard, F., Lavorel, B., Faucher, O., Guerin, S., Hertz, E., & Gatti, F. (2019). A generalized vibronic-coupling Hamiltonian for molecules without symmetry: Application to the photoisomerization of benzopyran. J Chem Phys, 150(12), 124109.
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Hrodmarsson, H. R., Thissen, R., Dowek, D., Garcia, G. A., Nahon, L., & Govers, T. R. (2019). Isotope Effects in the Predissociation of Excited States of N2 (+) Produced by Photoionization of (14)N2 and (15)N2 at Energies Between 24.2 and 25.6 eV. Front Chem, 7(222).
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Latka, T., Shirvanyan, V., Ossiander, M., Razskazovskaya, O., Guggenmos, A., Jobst, M., Fieß, M., Holzner, S., Sommer, A., Schultze, M., Jakubeit, C., Riemensberger, J., Bernhardt, B., Helml, W., Gatti, F., Lasorne, B., Lauvergnat, D., Decleva, P., Halász, G., Vibók, A., & Kienberger, R. (2019). Femtosecond wave-packet revivals in ozone. Phys. Rev. A, 99(6), 063405.
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Mangaud E, Lasorne B, Atabek, O., & Desouter-Lecomte M. (2019). Statistical distributions of the tuning and coupling collective modes at a conical intersection using the hierarchical equations of motion. J Chem Phys, 151(24), 244102.
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Ndengué, S. A., Scribano, Y., Benoit, D. M., Gatti, F., & Dawes, R. (2019). Intermolecular rovibrational bound states of H2O H2 dimer from a MultiConfiguration Time Dependent Hartree approach. Chemical Physics Letters, 715, 347–353.
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Trimeche A., Battelier B., Becker D., Bertoldi A., Bouyer P., Braxmaier C., Charron E., Corgier R., Cornelius M., Douch K., Gaaloul N., Herrmann S., Müller J., Rasel E., Schubert C., Wu H., & Pereira dos Santos F. (2019). Concept study and preliminary design of a cold atom interferometer for space gravity gradiometry. Clas. Quant. Grav., 36, 215004.
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Ueda, K., Sokell, E., Schippers, S., Aumayr, F., Sadeghpour, H., Burgdörfer, J., Lemell, C., Tong, X. - M., Pfeifer, T., Calegari, F., Palacios, A., Martin, F., Corkum, P., Sansone, G., Gryzlova, E. V., Grum-Grzhimailo, A. N., Piancastelli, M. N., Weber, P. M., Steinle, T., Amini, K., Biegert, J., Berrah, N., Kukk, E., Santra, R., Müller, A., Dowek, D., Lucchese, R. R., McCurdy, C. W., Bolognesi, P., Avaldi, L., Jahnke, T., Schöffler, M. S., Dörner, R., Mairesse, Y., Nahon, L., Smirnova, O., Schlathölter, T., Campbell, E. E. B., Rost, J. - M., Meyer, M., & Tanaka, K. A. (2019). Roadmap on photonic, electronic and atomic collision physics: I. Light–matter interaction. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 52, 171001.
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Yuen, C. H., Lapierre, D., Gatti, F., Kokoouline, V., & Tyuterev, V. G. (2019). The Role of Ozone Vibrational Resonances in the Isotope Exchange Reaction (16)O(16)O + (18)O --> (18)O(16)O + (16)O: The Time-Dependent Picture. J Phys Chem A, 123(36), 7733–7743.
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Zhang, Z., Zhang Z, Gatti, F., Gatti F, Zhang, D. H., & Zhang DH. (2019). Full dimensional quantum mechanical calculations of the reaction probability of the H + NH3 collision based on a mixed Jacobi and Radau description. J Chem Phys, 150(20), 204301.
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Actes de Conférences

Kennedy, E. T., Mosnier, J. P., Van Kampen, P., Bizau, J. - M., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., Carniato, S., Puglisi, A., & Sisourat, N. (2019). Vibrational effects in the photo-ion yield spectrum of the SiH<sub>2</sub><sup>+</sup>molecular ion following 2p inner-shell excitation. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1289, 012003).
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