Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay



jeudi 23 janvier

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mercredi 24 juillet 2024

Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Nanophysique et Surfaces (Nanophys) > Publications > 2013


Peer-reviewed Publications

Bellec, A., Chaput, L., Dujardin, G., Riedel, D., Stauffer, L., & Sonnet, P. (2013). Reversible charge storage in a single silicon atom. Phys. Rev. B, 88(24), 241406.
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Borisov, A. G., Sanchez-Portal, D., Kazansky, A. K., & Echenique, P. M. (2013). Resonant and nonresonant processes in attosecond streaking from metals. Phys. Rev. B, 87(12), 121110.
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Koval, N. E., Sánchez-Portal, D., Borisov, A. G., & Díez Muiño, R. (2013). Dynamic screening and energy loss of antiprotons colliding with excited Al clusters. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., B, 317, 56–60.
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Labidi, H., Sonnet, P., & Riedel, D. (2013). Electronic Control of the Tip-Induced Hopping of an Hexaphenyl-Benzene Molecule Physisorbed on a Bare Si(100) Surface at 9 K. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 117(26), 13663–13675.
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Le Moal, E., Marguet, S., Rogez, B., Mukherjee, S., Dos Santos, P., Boer-Duchemin, E., Comtet, G., & Dujardin, G. (2013). An electrically excited nanoscale light source with active angular control of the emitted light. Nano Lett., 13(9), 4198–4205.
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Marinica, D. C., Lourenco-Martins, H., Aizpurua, J., & Borisov, A. G. (2013). Plexciton quenching by resonant electron transfer from quantum emitter to metallic nanoantenna. Nano Lett., 13(12), 5972–5978.
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Ovramenko, T., Spillebout, F., Bocquet, F. C., Mayne, A. J., Dujardin, G., Sonnet, P., Stauffer, L., Ksari, Y., & Themlin, J. M. (2013). STM imagery and density functional calculations of C-60 fullerene adsorption on the 6H-SiC(0001)-3x3 surface. Phys. Rev. B, 87(15), 155421.
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Raseev, G. (2013). Plasmon resonances of Ag(001) and Ag(111) studied by power density absorption and photoyield. Surf. Sci., 615, 6–20.
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Rios Rubiano, C. A., Bocan, G. A., Gravielle, M. S., Bundaleski, N., Khemliche, H., & Roncin, P. (2013). Ab initio potential for the He-Ag(110) interaction investigated using grazing-incidence fast-atom diffraction. Phys. Rev. B, 87(1), 012903.
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Schaffert, J., Cottin, M. C., Sonntag, A., Bobisch, C. A., Moeller, R., Gauyacq, J. - P., & Lorente, N. (2013). Tunneling electron induced rotation of a copper phthalocyanine molecule on Cu(111). Phys. Rev. B, 88(7), 075410.
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Schaffert, J., Cottin, M. C., Sonntag, A., Karacuban, H., Bobisch, C. A., Lorente, N., Gauyacq, J. - P., & Möller, R. (2013). Imaging the dynamics of individually adsorbed molecules. Nat. Mater., 12(3), 223–227.
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Teperik, T. V., Nordlander, P., Aizpurua, J., & Borisov, A. G. (2013). Quantum effects and nonlocality in strongly coupled plasmonic nanowire dimers. Opt. Express, 21(22), 27306.
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Teperik, T. V., Nordlander, P., Aizpurua, J., & Borisov, A. G. (2013). Robust Subnanometric Plasmon Ruler by Rescaling of the Nonlocal Optical Response. Phys. Rev. Lett., 110(26), 263901.
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Thon, R., Chin, W., Galaup, J. - P., Ouvrard, A., Bourguignon, B., & Crepin, C. (2013). Vibrational Perturbations of W(CO)(6) Trapped in a Molecular Lattice Probed by Linear and Nonlinear Spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. A, 117(34), 8145–8156.
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Tsirkin, S. S., Borisov, A. G., & Chulkov, E. V. (2013). Green's function approach to the lifetimes of image potential resonances at metal surfaces. Phys. Rev. B, 88(3), 035449.
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Yang, H., Mayne, A. J., Cejas, C., Dujardin, G., & Kuk, Y. (2013). Manipulation at a distance: Atomic-scale observation of ballistic electron transport in single layer graphene. Appl. Phys. Lett., 102(22), 223104.
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Yang, H., Mayne, A. J., Comtet, G., Dujardin, G., Kuk, Y., Sonnet, P., Stauffer, L., Nagarajan, S., & Gourdon, A. (2013). STM imaging, spectroscopy and manipulation of a self-assembled PTCDI monolayer on epitaxial graphene. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15(14), 4939–4946.
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Zhang, Y., Boer-Duchemin, E., Wang, T., Rogez, B., Comtet, G., Le Moal, E., Dujardin, G., Hohenau, A., Gruber, C., & Krenn, J. R. (2013). Edge scattering of surface plasmons excited by scanning tunneling microscopy. Opt. Express, 21(12), 13938–13948.
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Zugarramurdi, A., & Borisov, A. G. (2013). Theoretical study of the effect of beam misalignment in fast-atom diffraction at surfaces. Phys. Rev. A, 87(6), 062902.
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Zugarramurdi, A., & Borisov, A. G. (2013). When fast atom diffraction turns 3D. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., B, 317, 83–89.
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Zugarramurdi, A., Debiossac, M., Lunca-Popa, P., Alarcon, L. S., Momeni, A., Khemliche, H., Roncin, P., & Borisov, A. G. (2013). Surface-grating deflection of fast atom beams. Phys. Rev. A, 88(1), 0129074.
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