Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay



jeudi 23 janvier

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mercredi 24 juillet 2024

Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Nanophysique et Surfaces (Nanophys) > Publications > 2014


Magazine Articles

Schull, G., Boer-Duchemin, E., Comtet, G., & Dujardin, G. (2014). Émission de lumière sous la pointe d’un microscope à effet tunnel. Reflets de la Physique, 38, 4–9.
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Peer-reviewed Publications

Atkinson, P., Eddrief, M., Etgens, V. H., Khemliche, H., Debiossac, M., Momeni, A., Mulier, M., Lalmi, B., & Roncin, P. (2014). Dynamic grazing incidence fast atom diffraction during molecular beam epitaxial growth of GaAs. Appl. Phys. Lett., 105(2).
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Cao, S., Le Moal, E., Boer-Duchemin, E., Dujardin, G., Drezet, A., & Huant, S. (2014). Cylindrical vector beams of light from an electrically excited plasmonic lens. Appl. Phys. Lett., 105(11), 111103.
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Debiossac, M., Zugarramurdi, A., Lunca-Popa, P., Momeni, A., Khemliche, H., Borisov, A. G., & Roncin, P. (2014). Transient Quantum Trapping of Fast Atoms at Surfaces. Phys. Rev. Lett., 112(2).
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Debiossac, M. and Z., A. and Khemliche, H. and Roncin, P. and Borisov, A. G. and Momeni, A. and Atkinson, P. and Eddrief, M. and Finocchi, F. and Etgens, V. H. (2014). Combined experimental and theoretical study of fast atom diffraction on the β2(2×4) reconstructed GaAs(001) surface. Phys. Rev. B, 90(15), 155308.
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Fan, C., Poumellec, B., Desmarchelier, R., Zeng, H., Bourguignon, B., Chen, G., & Lancry, M. (2014). Asymmetric orientational writing dependence on polarization and direction in Li2O–Nb2O5–SiO2 glass with femtosecond laser irradiation. Appl. Phys. B, 117(2), 737–747.
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Gauyacq, J. - P., & Lorente, N. (2014). Excitation of bond-alternating spin-1/2 Heisenberg chains by tunnelling electrons. J. Phys. Condens. Matter., 26(39), 394005.
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Kepenekian, M., Gauyacq, J. - P., & Lorente, N. (2014). Difficulties in the ab initio description of electron transport through spin filters. J. Phys. Condens. Matter., 26(10), 104203.
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Kossler, S., Feulner, P., & Gauyacq, J. - P. (2014). Electronic excitations of helium bilayers on a metal substrate. Phys. Rev. B, 89(16), 165410.
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Ouvrard, A., Wang, J., Ghalgaoui, A., Nave, S., Carrez, S., Zheng, W., Dubost, H., & Bourguignon, B. (2014). CO Adsorption on Pd(100) Revisited by Sum Frequency Generation: Evidence for Two Adsorption Sites in the Compression Stage. J. Phys. Chem. C, 118(34), 19688–19700.
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Wang, J., Dubost, H., Ghalgaoui, A., Zheng, W., Carrez, S., Ouvrard, A., & Bourguignon, B. (2014). Effect of visible pulse shaping on the accuracy of relative intensity measurements in BBSFG vibrational spectroscopy. Surf. Sci., 626, 26–39.
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Wang, T., Boer-Duchemin, E., Comtet, G., Le Moal, E., Dujardin, G., Drezet, A., & Huant, S. (2014). Plasmon scattering from holes: from single hole scattering to Young's experiment. Nanotechnology, 25(12), 125202.
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Wang, T., Comtet, G., Le Moal, E., Dujardin, G., Drezet, A., Huant, S. & Boer-Duchemin, E. (2014). Temporal coherence of propagating surface plasmons. Opt. Lett., 39(23), 6679–6682.
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Yang, H., Mayne, A. J., Comtet, G., Dujardin, G., Kuk, Y., Nagarajan, S., & Gourdon, A. (2014). Single-molecule light emission at room temperature on a wide-band-gap semiconductor. Phys. Rev. B, 90(12), 125427.
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Actes de Conférences

Boer-Duchemin, E., Wang, T., Le Moal, E., Rogez, B., Comtet, G., & Dujardin, G. (2014). Local, low energy, electrical excitation of localized and propagating surface plasmons with a scanning tunneling microscope. In Proceeding of the SPIE (Vol. 9126, 91260K). Nanophysics V.
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