Magazine Articles |
Bourguignon, B., Béroff, K., Bréchignac, P., Dujardin, G., Leach, S., & and Zehnacker-Rentien, A. (2017). In the wake of Physical Chemistry under irradiation: onward to the Institute of Molecular Sciences at Orsay. Histoire de la Recherche Contemporaine, 6, 16–27.
Peer-reviewed Publications |
Aguirregabiria, G., Marinica, D. C., Esteban, R., Kazansky, A. K., Aizpurua, J., & Borisov, A. G. (2017). Electric Field-Induced High Order Nonlinearity in Plasmonic Nanoparticles Retrieved with Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory. ACS Photonics, 4(3), 613–620.
Alyabyeva, N., Ouvrard, A., Lindfors-Vrejoiu, I., Ageev, O., & McGrouther, D. (2017). Back-scattered electron visualization of ferroelectric domains in a BiFeO3epitaxial film. Appl. Phys. Lett., 111(22), 222901.
Bailly, A., Sitja, G., Saint-Lager, M. - C., Le Moal, S., Leroy, F., De Santis, M., Henry, C. R., & Robach, O. (2017). Influence of palladium on the ordering, the final size and composition of Pd-Au nanoparticle arrays. J. Phys. Chem. C, 121, 25864–25874.
Cao, S., Le Moal, E., Bigourdan, F., Hugonin, J. - P., Greffet, J. - J., Drezet, A., Huant, S., Dujardin, G., & Boer-Duchemin, E. (2017). Revealing the spectral response of a plasmonic lens using low-energy electrons. Phys. Rev. B, 96, 115419.
Cartry G., Kogut D., Achkasov K., Layet J.M., Farley T., Gicquel A., Achard J., Brinza O., Bieber T., Khemliche H., Roncin P., & Simonin A. (2017). Alternative solutions to caesium in negative-ion sources: a study of negative-ion surface production on diamond in H2/D2 plasmas. New J. Phys., 19(2), 025010.
Résumé: This paper deals with a study of H−/D− negative ion surface production on diamond in low pressure
H2/D2 plasmas. A sample placed in the plasma is negatively biased with respect to plasma potential.
Upon positive ion impacts on the sample, some negative ions are formed and detected according to
their mass and energy by a mass spectrometer placed in front of the sample. The experimental
methods developed to study negative ion surface production and obtain negative ion energy and angle
distribution functions are first presented. Different diamond materials ranging from nanocrystalline
to single crystal layers, either doped with boron or intrinsic, are then investigated and compared with
graphite. The negative ion yields obtained are presented as a function of different experimental
parameters such as the exposure time, the sample bias which determines the positive ion impact
energy and the sample surface temperature. It is concluded from these experiments that the electronic
properties of diamond materials, among them the negative electron affinity, seem to be favourable for
negative-ion surface production. However, the negative ion yield decreases with the plasma induced
defect density.
Choi, D. - J., Robles, R., Yan, S., Burgess, J. A. J., Rolf-Pissarczyk, S., Gauyacq, J. - P., Lorente, N., Ternes, M., & Loth, S. (2017). Building Complex Kondo Impurities by Manipulating Entangled Spin Chains. Nano Lett., 17(10), 6203–6209.
Résumé: The creation of molecule-like structures in which magnetic atoms interact controllably is full of potential for the study of complex or strongly correlated systems. Here, we create spin chains in which a strongly correlated Kondo state emerges from magnetic coupling of transition-metal atoms. We build chains up to ten atoms in length by placing Fe and Mn atoms on a Cu2N surface with a scanning tunneling microscope. The atoms couple antiferromagnetically via superexchange interaction through the nitrogen atom network of the surface. The emergent Kondo resonance is spatially distributed along the chain. Its strength can be controlled by mixing atoms of different transition metal elements and manipulating their spatial distribution. We show that the Kondo screening of the full chain by the electrons of the nonmagnetic substrate depends on the interatomic entanglement of the spins in the chain, demonstrating the prerequisites to build and probe spatially extended strongly correlated nanostructures.
Debiossac, M., Atkinson, P., Zugarramurdi, A., Eddrief, M., Finocchi, F., Etgens, V. H., Momeni, A., Khemliche, H., Borisov, A. G., & Roncin, P. (2017). Fast atom diffraction inside a molecular beam epitaxy chamber, a rich combination. Appl. Surf. Sci., 391, 53–58.
Résumé: brief oveview of the benefit of having a grazing incidence fast atom diffraction (GIFAD) setup inside a molecular beam eppitaxy setup.
Ghalgaoui, A., Ouvrard, A., Wang, J., Carrez, S., Zheng, W., & Bourguignon, B. (2017). Electron to Adsorbate Energy Transfer in Nanoparticles: Adsorption Site, Size, and Support Matter. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 8(12), 2666–2671.
Résumé: Confinement of hot electrons in metal nanoparticles (NPs) is expected to lead to increased reactivity in heterogeneous catalysis. NP size as well as support may influence molecule-NP coupling. Here, we use ultrafast nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy to follow energy transfer from hot electrons generated in Pd NP/MgO/Ag(100) to chemisorbed CO. Photoexcitation and photodesorption occur on an ultrashort time scale and are selective according to adsorption site. When the MgO layer is thick enough, it becomes NP size-dependent. Hot electron confinement within NPs is unfavorable for photodesorption, presumably because its dominant effect is to increase relaxation to phonons. An avenue of research is open where NP size and support thickness, photon energy, and molecular electronic structure will be tuned to obtain either molecular stability or reactivity in response to photon excitation.
Herrera, M. Z., Kazansky, A. K., Aizpurua, J., & Borisov, A. G. (2017). Quantum description of the optical response of charged monolayer–thick metallic patch nanoantennas. Phys. Rev. B, 95(24), 245413.
Husseen, A., Le Moal, S., Oughaddou, H., Dujardin, G., Mayne, A., & Le Moal, E. (2017). Reaction kinetics of ultrathin NaCl films on Ag(001) upon electron irradiation. Phys. Rev. B, 96(23), 235418.
Résumé: We report on an electron-induced modification of alkali halides in the ultrathin film regime. The reaction kinetics and products of the modifications are investigated in the case of NaCl films grown on Ag(001). Their structural and chemical modification upon irradiationwith electrons of energy 52–60 eV and 3 keV is studied using low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), respectively. The irradiation effects on the film geometry and thickness (ranging from between two and five atomic layers) are examined using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM).We observe that Cl depletion follows different reaction kinetics, as compared to previous studies on NaCl thick films and bulk crystals. Na atoms produced from NaCl dissociation diffuse to bare areas of the Ag(001) surface, where they form Na-Ag superstructures that are known for the Na/Ag(001) system. The modification of the film is shown to proceed through two processes, which are interpreted as a fast disordering of the film with removal of NaCl from the island edges and a slow decrease of the structural order in the NaCl with formation of holes due to Cl depletion. The kinetics of the Na-Ag superstructure growth is explained by the limited diffusion on the irradiated surface, due to aggregation of disordered NaCl molecules at the substrate step edges.
Koval, N. E., Borisov, A. G., Rosa, L. F. S., Stori, E. M., Dias, J. F., Grande, P. L., Sánchez-Portal, D., & Muiño, R. D. (2017). Vicinage effect in the energy loss of H2 dimers: Experiment and calculations based on time-dependent density-functional theory. Phys. Rev. A, 95(6), 062707.
Labidi, H., Pinto, H. P., Leszczynski, J., & Riedel, D. (2017). Exploiting a single intramolecular conformational switching Ni-TPP molecule to probe charge transfer dynamics at the nanoscale on bare Si(100)-2x1. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 19, 28982–28992.
Résumé: Acquiring quantitative information on charge transfer (CT) dynamics at the nanoscale remains an important scientific challenge. In particular, CT processes in single molecules at surfaces need to be investigated to be properly controlled in various devices. To address this issue, the dynamics of switching molecules can be exploited. Here, nickel-tetraphenylporphyrin adsorbed on the Si(100) surface is used to study the CT process ruling the reversible activation of two chiral molecular conformations. Via the electrons of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM), a statistical study of molecular switching reveals two specific locations of the molecule for which their efficiency is optimized. The CT mechanism is shown to propagate from two lateral aryl groups towards the porphyrin macrocycle inducing an intramolecular movement of two symmetric pyrroles. The measured switching efficiencies can thus be related to a Markus-Jordner model to estimate relevant parameters that describe the dynamics of the CT process. Numerical simulations provide a precise description of the molecular conformations and unveil the molecular energy levels that are involved in the CT process. This quantitative method opens a completely original approach to study CT at the nanoscale.
Marinica, D. C., Kazansky, A. K., & Borisov, A. G. (2017). Electrical control of the light absorption in quantum-well functionalized junctions between thin metallic films. Phys. Rev. B, 96(24), 245407.
Matias da Silva, F., Fadanelli Filho, R. C., Grande, P. L., Koval, N., Diez Muino, R., Borisov, A. G., Arista, N., & Schiwietz G. (2017). Ground-and excited-state scattering potentials for the stopping of protons in an electron gas. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 50(18), 185201.
Résumé: The self-consistent electron–ion potential V(r) is calculated for H+ ions in an electron gas system as a function of the projectile energy to model the electronic stopping power for conduction-band electrons. The results show different self-consistent potentials at low projectile-energies, related to different degrees of excitation of the electron cloud surrounding the intruder ion. This behavior can explain the abrupt change of velocity dependent screening-length of the potential found by the use of the extended Friedel sum rule and the possible breakdown of the standard free electron gas model for the electronic stopping at low projectile energies. A dynamical interpolation of V(r) is proposed and used to calculate the stopping power for H+ interacting with the valence electrons of Al. The results are in good agreement with the TDDFT benchmark calculations as well as with experimental data.
Matias, F., Fadanelli, R. C., Grande, P. L., Koval, N. E., Muiño, R. D., Borisov, A. G., Arista, N. R., & Schiwietz, G. (2017). Ground- and excited-state scattering potentials for the stopping of protons in an electron gas. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 50(18), 185201.
Ouvrard, A., Ghalgaoui, A., Michel, C., Barth, C., Wang, J., Carrez, S., Zheng, W., Henry, C. R., & Bourguignon, B. (2017). CO Chemisorption on Ultrathin MgO-Supported Palladium Nanoparticles. J. Phys. Chem. C, 121(10), 5551–5564.
Yengui, M., Duverger, E., Sonnet, P. & Riedel, D. (2017). A two-dimensional ON/OFF switching device based on anisotropic interactions of atomic quantum dots on Si(100):H. Nat. Commun., 8, 2211.
Résumé: Controlling the properties of quantum dots at the atomic scale, such as dangling bonds, is a general motivation as they allow studying various nanoscale processes including atomic switches, charge storage, or low binding energy state interactions. Adjusting the coupling of individual silicon dangling bonds to form a 2D device having a defined function remains a challenge. Here, we exploit the anisotropic interactions between silicon dangling bonds on n-type doped Si(100):H surface to tune their hybridization. This process arises from interactions between the subsurface silicon network and dangling bonds inducing a combination of
Jahn–Teller distortions and local charge ordering. A three-pointed star-shaped device prototype is designed. By changing the charge state of this device, its electronic properties are shown to switch reversibly from an ON to an OFF state via local change of its central gap. Our results provide a playground for the study of quantum information at the nanoscale.
Chapitres de Livres |
Le Moal, E., Dujardin, G., & Boer-Duchemin, E. (2017). Electrical Generation of Light from Plasmonic Gold Nanoparticles. In Gold Nanoparticles for Physics, Chemistry and Biology. C. Louis & O. Pluchery.
Riedel, D. (2017). Surface Hydrogenation of the Si(100)-2x1 and Electronic Properties of Silicon Dangling Bonds on the Si(100):H Surfaces. In On-Surface Atomic Wires And Logic Gates (pp. 1–24). Advances in Atom and Single Molecule Machines. M. Kolmer & C. Joachim.