Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay



jeudi 23 janvier

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mercredi 24 juillet 2024

Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Systèmes Moléculaires, Astrophysique et Environnement (SYSTEMAE) > Publications > 2019


Peer-reviewed Publications

Asselin, P., Bruckhuisen, J., Roucou, A., Goubet, M., Martin-Drumel, M. - A., Jabri, A., Belkhodja, Y., Soulard, P., Georges, R., & Cuisset, A. (2019). Jet-cooled rovibrational spectroscopy of methoxyphenols using two complementary FTIR and QCL based spectrometers. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 151(19), 194302.
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Augé, B., Dartois, E., Duprat, J., Engrand, C., Slodzian, G., Wu, T. D., Guerquin-Kern, J. L., Vermesse, H., Agnihotri, A. N., Boduch, P., & Rothard, H. (2019). Hydrogen isotopic anomalies in extraterrestrial organic matter: role of cosmic ray irradiation and implications for UCAMMs. A&A, 627.
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Boutéraon, T., Habart, E., Ysard, N., Jones, A. P., Dartois, E., & Pino, T. (2019). Carbonaceous nano-dust emission in proto-planetary discs: the aliphatic-aromatic components★. A&A, 623.
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Coudert, L. H., Billard, F., Hertz, E., Faucher, O., & Lavorel, B. (2019). Torsional control of the methyl group in methanol. Physical Review A, 100(4), 043425.
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Coudert, L. H., Margulès, L., Vastel, C., Motiyenko, R., Caux, E., & Guillemin, J. - C. (2019). Astrophysical detections and databases for the mono deuterated species of acetaldehyde CH2DCOH and CH3COD⋆. A&A, 624, A70.
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Dartois, E., Chabot, M., Id Barkach, T., Rothard, H., Augé, B., Agnihotri, A. N., Domaracka, A., & Boduch, P. (2019). Non-thermal desorption of complex organic molecules. A&A, 627.
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Gans, B., Boyé-Péronne, S., & Liévin, J. (2019). Vibronic structure of the cyanobutadiyne cation. II. Theoretical exploration of the complex energy landscape of HC5N+. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 150(24), 244303.
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Gans, B., Garcia, G. A., Boyé-Péronne, S., Pratt, S. T., Guillemin, J. - C., Aguado, A., Roncero, O., & Loison, J. - C. (2019). Origin band of the first photoionizing transition of hydrogen isocyanide. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21, 2337–2344.
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Gans, B., Lamarre, N., Guillemin, J. - C., Douin, S., Alcaraz, C., Romanzin, C., Garcia, G. A., Liévin, J., & Boyé-Péronne, S. (2019). Vibronic structure of the cyanobutadiyne cation. I. VUV photoionization study of HC5N. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 150(24), 244304.
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Grazon, C., Si, Y., Placial, J. - P., Rieger, J., Méallet-Renault, R., & Clavier, G. (2019). Core–shell polymeric nanoparticles comprising BODIPY and fluorescein as ultra-bright ratiometric fluorescent pH sensors. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 18(5), 1156–1165.
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Gruet, S., & Pirali, O. (2019). Far-infrared spectroscopy of heavy protonated noble gas species using synchrotron radiation. Molecular Physics, 117(13), 1719–1731.
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Gruet, S., Pirali, O., Steber, A. L., & Schnell, M. (2019). The structural determination and skeletal ring modes of tetrahydropyran. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21, 3016–3023.
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Harper, O. J., Hassenfratz, M., Loison, J. - C., Garcia, G. A., de Oliveira, N., Hrodmarsson, H. R., Pratt, S. T., Boyé-Péronne, S., & Gans, B. (2019). Quantifying the photoionization cross section of the hydroxyl radical. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 150(14), 141103.
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Hrodmarsson, H. R., Loison, J. C., Jacovella, U., Holland, D. M. P., Boyé-Péronne, S., Gans, B., Garcia, G. A., Nahon, L., & Pratt, S. T. (2019). Valence-Shell Photoionization of C4H5: the 2-Butyn-1-yl Radical. J. Phys. Chem. A, 123, 1521–1528.
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Hrodmarsson, H. R., Garcia, G. A., Nahon, L., Gans, B., & Loison, J. - C. (2019). Threshold Photoelectron Spectrum of the Anilino Radical. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 123(42), 9193–9198.
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Hrodmarsson, H. R., Garcia, G. A., Nahon, L., Loison, J. - C., & Gans, B. (2019). The absolute photoionization cross section of the mercapto radical (SH) from threshold up to 15.0 eV. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21, 25907.
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IdBarkach, T., Chabot, M., Béroff, K., Della Negra, S., Lesrel, J., Geslin, F., Le Padellec, A., Mahajan, T., & Díaz-Tendero, S. (2019). Breakdown curves of CH2(+), CH3(+), and CH4(+) molecules. A&A, 628.
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Ilyushin, V., Armieieva, I., Dorovskaya, O., & et al. (2019). The torsional fundamental band and high-J rotational spectra of the ground, first and second excited torsional states of acetone. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, 363, 111169.
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Johansen, S. L., Martin-Drumel, M. - A., & Crabtree, K. N. (2019). Rotational Spectrum of the β-Cyanovinyl Radical: A Possible Astrophysical N-Heterocycle Precursor. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 123(24), 5171–5177.
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Karman, T., Gordon, I. E., van der Avoird, A., Baranov, Y. I., Boulet, C., Drouin, B. J., Groenenboom, G. C., Gustafsson, M., Hartmann, J. - M., Kurucz, R. L., Rothman, L. S., Sun, K., Sung, K., Thalman, R., Tran, H., Wishnow, E. H., Wordsworth, R., Vigasin, A. A., Volkamer, R., & van der Zande, W. J. (2019). Update of the HITRAN collision-induced absorption section. Icarus, 328, 160–175.
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Lampin, J. - F., Pirali, O., Buchanan, Z. S., Eliet, S., Martin-Drumel, M. - A., Turut, J., Roy, P., Hindle, F., & Mouret, G. (2019). Broadband terahertz heterodyne spectrometer exploiting synchrotron radiation at megahertz resolution. Opt. Lett., 44(20), 4985–4988.
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Lee, K. L. K., Thorwirth, S., Martin-Drumel, M. - A., & McCarthy, M. C. (2019). Generation and structural characterization of Ge carbides GeCn (n = 4, 5, 6) by laser ablation, broadband rotational spectroscopy, and quantum chemistry. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21, 18911–18919.
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Ma, J., Zhang, H., Lavorel, B., Billard, F., Hertz, E., Boulet, C., Hartmann, J. M., & Faucher, O. (2019). Observing collisions beyond the secular approximation limit. Nat Commun, 10, 5780.
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Mahajan, T., Béroff, K., Pons, B., Illescas, C., Chabot, M., IdBarkach, T., Launoy, T., Le Padellec, A., Jallat, A., Jorge, A., Aguirre, N. F., & Diaz-Tendero, S. (2019). Excitation, ionization, neutralization and anionic production in collisions of C+, N+ and C n N+ (n = 1–3) with He atoms at 2.2 a.u. velocity; cross sections and dissociation branching ratios. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 52(19), 195204.
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Mathurin, J., Dartois, E., Pino, T., Engrand, C., Duprat, J., Deniset-Besseau, A., Borondics, F., Sandt, C., & Dazzi, A. (2019). Nanometre-scale infrared chemical imaging of organic matter in ultra-carbonaceous Antarctic micrometeorites (UCAMMs). A&A, 622.
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McCarthy, M. C., Martin-Drumel, M. - A., Baraban, J., Changala, P. B., & Stanton, J. (2019). The hunt for elusive molecules: Insights from joint theoretical and experimental investigations. Chem. Eur. J., 25(30), 7243–7258.
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Nguyen, H. L., Kumar, N., Audibert, J. - F., Ghasemi, R., Lefevre, J. - P., Ha-Thi, M. - H., Mongin, C., & Leray, I. (2019). Water-soluble aluminium fluorescent sensor based on aggregation-induced emission enhancement. New J. Chem., 43(38), 15302–15310.
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Odintsova, T. A., Tretyakov, M.  Y., Zibarova, A. O., Pirali, O., Roy, P., & Campargue, A. (2019). Far-infrared self-continuum absorption of H216O and H218O (15–500 cm−1). Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 227, 190–200.
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Paille, G., Boulmier, A., Bensaid, A., Ha-Thi, M. - H., Tran, T. - T., Pino, T., Marrot, J., Rivière, E., Hendon, C. H., Oms, O., Gomez-Mingot, M., Fontecave, M., Mellot-Draznieks, C., Dolbecq, A., & Mialane, P. (2019). An unprecedented {Ni14SiW9} hybrid polyoxometalate with high photocatalytic hydrogen evolution activity. Chem. Commun., 55(29), 4166–4169.
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Paille, G., Gomez-Mingot, M., Roch-Marchal, C., Haouas, M., Benseghir, Y., Pino, T., Ha-Thi, M. - H., Landrot, G., Mialane, P., Fontecave, M., Dolbecq, A., & Mellot-Draznieks, C. (2019). Thin Films of Fully Noble Metal-Free POM@MOF for Photocatalytic Water Oxidation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11(51), 47837–47845.
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Pino, T., Chabot, M., Béroff, K., Godard, M., Fernandez-Villoria, F., Le, K. C., Breuer, L., Herder, M., Wucher, A., Bender, M., Severin, D., Trautmann, C., & Dartois, E. (2019). Release of large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and fullerenes by cosmic rays from interstellar dust. A&A, 623.
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Ramos Chagas, G., Morán Cruz, G., Méallet-Renault, R., Gaucher, A., Prim, D., Weibel, D. E., Amigoni, S., Guittard, F., & Darmanin, T. (2019). Superhydrophobic and fluorescent properties of fluorinated polypyrene surfaces using various polar linkers prepared via electropolymerization. Reactive and Functional Polymers, 135, 65–76.
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Rukmana, T. I., Moran, G., Méallet-Renault, R., Ohtani, M., Demura, T., Yasukuni, R., & Hosokawa, Y. (2019). Enzyme-Assisted Photoinjection of Megadalton Molecules into Intact Plant Cells Using Femtosecond Laser Amplifier. Scientific Reports, 9, 17530.
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Sane, O., Diouf, A., Morán Cruz, G., Savina, F., Méallet-Renault, R., Amigoni, S., Dieng, S. Y., Guittard, F., & Darmanin, T. (2019). Coral-like nanostructures. Materials Today, 31, 119–120.
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Terzic, V., Pousse, G., Méallet-Renault, R., Grellier, P., & Dubois, J. (2019). Dibenzocyclooctynes: Effect of Aryl Substitution on Their Reactivity toward Strain-Promoted Alkyne–Azide Cycloaddition. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 84(13), 8542–8551.
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Tran, T. - T., Pino, T., & Ha-Thi, M. - H. (2019). Watching Intermolecular Light-Induced Charge Accumulation on Naphthalene Diimide by Tris(bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) Photosensitizer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(47), 28651–28658.
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Turbet, M., Tran, H., Pirali, O., Forget, F., Boulet, C., & Hartmann, J. - M. (2019). Far infrared measurements of absorptions by CH4 + CO2 and H2 + CO2 mixtures and implications for greenhouse warming on early Mars. Icarus, 321, 189–199.
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