lundi 10 février
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mercredi 24 juillet 2024
Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Systèmes Moléculaires, Astrophysique et Environnement (SYSTEMAE) > Recherche > Thème 3 : Grains et solides en astrophysique > Interplanetary dust formation and characterization
There exist several spectroscopic approaches to study the possible links between the young phases observed in protoplanetary disks and the primitive matter of our solar system : observational for distant objects (associated with adequate modeling of radiative transfer) ; collection and laboratory analysis of potentially very primitive extraterrestrial materials resulting from the formation process of the solar system.
Simulations of the solid phase of the interstellar medium and the proto-solar nebula and their evolution can be performed in the laboratory. These, through different methods of analysis (UV/Vis/IR spectroscopy, Raman, mass spectrometry, electronic microscopy, elemental composition, GCMS), make it possible to shed light on the complex interactions between the physical and chemical processes acting in the diffuse interstellar medium, during the primitive solar nebula phase and subsequently the processes affecting the matter released by the contemporary parent bodies. Raman spectroscopy and infrared microspectroscopy analyses at the SOLEIL synchrotron in addition to EDX, nano-SIMS analyses for the characterization of true Antarctic micrometeorites (collaboration with CSNSM/Concordia collection). Experimental measurement protocols are being set up to perform sequences of multi-technical measurements (infrared microspectroscopy, Raman, EDX, nano-SIMS) for the characterization of these interplanetary dusts and new developments on a very small spatial scale are being investigated (e.g. AFMIR).