Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay



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Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Systèmes Moléculaires, Astrophysique et Environnement (SYSTEMAE) > Recherche > Thème 3 : Grains et solides en astrophysique > Ices in the interstellar medium

Ices in the interstellar medium

par Boyé-Péronne Séverine - 29 octobre 2018 (modifié le 7 novembre 2018)

Amongst the detected solids present in starless molecular clouds surrounding recently born stellar and still embedded objects or products of the chemistry in some mass loss envelopes, the so-called “ice mantles”, solid at a few tens of K, are of specific interest. They represent an interface between the refractory carbonaceous and silicates materials, that built the first interstellar grains, with the rich chemistry taking place in the gas phase. Molecules/radicals condense, react on ices, are subjected to UV and cosmic ray irradiation at low temperatures, thus participating efficiently to the evolution toward more complex molecules, being in constant interaction in an ice layer. These interstellar ices also play an important role in the radiative transfer of molecular clouds and strongly affect the gas phase chemistry. They provide building blocks for a complex evolution of matter that may be incorporated into protoplanetary disks later and delivered on planetesimals.

We experimentally measure different ices relevant to the main constituents of astrophysical mantles, to allow a comparison with their observed signatures, and investigate their contributions to the release of volatile species that will feed the interstellar gas phase chemistry. The laboratory constrained astrophysical processes are widely used in the astrophysical community to model dense interstellar clouds evolution.