Monday 10 February
Site update
Wednesday 24 July 2024
- 28 September 2018
9h00 : Registration
9h45 : Eric Gloaguen, LIDYL, CEA Saclay
Neutral ion pairs in the gas phase: good and bad news
10h30: Coffee Break
11h00 : Pr. Huyk Kang, Ajou University
Conformer-specific IR spectroscopy of L-β3-Homotryptophan: Temperature and Entropy Effect during Laser Desorption
11h45 : Oliver Harper, ISMO, Paris Sud University
Probing VUV photophysical processes of astrophysical molecules
12h30 : Lunch, Buffet, Bat 520, ISMO
14h00 : Pr. Chan Ho Kwon, Kangwon National University
Identification of conformers and their cations in aldehydes by high-resolution VUV-MATI spectroscopy
14h45 : Roland Thissen, LCP, Paris Sud University
State-selected ion-molecule reactions with VUV synchrotron radiation: the O2+ + C3H6 case
15h30: Coffee Break
16h00: Pr. Oh Hoon Kwon, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
Ultrafast Electron Microscopy at the Space and Time Limit
9h45 : Luke MacAleese, ILM, Lyon University
Gas-phase spectroscopy and chemistry of the long-lived triplet cation of Rhodamine 6G
10h30: Coffee Break
11h00: Pr. Nam Joon Kim, Chungbuk National University
Conformation-specific circular dichroism spectroscopy of jet-cooled molecules and clusters
11h45: Pr. Marie-Pierre Gaigeot, LAMBE, Evry val d’Essonne University
Recent advances in THz vibrational spectroscopy, synergy DFT-MD simulations and experiments
12h30 : Lunch, Buffet, Bat 520, ISMO
14h00 : Gildas Goldsztejn, ISMO, Paris Sud University
Carbohydrates and their mimics in the gas and micro-hydrated phases
14h45 : Pr. Myong Yong Choi, Gyeongsang National University
Watching the invisible conformers of ortho-substituted phenols by IR induced isomerization using nanosecond lasers
15h30: Coffee Break
16h00: Niloufar Shafizadeh, ISMO, Paris Sud University
Determination of the binding energies of Ferric or Ferrous Hemes with different ligand (O2,CO, NO ,…): Experiment and Theory
Program of French Korean Symposium in Molecular Spectroscopy - 97.8 KiB |
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