Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay



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Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Structure et dynamique des systèmes complexes isolés photoexcités (SYSIPHE) > MOlécules en MAtrice (MOMA) > Offres de stages, thèses et post-docs > Experimental spectroscopy in cryogenic solid : setting-up new apparatus

L2 Internship double licence - 2018/2019

Experimental spectroscopy in cryogenic solid : setting-up new apparatus

par Chin Wutharath - 16 octobre 2018

Contact Wutharath Chin

Stage d’immersion-recherche à destination des étudiants de double licence Physique-Chimie ou Maths-Physique.

Spectroscopy is a method that leads to the signature of species (atom, molecule, ion, radical,..) by analysing the electromagnetic spectrum as obtained from its absorption or photon emission process. This signature can exist in different energy domains, such as the infrared range (750nm- 1µm) where nuclei motions are involved or the ultraviolet (100-400 nm)-visible (400-750 nm) range when electronic transitions occur.

Students will get familiar with tools dedicated to molecular spectroscopy : infrared spectroscopy for the study of vibrations, UV-visible spectroscopy for the study of electronic excitations. Students will take part in optical alignments, interferometry experiments, laser experiments, measurements and signal analysis. They will also get involved in vacuum and cryogenic techniques.

Voir en ligne : MOlecules in MAtrices (MOMA)