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Soutenance de thèse de Tingming Jiang (18 déc 2017)

par Martrenchard-Barra Séverine - 6 décembre 2017

Adsorption of chalcogen-based aromatic organic molecules on metal and dielectric surfaces by self-assembly and molecular beam expitaxy

In this thesis, formation of self-assembled monolayers of different chalcogenide molecules and organic semiconductor thin films was investigated. Their electronic and structural characteristics have been investigated primarily by synchrotron based X-ray photoelectron, near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy, Atomic force microscopy and low energy electron diffraction. In addition, the adsorption characteristics of selenium and sulfur were studied as a complement to the study of adsorptions of chalcogen headgroup molecules.
The high resolution XPS was employed to investigate the self assembled monolayers of benzeneselenol and selenophene on Cu(111). The detailed study of characteristic core level peaks demonstrated the existence of different absorption sites of the molecules and also along with NEXAFS measurements the occurrence of Se-C bond cleavage. These conclusions are supported by the study of atomic selenium adsorptions showing also different absorption sites for the atomic selenium with different chemical environments based on high resolution XPS study of characteristic Se3d, Se3p spectra and LEED imaging.
The adsorptions of polythiophene molecules (nT, n=1-4, 6) as well as for α, ω-diquaterthiophene (DH4T) and dihexylsexithiophene (DH6T) on Au(111) and Au films grown on mica was studied. The results indicate that the XPS S2p peaks have contributions from intact molecules on different adsorption sites and broken molecules complemented. These conclusions are supported by existing DFT calculations. Spontaneous dissociation appears to a variable extent in different cases, which could be related to different surface morphologies, existence of defects and ensuing differences reactivity.
α-Sexithiophene (6T) ultrathin films were grown on CaF2(111)/Si(111) planar surfaces and on CaF2(110)/Si(001) ridged surfaces by molecular beam epitaxy. The AFM image of 6T on CaF2(111) shows large islands with flat terraces without in-plane preference, while narrow and elongated islands following the substrate corrugation are formed for 6T on CaF2(110). XPS and NEXAFS spectra indicate that the interactions between 6T and surfaces are negligible, and the molecules align with their long axis perpendicular to the surfaces for both cases.

Soutenance de thèse de Tingming Jiang - 365.5 kio

18 déc. 2017