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Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Structure et dynamique des systèmes complexes isolés photoexcités (SYSIPHE) > Publications > 2017


Magazine Articles

Bourguignon, B., Béroff, K., Bréchignac, P., Dujardin, G., Leach, S., & and Zehnacker-Rentien, A. (2017). In the wake of Physical Chemistry under irradiation: onward to the Institute of Molecular Sciences at Orsay. Histoire de la Recherche Contemporaine, 6, 16–27.
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Peer-reviewed Publications

Alata, I., Perez-Mellor, A., Ben Nasr, F., Scuderi, D., Steinmetz, V., Gobert, F., Jaidane, N. E., & Zehnacker-Rentien, A. (2017). Does the Residues Chirality Modify the Conformation of a Cyclo-Dipeptide? Vibrational Spectroscopy of Protonated Cyclo-diphenylalanine in the Gas Phase. J. Phys. Chem. A, 121(38), 7130–7138.
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Broquier, M., Soorkia, S., Pino, G., Dedonder-Lardeux, C., Jouvet, C., & Gregoire, G. (2017). Excited State Dynamics of Cold Protonated Cytosine Tautomers: Characterization of Charge Transfer, Intersystem Crossing, and Internal Conversion Processes. J. Phys. Chem. A, 121(34), 6429–6439.
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Garcia, R. L., Nieuwjaer, N., Desfrancois, C., Lecomte, F., Leite, S. D., Manil, B., Broquier, M., & Gregoire, G. (2017). Vibronic spectra of protonated hydroxypyridines: contributions of prefulvenic and planar structures. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19(12), 8258–8268.
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Perez-Mellor, A., & Zehnacker, A. (2017). Vibrational circular dichroism of a 2,5-diketopiperazine (DKP) peptide: Evidence for dimer formation in cyclo LL or LD diphenylalanine in the solid state. Chirality, 29(2), 89–96.
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Shafizadeh, N., Soorkia, S., Gregoire, G., Broquier, M., Crestoni, M. E., & Soep, B. (2017). Dioxygen Binding to Protonated Heme in the Gas Phase, an Intermediate Between Ferric and Ferrous Heme. Chem.-Eur. J., 23(54), 13493–13500.
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Szczepaniak, U., Kolos, R., Gronowski, M., Chevalier, M., Guillemin JC., Turowski M., Custer, T., & Crépin, C. (2017). Cryogenic Photochemical Synthesis and Electronic Spectroscopy of Cyanotetracetylene. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 121(39), 7374–7384.
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Thon, R., Chin, W., Chamma, D., Gutiérrez-Quintanilla, A., Chevalier, M., Galaup, J. - P., & Crépin, C. (2017). W(CO) 6 in cryogenic solids: A comparative study of vibrational properties. Journal of Luminescence, 191, 78–86.
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Uriarte, I., Ecija, P., Lozada-Garcia, R., Carcabal, P., & Cocinero, E. J. (2017). Investigating the Conformation of the Bridged Monosaccharide Levoglucosan. Chemphyschem, , 01242.
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