Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay



jeudi 23 janvier

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mercredi 24 juillet 2024

Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Systèmes Moléculaires, Astrophysique et Environnement (SYSTEMAE) > Publications > 2016


Peer-reviewed Publications

Amyay B., Louviot M., Pirali O., Georges R., Vander Auwera J., & Boudon V. (2016). Global analysis of the high temperature infrared emission spectrum of 12CH4 in the dyad (ν2/ν4) region. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 144(2), 024312.
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Boudon, V., Lamy, M., Dugue-Boyé, F., Pirali, O., Gruet, S., D’Accolti, L., Fusco, C., Annese, C., & Alikhani, M. E. (2016). Synthesis, High-Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy, and Vibrational Structure of Cubane, C8H8. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 120(25), 4418–4428.
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Boulet, C., & Ma, Q. (2016). The relaxation matrix for symmetric tops with inversion symmetry. II. Line mixing effects in the ν1 band of NH3. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 144(22), 224304.
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Coudert, L. H. (2016). The bending potential energy function of HDO obtained from high-resolution data. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 330, 112–119.
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Cuisset, A., Coeur, C., Mouret, G., Ahmad, W., Tomas, A., & Pirali, O. (2016). Infrared spectroscopy of methoxyphenols involved as atmospheric secondary organic aerosol precursors: Gas-phase vibrational cross-sections. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 179, 51–58.
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Depauw, A., Dossi, E., Kumar, N., Fiorini-Debuisschert, C., Huberfeld, G., Ha-Thi, M. - H., Rouach, N., & Leray, I. (2016). A Highly Selective Potassium Sensor for the Detection of Potassium in Living Tissues. Chem. Eur. J., 22(42), 14902–14911.
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Desrier, A., Romanzin, C., Lamarre, N., Alcaraz, C., Gans, B., Gauyacq, D., Liévin, J., & Boyé-Péronne, S. (2016). Experimental and ab initio characterisation of HC3N+ vibronic structure: I-Synchrotron-based Threshold Photo-Electron Spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 145, 234310.
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Falvo, C. (2016). A new interpretation of the meaning of the center of line slope from a two-dimensional infrared spectrum. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 144(23), 234103.
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Gans, B., Holzmeier, F., Krüger, J., Falvo, C., Röder, A., Lopes, A., Garcia, G. A., Fittschen, C., Loison, J. - C., & Alcaraz, C. (2016). Synchrotron-based valence shell photoionization of CH radical. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 144(20), 204307.
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Gans, B., Lamarre, N., Broquier, M., Liévin, J., & Boyé-Péronne, S. (2016). Experimental and ab initio characterisation of HC3N+ vibronic structure: II- High-resolution VUV PFI-ZEKE spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 145, 234309.
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Gavilan, L., Alata, I., Le, K. C., Pino, T., Giuliani, A., & Dartois, E. (2016). VUV spectroscopy of carbon dust analogs: contribution to interstellar extinction. A&A, 586, A106.
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Gruet, S., Pirali, O., Goubet, M., Tokaryk, D. W., & Bréchignac, P. (2016). High Resolution Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of N-Substituted Two-Ring Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: an Extended Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 120(1), 95–105.
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Hartmann, J. - M., Landsheere, X., Boulet, C., Sarkisyan, D., Sarkisyan, A. S., Leroy, C., & Pangui, E. (2016). Infrared look at the spectral effects of submicron confinements of CO_2 gas. Physical Review A, 93(1), 012516.
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Jacquinet-Husson, N., Armante, R., Scott, N. A., Chédin, A., Crépeau, L., Boutammine, C., Bouhdaoui, A., Crevoisier, C., Capelle, V., Boonne, C., Poulet-Crovisier, N., Barbe, A., Chris Benner, D., Boudon, V., Brown, L. R., Buldyreva, J., Campargue, A., Coudert, L. H., Devi, V. M., Down, M. J., Drouin, B. J., Fayt, A., Fittschen, C., Flaud, J. - M., Gamache, R. R., Harrison, J. J., Hill, C., Hodnebrog, Ø., Hu, S. - M., Jacquemart, D., Jolly, A., Jiménez, E., Lavrentieva, N. N., Liu, A. - W., Lodi, L., Lyulin, O. M., Massie, S. T., Mikhailenko, S., Müller, H. S. P., Naumenko, O. V., Nikitin, A., Nielsen, C. J., Orphal, J., Perevalov, V. I., Perrin, A., Polovtseva, E., Predoi-Cross, A., Rotger, M., Ruth, A. A., Yu, S. S., Sung, K., Tashkun, S. A., Tennyson, J., Tyuterev, V. G., Vander Auwera, J., Voronin, B. A., & Makie, A. (2016). The 2015 edition of the GEISA spectroscopic database. New Visions of Spectroscopic Databases, Volume II, 327, 31–72.
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Kutzer, P., Weismann, D., Waßmuth, B., Pirali, O., Roy, P., Yamada, K. M. T., & Giesen, T. F. (2016). Far-infrared spectra of dimethyl-ether and its 13C enriched isotopologues: The fundamental band of the C–O–C in plane bending mode, ν7. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 329, 28–34.
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Lamarre, N., Gans, B., Vieira Mendes L.A., Gronowski, M., Guillemin, J. - C., de Oliveira N., Douin, S., Chevalier, M., Crépin, C., Kolos, R., & Boyé-Péronne, S. (2016). Excited electronic structure of methylcyanoacetylene probed by VUV Fourier-transform absorption spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 182, 286–295.
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Landsheere, X., Pangui, E., Boulet, C., & Hartmann, J. - M. (2016). Reflection spectroscopy study of the 16O12C16O -band lines. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 174, 1–6.
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Lauzin, C., Gans, B., & Merkt, F. (2016). High-resolution photoelectron-spectroscopic investigation of the H2O+ cation in its A+ electronic state. Molecular Physics, 114(22), 3319–3327.
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Lefebvre-Brion, H., & Kalemos, A. (2016). Interpretation of the predissociation of the CO Rydberg W (1)Pi (v = 1) level. J Chem Phys, 144(13), 134302.
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Lefebvre-Brion, H., & Kalemos, A. (2016). Note: Calculation of the branching ratios for the predissociation of the Rydberg CO W(1)Pi(v=1) level. J Chem Phys, 145(16), 166102.
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Lefebvre-Brion, H., Liebermann, H. P., Amero, J. M., & Vazquez, G. J. (2016). Rydberg, valence, and ion-pair quintet states of O2. J Chem Phys, 144(14), 144302.
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Ma, Q., & Boulet, C. (2016). The relaxation matrix for symmetric tops with inversion symmetry. I. Effects of line coupling on self-broadened ν1 and pure rotational bands of NH3. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 144(22), 224303.
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Margulès, L., Martin-Drumel, M. A., Pirali, O., Bailleux, S., Wlodarczak, G., Roy, P., Roueff, E., & Gerin, M. (2016). Terahertz spectroscopy of the 15NH2 amidogen radical⋆. A&A, 591, A110.
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Martin-Drumel, M. A., Roucou, A., Brown, G. G., Thorwirth, S., Pirali, O., Mouret, G., Hindle, F., McCarthy, M. C., & Cuisset, A.  . (2016). High resolution spectroscopy of six SOCl2 isotopologues from the microwave to the far-infrared. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 144(8), 084305.
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Pearson, J. C., Yu S., & Pirali O. (2016). Modeling the spectrum of the 2 nu(2) and nu(4) states of ammonia to experimental accuracy. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 145(12), 124301.
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Schubert, A., Falvo, C., & Meier, C. (2016). Mixed quantum-classical simulations of the vibrational relaxation of photolyzed carbon monoxide in a hemoprotein. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 145(5), 054108.
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Sung, K., Yu, S., Pearson, J., Pirali, O., Kwabia Tchana, F., & Manceron, L. (2016). Far-infrared 14NH3 line positions and intensities measured with a FT-IR and AILES beamline, Synchrotron SOLEIL. New Visions of Spectroscopic Databases, Volume II, 327, 1–20.
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Thorwirth, S., Martin-Drumel, M. A., Endres, C. P., Salomon, T., Zingsheim, O., van Wijngaarden, J., Pirali, O., Gruet, S., Lewen, F., Schlemmer, S., & McCarthy, M. C. (2016). An ASAP treatment of vibrationally excited S2O: The ν3 mode and the ν3 + ν2 − ν2 hot band. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 319, 47–49.
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Vander Auwera, J., Boulet, C., Carré, Y., Kocon, L., & Hartmann, J. - M. (2016). Confinement-induced infrared absorption by H2 and N2 gases in a porous silica aerogel. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 182, 193–198.
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Chapitres de Livres

Kumar, N., Qui, P. X., Roopa, Leray, I., & Ha-Thi, M. - H. (2016). Calixarene-Based Fluorescent Molecular Sensors. In Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering. Elsevier.
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