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Peer-reviewed Publications

Amyay B., Louviot M., Pirali O., Georges R., Vander Auwera J., & Boudon V. (2016). Global analysis of the high temperature infrared emission spectrum of 12CH4 in the dyad (ν2/ν4) region. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 144(2), 024312.
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Asselin, P., Madebene, B., Soulard, P., Georges, R., Goubet, M., Huet, T. R., Pirali, O., & Zehnacker-Rentien, A. (2016). Competition between inter- and intra-molecular hydrogen bonding: An infrared spectroscopic study of jet-cooled amino-ethanol and its dimer. Journal Of Chemical Physics, 145(22), 224313.
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Baczko, K., Fensterbank, H., Berini, B., Bordage, N., Clavier, G., Meallet-Renault, R., Larpent, C., & Allard, E. (2016). Azide-Functionalized Nanoparticles as Quantized Building Block for the Design of Soft-Soft Fluorescent Polystyrene Core-PAMAM Shell Nanostructures. Journal Of Polymer Science Part A-Polymer Chemistry, 54(1), 115–126.
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Bergeron, H., Curado, E. M. F., Gazeau, J. P., & Rodrigues, L. M. C. S. (2016). Extensivity of Rényi entropy for the Laplace–de Finetti distribution. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 441, 23–31.
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Bergeron, H., Curado, E. M. F., Gazeau, J. P., & Rodrigues, L. M. C. S. (2016). Symmetric deformed binomial distributions: An analytical example where the Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy is not extensive. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 57(2), 023301.
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Bergeron, H., Czuchry, E., Gazeau, J. - P., & Malkiewicz, P. (2016). Nonadiabatic bounce and an inflationary phase in the quantum mixmaster universe. Physical Review D, 93(12), 043521.
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Bergeron, H., Czuchry, E., Gazeau, J. - P., & Malkiewicz, P. (2016). Vibronic framework for quantum mixmaster universe. Physical Review D, 93(6), 064080.
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Bizau, J. M., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., El Hassan, N., Al Shorman, M. M., Bouisset, E., Guigand, J., Moustier, O., Marie, A., Nadal, E., Robert, E., Nicolas, C., & Miron, C. (2016). A merged-beam setup at SOLEIL dedicated to photoelectron-photoion coincidence studies on ionic species. Journal Of Electron Spectroscopy And Related Phenomena, 210, 5–12.
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Bizau, J. M., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., Penent, F., Lablanquie, P., Andric, L., Palaudoux, J., Al Shorman, M. M., & Blancard, C. (2016). Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Ions: Study of the Auger Decay of the 4d -> nf (n=4,5) Resonances in Xe5+ Ion. Physical Review Letters, 116(10), 103001.
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Bobrov, K., Kalashnyk, N., & Guillemot, L. (2016). Thermodynamic balance of perylene self-assembly on Ag(110). J Chem Phys, 145(15), 154705.
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Boudjemaa, R., Briandet, R., Revest, M., Jacqueline, C., Caillon, J., Fontaine-Aupart, M. P., & Steenkeste, K. (2016). New Insight into Daptomycin Bioavailability and Localization in Staphylococcus aureus Biofilms by Dynamic Fluorescence Imaging. Antimicrobial Agents And Chemotherapy, 60(8), 4983–4990.
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Boudon, V., Lamy, M., Dugue-Boyé, F., Pirali, O., Gruet, S., D’Accolti, L., Fusco, C., Annese, C., & Alikhani, M. E. (2016). Synthesis, High-Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy, and Vibrational Structure of Cubane, C8H8. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 120(25), 4418–4428.
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Boulet, C., & Ma, Q. (2016). The relaxation matrix for symmetric tops with inversion symmetry. II. Line mixing effects in the ν1 band of NH3. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 144(22), 224304.
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Broquier, M., Soorkia, S., Dedonder-Lardeux, C., Jouvet, C., Theule, P., & Gregoire, G. (2016). Twisted Intramolecular Charge Transfer in Protonated Amino Pyridine. J. Phys. Chem. A, 120(21), 3797–3809.
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Canneson, D., Le Moal, E., Cao, S., Quélin, X., Dallaporta, D., Dujardin, G., & Boer-Duchemin, E. (2016). Surface plasmon polariton beams from an electrically excited plasmonic crystal. Opt. Express, 24(23), 26186–26200.
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Capello, M. C., Hernandez, F. J., Broquier, M., Dedonder-Lardeux, C., Jouvet, C., & Pino, G. A. (2016). Hydrogen bonds vs. pi-stacking interactions in the p-aminophenol ... p-cresol dimer: an experimental and theoretical study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(45), 31260–31267.
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Carcabal, P., Descamps, D., Petit, S., Mairesse, Y., Blanchet, V., & Cireasa, R. (2016). Using high harmonic radiation to reveal the ultrafast dynamics of radiosensitiser molecules. Faraday Discussions, 194, 407–425.
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Cazaux, S., Boschman, L., Rougeau, N., Reitsma, G., Hoekstra, R., Teillet-Billy, D., Morisset, S., Spaans, M., & Schlatholter, T. (2016). The sequence to hydrogenate coronene cations: A journey guided by magic numbers. Sci Rep, 6, 19835.
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Chagas, G. R., Xie, X., Darmanin, T., Steenkeste, K., Gaucher, A., Prim, D., Meallet-Renault, R., Godeau, G., Amigoni, S., & Guittard, F. (2016). Electrodeposition of Polypyrenes with Tunable Hydrophobicity, Water Adhesion, and Fluorescence Properties. Journal Of Physical Chemistry C, 120(13), 7077–7087.
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Choi, D. - J., Robles, R., Gauyacq, J. - P., Rubio-Verdu, C., Lorente, N., & Ignacio Pascual, J. (2016). Spin-polarised edge states in atomic Mn chains supported on Cu2N/Cu (100). J. Phys. Condens. Matter., 28(23), 23lt01.
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Choi, D. - J., Robles, R., Gauyacq, J. - P., Ternes, M., Loth, S., & Lorente, N. (2016). Structural and magnetic properties of FeMnx chains (x=1–6) supported on Cu2N/Cu (100). Phys. Rev. B, 94(8), 085406.
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Cojocaru, G. V., Ungureanu, R. G., Banici, R. A., Ursescu, D., Guilbaud, O., Delmas, O., Le Marec, A., Neveu, O., Demailly, J., Pittman, M., Kazamias, S., Daboussi, S., Cassou, K., Li, L., Klisnick, A., Zeitoun, P., & Ros, D. (2016). One long and two short pumping pulses control for plasma x-ray amplifier optimization. Optics Express, 24(13), 14260–14270.
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Conte, C., Fotticchia, I., Tirino, P., Moret, F., Pagano, B., Gref, R., Ungaro, F., Reddi, E., Giancola, C., & Quaglia, F. (2016). Cyclodextrin-assisted assembly of PEGylated polyester nanoparticles decorated with folate. Colloids And Surfaces B-Biointerfaces, 141, 148–157.
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Coudert, L. H. (2016). The bending potential energy function of HDO obtained from high-resolution data. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 330, 112–119.
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Cuisset, A., Coeur, C., Mouret, G., Ahmad, W., Tomas, A., & Pirali, O. (2016). Infrared spectroscopy of methoxyphenols involved as atmospheric secondary organic aerosol precursors: Gas-phase vibrational cross-sections. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 179, 51–58.
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De la Lande, A., Ha-Thi, M. H., Chen, S. F., Soep, B., & Shafizadeh, N. (2016). Structure of cobalt protoporphyrin chloride and its dimer, observation and DFT modeling. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18(25), 16700–16708.
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Debiossac, M., Zugarramurdi, A., Mu, Z., Lunca-Popa, P., Mayne, A. J., & Roncin, P. (2016). Helium diffraction on SiC grown graphene: Qualitative and quantitative descriptions with the hard-corrugated-wall model. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 94(20), 205403.
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Decleva, P., Orr-Ewing, A. J., Kowalewski, M., Kornilov, O., Marangos, J. P., Worner, H. J., Johnson, A. S., Forbes, R., Rolles, D., Townsend, D., Schalk, O., Mai, S., Penfold, T. J., Miller, R. J. D., Centurion, M., Ueda, K., Domcke, W., Weber, P. M., Baeck, K. K., Travnikova, O., Liekhus-Schmaltz, C., Figueira, J. A. P., Neumark, N. D. M., Gessner, O., Stolow, A., Rudenko, A., Mishra, P. K., Kirrander, A., Dowek, D., Martin, F., Vibok, A., Minitti, M. P., Stankus, B., & Burger, C. (2016). Structural dynamics: general discussion. Faraday Discussions, 194, 583–620.
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Decleva, P., Quadri, N., Perveaux, A., Lauvergnat, D., Gatti, F., Lasorne, B., Halasz, G. J., & Vibok, A. (2016). Attosecond electronic and nuclear quantum photodynamics of ozone monitored with time and angle resolved photoelectron spectra. Scientific Reports, 6, 36613.
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Del Cueto, M. M., AS Fuchsel, G Gatti, F Martin, F Diaz, C AF del Cueto, M. Muzas, A. S. Fuechsel, G. Gatti, F. Martin, F. Diaz. (2016). Role of van der Waals forces in the diffraction of noble gases from metal surfaces. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 93(6), 060301.
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Depauw, A., Dossi, E., Kumar, N., Fiorini-Debuisschert, C., Huberfeld, G., Ha-Thi, M. - H., Rouach, N., & Leray, I. (2016). A Highly Selective Potassium Sensor for the Detection of Potassium in Living Tissues. Chem. Eur. J., 22(42), 14902–14911.
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Desrier, A., Romanzin, C., Lamarre, N., Alcaraz, C., Gans, B., Gauyacq, D., Liévin, J., & Boyé-Péronne, S. (2016). Experimental and ab initio characterisation of HC3N+ vibronic structure: I-Synchrotron-based Threshold Photo-Electron Spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 145, 234310.
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Ding, J. X., Cheng, Y. L., Li, M. Q., Gref, R., & Chen, X. S. (2016). Smart Polymeric Nanocarriers. Journal Of Nanomaterials, .
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Duchene, D., & Gref, R. (2016). Small is beautiful: Surprising nanoparticles. International Journal Of Pharmaceutics, 502(1-2), 219–231.
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Duchene, D., Cavalli, R., & Gref, R. (2016). Cyclodextrin-based Polymeric Nanoparticles as Efficient Carriers for Anticancer Drugs. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 17(3), 248–255.
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Dujardin, G., Boer-Duchemin, E., Le Moal, E., Mayne, A. J., & Riedel, D. (2016). DIET (Dynamics at surfaces Induced by Electronic Transitions) at the nanoscale. Surf. Sci., 643, 13–17.
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Falvo, C. (2016). A new interpretation of the meaning of the center of line slope from a two-dimensional infrared spectrum. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 144(23), 234103.
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Fedortchenko S., Huppert S., Vasanelli A., Todorov Y., Ciuti C., Keller A., Coudreau T., & Milman P. (2016). Output squeezed radiation from dispersive ultrastrong light-matter coupling. Phys. Rev. A, 94, 013821.
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Fensterbank, H., Baczko, K., Constant, C., Idttalbe, N., Bourdreux, F., Vallee, A., Goncalves, A. M., Meallet-Renault, R., Clavier, G., Wright, K., & Allard, E. (2016). Sequential Copper-Catalyzed Alkyne-Azide Cycloaddition and Thiol-Maleimide Addition for the Synthesis of Photo- and/or Electroactive Fullerodendrimers and Cysteine-Functionalized Fullerene Derivatives. Journal Of Organic Chemistry, 81(18), 8222–8233.
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Finkelstein-Shapiro, D., Calatayud, M., Atabek, O., Mujica, V., & Keller, A. (2016). Nonlinear Fano interferences in open quantum systems: An exactly solvable model. Physical Review A, 93, 063414.
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Firmino, T., Mangaud, E., Cailliez, F., Devolder, A., Mendive-Tapia, D., Gatti, F., Meier, C., Desouter-Lecomte, M., & de la Lande, A. (2016). Quantum effects in ultrafast electron transfers within cryptochromes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(31), 21442–21457.
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Gans, B., Holzmeier, F., Krüger, J., Falvo, C., Röder, A., Lopes, A., Garcia, G. A., Fittschen, C., Loison, J. - C., & Alcaraz, C. (2016). Synchrotron-based valence shell photoionization of CH radical. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 144(20), 204307.
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Gans, B., Lamarre, N., Broquier, M., Liévin, J., & Boyé-Péronne, S. (2016). Experimental and ab initio characterisation of HC3N+ vibronic structure: II- High-resolution VUV PFI-ZEKE spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 145, 234309.
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Gauyacq, J. P., & Lorente, N. (2016). Extremely long-lived magnetic excitations in supported Fe chains. Phys. Rev. B, 94(4), 045420.
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Gavilan, L., Alata, I., Le, K. C., Pino, T., Giuliani, A., & Dartois, E. (2016). VUV spectroscopy of carbon dust analogs: contribution to interstellar extinction. A&A, 586, A106.
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Grazon, C., Rieger, J., Beaunier, P., Meallet-Renault, R., & Clavier, G. (2016). Fluorescent core-shell nanoparticles and nanocapsules using comb-like macromolecular RAFT agents: synthesis and functionalization thereof. Polymer Chemistry, 7(25), 4272–4283.
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Gruber, E., Wilhelm, R. A., Petuya, R., Smejkal, V., Kozubek, R., Hierzenberger, A., Bayer, B. C., Aldazabal, I., Kazansky, A. K., Libisch, F., Krasheninnikov, A. V., Schleberger, M., Facsko, S., Borisov, A. G., Arnau, A., & Aumayr, F. (2016). Ultrafast electronic response of graphene to a strong and localized electric field. Nat. Commun., 7, 13948.
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Gruet, S., Pirali, O., Goubet, M., Tokaryk, D. W., & Bréchignac, P. (2016). High Resolution Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of N-Substituted Two-Ring Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: an Extended Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 120(1), 95–105.
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Gutierrez-Quintanilla, A., Chevalier, M., & Crepin, C. (2016). Double deuterated acetylacetone in neon matrices: infrared spectroscopy, photoreactivity and the tunneling process. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 18(30), 20713–20725.
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Hamoudi, H., & Esaulov, V. A. (2016). Selfassembly of α,ω-dithiols on surfaces and metal dithiol heterostructures. Ann.Phys, , 1–22.
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Hartmann, J. - M., Landsheere, X., Boulet, C., Sarkisyan, D., Sarkisyan, A. S., Leroy, C., & Pangui, E. (2016). Infrared look at the spectral effects of submicron confinements of CO_2 gas. Physical Review A, 93(1), 012516.
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Izumi, Y., Fujii, K., Wien, F., Houee-Levin, C., Lacombe, S., Salado-Leza, D., Porcel, E., Masoud, R., Yamamoto, S., Refregiers, M., du Penhoat, M. A. H., & Yokoya, A. (2016). Structure Change from beta-Strand and Turn to alpha-Helix in Histone H2A-H2B Induced by DNA Damage Response. Biophysical Journal, 111(1), 69–78.
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Jacquinet-Husson, N., Armante, R., Scott, N. A., Chédin, A., Crépeau, L., Boutammine, C., Bouhdaoui, A., Crevoisier, C., Capelle, V., Boonne, C., Poulet-Crovisier, N., Barbe, A., Chris Benner, D., Boudon, V., Brown, L. R., Buldyreva, J., Campargue, A., Coudert, L. H., Devi, V. M., Down, M. J., Drouin, B. J., Fayt, A., Fittschen, C., Flaud, J. - M., Gamache, R. R., Harrison, J. J., Hill, C., Hodnebrog, Ø., Hu, S. - M., Jacquemart, D., Jolly, A., Jiménez, E., Lavrentieva, N. N., Liu, A. - W., Lodi, L., Lyulin, O. M., Massie, S. T., Mikhailenko, S., Müller, H. S. P., Naumenko, O. V., Nikitin, A., Nielsen, C. J., Orphal, J., Perevalov, V. I., Perrin, A., Polovtseva, E., Predoi-Cross, A., Rotger, M., Ruth, A. A., Yu, S. S., Sung, K., Tashkun, S. A., Tennyson, J., Tyuterev, V. G., Vander Auwera, J., Voronin, B. A., & Makie, A. (2016). The 2015 edition of the GEISA spectroscopic database. New Visions of Spectroscopic Databases, Volume II, 327, 31–72.
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Jiang, T., Tong, Y., Bendounan, A., Nicolas, F., Kubsky, S., & Esaulov, V. A. (2016). Selenium and benzeneselenol interaction with Cu(111). RSC Adv., 6(88), 84627–84633.
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Kalashnyk N., Khemliche H., & Roncin P. (2016). Atom beam triangulation of organic layers at 100 meV normal energy:self-assembled perylene on Ag(1 1 0) at room temperature. Appl. Surf. Sci., 364, 235–240.
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Ketterer A., Keller, A., Walborn S. P., Coudreau T., & Milman P. (2016). Quantum information processing in phase space: a modular variables approach. Phys. Rev. A, 94, 022325.
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Kumar, S., Lucas, B., Fayeton, J., Scuderi, D., Alata, I., Broquier, M., Le Barbu-Debus, K., Lepere, V., & Zehnacker, A. (2016). Photofragmentation mechanisms in protonated chiral cinchona alkaloids. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18(32), 22668–22677.
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Kutzer, P., Weismann, D., Waßmuth, B., Pirali, O., Roy, P., Yamada, K. M. T., & Giesen, T. F. (2016). Far-infrared spectra of dimethyl-ether and its 13C enriched isotopologues: The fundamental band of the C–O–C in plane bending mode, ν7. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 329, 28–34.
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Lamarre, N., Gans, B., Vieira Mendes L.A., Gronowski, M., Guillemin, J. - C., de Oliveira N., Douin, S., Chevalier, M., Crépin, C., Kolos, R., & Boyé-Péronne, S. (2016). Excited electronic structure of methylcyanoacetylene probed by VUV Fourier-transform absorption spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 182, 286–295.
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Landsheere, X., Pangui, E., Boulet, C., & Hartmann, J. - M. (2016). Reflection spectroscopy study of the 16O12C16O -band lines. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 174, 1–6.
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Lauzin, C., Gans, B., & Merkt, F. (2016). High-resolution photoelectron-spectroscopic investigation of the H2O+ cation in its A+ electronic state. Molecular Physics, 114(22), 3319–3327.
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Le Marec, A., Guilbaud, O., Larroche, O., & Klisnick, A. (2016). Evidence of partial temporal coherence effects in the linear autocorrelation of extreme ultraviolet laser pulses. Optics Letters, 41(14), 3387–3390.
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Le Moal, E., Marguet, S., Canneson, D., Rogez, B., Boer-Duchemin, E., Dujardin, G., Teperik, T. V., Marinica, D. C., & Borisov, A. G. (2016). Engineering the emission of light from a scanning tunneling microscope using the plasmonic modes of a nanoparticle. Phys. Rev. B, 93(3), 035418.
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Leclerc, A., Viennot, D., Jolicard, G., Lefebvre, R., & Atabek, O. (2016). Controlling vibrational cooling with Zero-Width Resonnaces: An adiabatic Floquet approach. Phys. Rev. A, 94, 043409.
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Lefebvre, R. (2016). Factorization and recomposition of molecular wave functions. J Chem Phys, 145(12), 124108.
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Lefebvre-Brion, H., & Kalemos, A. (2016). Interpretation of the predissociation of the CO Rydberg W (1)Pi (v = 1) level. J Chem Phys, 144(13), 134302.
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Lefebvre-Brion, H., & Kalemos, A. (2016). Note: Calculation of the branching ratios for the predissociation of the Rydberg CO W(1)Pi(v=1) level. J Chem Phys, 145(16), 166102.
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Lefebvre-Brion, H., Liebermann, H. P., Amero, J. M., & Vazquez, G. J. (2016). Rydberg, valence, and ion-pair quintet states of O2. J Chem Phys, 144(14), 144302.
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Lepere, V., Le Barbu-Debus, K., Clavaguera, C., Scuderi, D., Piani, G., Simon, A. L., Chirot, F., MacAleese, L., Dugourd, P., & Zehnacker, A. (2016). Chirality-dependent structuration of protonated or sodiated polyphenylalanines: IRMPD and ion mobility studies. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18(3), 1807–1817.
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Liu, B. T., Li, H. Y., Xu, X. N., Li, X., Lv, N. N., Singh, V., Stoddart, J. F., York, P., Xu, X., Gref, R., & Zhang, J. W. (2016). Optimized synthesis and crystalline stability of gamma-cyclodextrin metal-organic frameworks for drug adsorption. International Journal Of Pharmaceutics, 514(1), 212–219.
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Lozada-Garcia, R., Mu, D., Plazanet, M., & Carcabal, P. (2016). Molecular gels in the gas phase? Gelator-gelator and gelator-solvent interactions probed by vibrational spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(32), 22100–22107.
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Ma, Q., & Boulet, C. (2016). The relaxation matrix for symmetric tops with inversion symmetry. I. Effects of line coupling on self-broadened ν1 and pure rotational bands of NH3. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 144(22), 224303.
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Margulès, L., Martin-Drumel, M. A., Pirali, O., Bailleux, S., Wlodarczak, G., Roy, P., Roueff, E., & Gerin, M. (2016). Terahertz spectroscopy of the 15NH2 amidogen radical⋆. A&A, 591, A110.
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Marinica, D. - C., Aizpurua, J., & Borisov, A. G. (2016). Quantum effects in the plasmon response of bimetallic core-shell nanostructures. Opt. Express, 24(21), 23941–23956.
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Martin-Drumel, M. A., Roucou, A., Brown, G. G., Thorwirth, S., Pirali, O., Mouret, G., Hindle, F., McCarthy, M. C., & Cuisset, A.  . (2016). High resolution spectroscopy of six SOCl2 isotopologues from the microwave to the far-infrared. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 144(8), 084305.
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McLaughlinB. M., Bizau J.-M., Cubaynes D., Guilbaud S., Douix S, Al Shorman M. M., El Ghazaly M. O. A., Sakho I., & Gharaibeh M. F. (2016). K-shell photoionization of O4 + and O5 + ions: experiment and theory. Royal Astronomical Society, 465, 4690.
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Milne, C. J., Weber, P. M., Kowalewski, M., Marangos, J. P., Johnson, A. S., Forbes, R., Worner, H. J., Rolles, D., Townsend, D., Schalk, O., Mai, S., Vacher, M., Miller, R. J. D., Centurion, M., Vibok, A., Domcke, W., Cireasa, R., Ueda, K., Bencivenga, F., Neumark, D. M., Stolow, A., Rudenko, A., Kirrander, A., Dowek, D., Martin, F., Ivanov, M., Dahlstrom, J. M., Dudovich, N., Mukamel, S., Sanchez-Gonzalez, A., Minitti, M. P., Austin, D. R., Kimberg, V., & Masin, Z. (2016). Attosecond processes and X-ray spectroscopy: general discussion. Faraday Discussions, 194, 427–462.
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Mosnier, J. P., Kennedy, E. T., van Kampen, P., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., Sisourat, N., Puglisi, A., Carniato, S., & Bizau, J. M. (2016). Inner-shell photoexcitations as probes of the molecular ions CH+, OH+, and SiH+: Measurements and theory. Physical Review A, 93, 061401.
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Orr-Ewing, A. J., Verlet, J. R. R., Penfold, T. J., Minns, R. S., Minitti, M. P., Solling, T. I., Schalk, O., Kowalewski, M., Marangos, J. P., Robb, M. A., Johnson, A. S., Worner, H. J., Shalashilin, D. V., Miller, R. J. D., Domcke, W., Ueda, K., Weber, P. M., Cireasa, R., Vacher, M., Roberts, G. M., Decleva, P., Bencivenga, F., Neumark, D. M., Gessner, O., Stolow, A., Mishra, P. K., Polyak, I., Baeck, K. K., Kirrander, A., Dowek, D., Jimenez-Galan, A., Martin, F., Mukamel, S., Sekikawa, T., Gelin, M. F., Townsend, D., Makhov, D. V., & Neville, S. P. (2016). Electronic and non-adiabatic dynamics: general discussion. Faraday Discussions, 194, 209–257.
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Pearson, J. C., Yu S., & Pirali O. (2016). Modeling the spectrum of the 2 nu(2) and nu(4) states of ammonia to experimental accuracy. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 145(12), 124301.
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Chapitres de Livres

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