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Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Structure et dynamique des systèmes complexes isolés photoexcités (SYSIPHE) > MOlécules en MAtrice (MOMA) > Publications du groupe MOMA > MOMA publications

MOMA publications

since 2011

par Chin Wutharath - 4 décembre 2015


Gutiérrez-Quintanilla, A., Chevalier, M., Platakyte, R., Ceponkus, J., & Crépin, C. (2023). Revisiting Photoisomerization in Fluorinated Analogues of Acetylacetone Trapped in Cryogenic Matrices. EPJD, 77, 158.
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Pollet, R., & Chin, W. (2023). In silico Investigation of the Thermochemistry and Photoactivity of Pyruvic Acid in an Aqueous Solution of NaCl. Chem. Eur. J., 2922(5555).
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Raphaël Thon, Wutharath Chin, Didier Chamma, Mindaugas Jonusas, Jean-Pierre Galaup, & Claudine Crépin. (2022). Vibrational dynamics of iron pentacarbonyl in cryogenic matrices. J Chem Phys, 156(2), 024301-12.
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Szczepaniak, U., Kolos, R., Guillemin, J. - C., & Crépin, C. (2022). Phosphorescence of C5N– in rare gas solids. Photochem, 2, 263–271.
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Gutiérrez-Quintanilla, A., Platakyte, R., Chevalier, M., Crépin, C., & Ceponkus J. (2021). Hidden Isomer of Trifluoroacetylacetone Revealed by Matrix Isolation Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy. J Phys Chem A, 125, 2249–2266.
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Pollet R, & Chin, W. (2021). Reversible Hydration of alpha-Dicarbonyl Compounds from Ab Initio Metadynamics Simulations: Comparison between Pyruvic and Glyoxylic Acids in Aqueous Solutions. J Phys Chem B, 125(11), 2942.
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Gutierrez-Quintanilla, A., Chevalier M, Platakyte, R., Ceponkus J, & Crepin, C. (2020). Intramolecular hydrogen tunneling in 2-chloromalonaldehyde trapped in solid para-hydrogen. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 20, 28658–28666.
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Strom, A. I., Gutierrez-Quintanilla A, Chevalier, M., Ceponkus J, Crepin, C., & Anderson DT. (2020). Matrix Isolation Spectroscopy and Nuclear Spin Conversion of Propyne Suspended in Solid Parahydrogen. J Phys Chem A, 124(22), 4471–4483.
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Szczepaniak, U., Gutiérrez-Quintanilla, A., Crépin, C., Guillemin, J. - C., Turowski, M., Custer, T., & Kołos, R. (2020). Spectroscopy of methylcyanodiacetylene revisited. Solid parahydrogen and solid neon matrix studies. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1218, 128437.
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Szczepaniak, U., Ozaki, K., Tanaka, K., Ohnishi, Y., Wada, Y., Guillemin, J. - C., Crépin, C., Kołos, R., Morisawa, Y., Suzuki, H., & Wakabayashi, T. (2020). Phosphorescence excitation mapping and vibrational spectroscopy of HC9N and HC11N cyanopolyynes in organic solvents. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1214, 128201.
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Crépin-Gilbert, C., & Savchenko, E. (2019). Nanostructures and impurity centers in cryogenic environment. Low Temperature Physics, 45(6), 581–582.
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de Pujo, P., Ryan, M., Crépin, C., Mestdagh, J. M., & McCaffrey, J. G. (2019). The role of spin-orbit coupling in the optical spectroscopy of atomic sodium isolated in solid xenon. Low Temperature Physics, 45(7), 715–720.
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Gutiérrez-Quintanilla A., Chevalier M., Platakyte R., Ceponkus J., & Crépin C. (2019). Selective photoisomerisation of 2- chloromalonaldehyde. J Chem Phys, 150, 034305.
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Gutiérrez-Quintanilla,, Briant,, Mengesha,, Gaveau, M. - A., Mestdagh,, Soep,, & Poisson,. (2019). Propyne-water complexes hosted in helium droplets. Low Temperature Physics, 45(6), 634–638.
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Platakyte, R., Gutiérrez-Quintanilla, A., Sablinskas, V., & Ceponkus, J. (2019). Influence of environment and association with water, to internal structure of trifluoroacetylacetone. Matrix isolation FTIR study. Low Temperature Physics, 45(6), 615–626.
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Rojas-Lorenzo,, Lara-Moreno,, Gutierrez-Quintanilla,, Chevalier,, & Crépin,. (2019). Theoretical study of “trapping sites” in cryogenic rare gas solids doped with β-dicarbonyl molecules. Low Temperature Physics, 45, 363–370.
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Gutierrez-Quintanilla, A., Briant M, Mengesha, E., Gaveau MA, Mestdagh, J. - M., Soep B, Crepin, C., & Poisson L. (2018). A HElium NanoDroplet Isolation (HENDI) investigation of the weak hydrogen bonding in the propyne dimer (CH3CCH)2. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 20, 28658.
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Gutierrez-Quintanilla, A., Chevalier M, Ceponkus, J., Lozada-Garcia RR, Mestdagh, J. - M., & Crepin C. (2018). Large amplitude motions within molecules trapped in solid parahydrogen. Faraday Discuss, 212, 499–515.
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Gutierrez-Quintanilla, A., Chevalier M, Platakyte, R., Ceponkus J, Rojas-Lorenzo, G. A., & Crepin C. (2018). 2-Chloromalonaldehyde, a model system of resonance-assisted hydrogen bonding: vibrational investigation. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 20, 12888.
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Szczepaniak, U., Kolos R, Gronowski, M., Chevalier M, Guillemin, J. - C., & Crepin C. (2018). Synthesis and Electronic Phosphorescence of Dicyanooctatetrayne (NC10N) in Cryogenic Matrixes. J Phys Chem A, 122(25), 5580–5588.
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Szczepaniak, U., Kołos, R., Gronowski, M., Guillemin, J. - C., & Crépin, C. (2018). Low Temperature Synthesis and Phosphorescence of Methylcyanotriacetylene. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 122(1), 89–99.
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Szczepaniak, U., Kolos, R., Gronowski, M., Chevalier, M., Guillemin JC., Turowski M., Custer, T., & Crépin, C. (2017). Cryogenic Photochemical Synthesis and Electronic Spectroscopy of Cyanotetracetylene. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 121(39), 7374–7384.
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Thon, R., Chin, W., Chamma, D., Gutiérrez-Quintanilla, A., Chevalier, M., Galaup, J. - P., & Crépin, C. (2017). W(CO) 6 in cryogenic solids: A comparative study of vibrational properties. Journal of Luminescence, 191, 78–86.
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Gutierrez-Quintanilla, A., Chevalier, M., & Crepin, C. (2016). Double deuterated acetylacetone in neon matrices: infrared spectroscopy, photoreactivity and the tunneling process. Phys Chem Chem Phys, 18(30), 20713–20725.
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Lamarre, N., Gans, B., Vieira Mendes L.A., Gronowski, M., Guillemin, J. - C., de Oliveira N., Douin, S., Chevalier, M., Crépin, C., Kolos, R., & Boyé-Péronne, S. (2016). Excited electronic structure of methylcyanoacetylene probed by VUV Fourier-transform absorption spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 182, 286–295.
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Thon, R., Chin, W., Chamma, D., Galaup, J. - P., Ouvrard, A., Bourguignon, B., & Crépin, C. (2016). Vibrational spectroscopy and dynamics of W(CO)6in solid methane as a probe of lattice properties. J. Chem. Phys., 145(21), 214306.
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Arabei, S., McCaffrey, J. G., Galaup, J. - P., Shafizadeh, N., & Crepin, C. (2015). Stimulated emission in cryogenic samples doped with free-base tetraazaporphine. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 17(22), 14931–42.
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Douin, S., Gronowski, M., Lamarre, N., Phung, V. - T., Boyé-Péronne, S., Crépin, C., & and Kołos, R. (2015). Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy Measurements for High-Overtone Vibrational Bands of HC3N. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119(36), 9494–9505.
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Lozada-Garcia, R., Rojas-Lorenzo, G., Crepin, C., Ryan, M., & McCaffrey, J. G. (2015). Hg-Xe Exciplex Formation in Mixed Xe/Ar Matrices: Molecular Dynamics and Luminescence Study. Journal Of Physical Chemistry A, 119(11), 2307–2317.
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Turowski, M., Crepin, C., Douin, S., & Kolos, R. (2015). Formation and Spectroscopy of Dicyanotriacetylene (NC8N) in Solid Kr. Journal Of Physical Chemistry A, 119(11), 2701–2708.
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Chin, W., Chevalier, M., Thon, R., Pollet, R., Ceponkus, J., & Crepin, C. (2014). Photochemistry of glycolaldehyde in cryogenic matrices. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 140(22), 224319.
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Couturier-Tamburelli, I., Pietri, N., Crepin, C., Turowski, M., Guillemin, J. - C., & Kolos, R. (2014). Synthesis and spectroscopy of cyanotriacetylene (HC7N) in solid argon. Journal Of Chemical Physics, 140(4), 044329.
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Henchy, C., McCaffrey, J. G., Arabei, S., Pavich, T., Galaup, J. - P., Shafizadeh, N., & Crepin, C. (2014). Free base tetraazaporphine isolated in inert gas hosts: Matrix influence on its spectroscopic and photochemical properties. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 141(12), 124303.
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Thon, R., Chin, W., Galaup, J. - P., Ouvrard, A., Bourguignon, B., & Crepin, C. (2013). Vibrational Perturbations of W(CO)(6) Trapped in a Molecular Lattice Probed by Linear and Nonlinear Spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. A, 117(34), 8145–8156.
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Arabei, S. M., Galaup, J. - P., McCaffrey, J. G., Shafizadeh, N., & Crepin, C. (2012). Electronic spectroscopy, stimulated emission, and persistent spectral hole burning of cryogenic nitrogen matrices doped with tetrabenzoporphin. LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 38(8), 727–731.
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Henchy, C., Murray, C., Crepin, C., & McCaffrey, J. G. (2012). A DFT study of reversed isotope shifts in H/D substitution of free-base porphyrin and related free-base tetrapyrroles. Can. J. Chem.-Rev. Can. Chim., 90(12), 1078–1091.
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Lozada-Garcia, R. R., Ceponkus, J., Chevalier, M., Chin, W., Mestdagh, J. - M., & Crepin, C. (2012). Nuclear Spin Conversion to Probe the Methyl Rotation Effect on Hydrogen-Bond and Vibrational Dynamics. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 51(28), 6947–6950.
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Lozada-Garcia, R. R., Ceponkus, J., Chevalier, M., Chin, W., Mestdagh, J. - M., & Crepin, C. (2012). Photochemistry of acetylacetone isolated in parahydrogen matrices upon 266 nm irradiation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14(10), 3450–3459.
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Turowski, M., Crepin, C., Couturier-Tamburelli, I., Pietri, N., & Kolos, R. (2012). Low-temperature phosphorescence of dicyanoacetylene in rare gas solids. LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, 38(8), 723–726.
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Turowski, M., Crepin, C., Douin, S., Gronowski, M., Couturier-Tamburelli, I., Pietri, N., Wasiak, A., & Kolos, R. (2012). Low temperature Raman spectra of cyanobutadiyne (HC5N). VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY, 62, 268–272.
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Crepin, C., Turowski, M., Ceponkus, J., Douin, S., Boye-Peronne, S., Gronowski, M., & Kolos, R. (2011). UV-induced growth of cyanopolyyne chains in cryogenic solids. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 13(37), 16780–16785.
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Murray, C., Dozova, N., McCaffrey, J. G., Shafizadeh, N., Chin, W., Broquier, M., & Crepin, C. (2011). Visible luminescence spectroscopy of free-base and zinc phthalocyanines isolated in cryogenic matrices. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 13(39), 17543–17554.
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Photochemistry of glycolaldehyde in cryogenic matrices. W. Chin, M. Chevalier, R. Thon, R. Pollet, J. Ceponkus and C. Crépin - J. Chem. Phys. 140 (2014) 224319

Free base tetraazaporphine isolated in inert gas hosts : Matrix influence on its spectroscopic and photochemical properties. C. Henchy, J. G. McCaffrey, S. Arabei, T. Pavich, J. -P. Galaup, N. Shafizadeh, and C. Crépin - J. Chem. Phys. 14 (2014) 124303


Vibrational Perturbations of W(CO)6 Trapped in a Molecular Lattice Probed by Linear and Nonlinear Spectroscopy. R. Thon, W. Chin, J.-P. Galaup, A. Ouvrard, B. Bourguignon, et C. Crepin - J. Phys. Chem. A 117 (2013) 8145-56


Nuclear Spin Conversion to Probe the Methyl Rotation Effect on Hydrogen-Bond and Vibrational Dynamics. R. R. Lozada-Garcia, J. Ceponkus, M. Chevalier, W. Chin, JM. Mestdagh, C. Crépin - Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 51 (2012) 6947–6950
Photochemistry of acetylacetone isolated in parahydrogen matrices upon 266 nm irradiation. R. R. Lozada-Garcia, J. Ceponkus, M. Chevalier, W. Chin, JM. Mestdagh, C. Crépin - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14 (2012) 3450–3459
Low-temperature phosphorescence of dicyanoacetylene in rare gas solids. M. Turowski, C. Crépin, I. Couturier-Tamburelli, N. Pietri, R. Kolos - Low. Temp. Phys. 38 (2012) 723-726
Electronic spectroscopy, stimulated emission, and persistent spectral hole burning of cryogenic nitrogen matrices doped with tetrabenzoporphin. S. M. Arabei, J.-P. Galaup, J. G. McCaffrey, N. Shafizadeh, C. Crépin - Low Temp. Phys. 38 (2012) 727–731
Low-temperature Raman spectra of cyanobutadiyne (HC5N). M. Turowski, C. Crépin, S. Douin, M. Gronowski, I. Couturier-Tamburelli, N. Piétri, A. Wasiak, R. Kolos - Vib. Spec. 62 (2012) 268-272


Visible luminescence spectroscopy of free-base and zinc phthalocyanines isolated in cryogenic matrices. C. Murray, N. Dozova, J. McCaffrey Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13 (2011) 17543-17554
UV-induced growth of cyanopolyyne chains in cryogenic solids. C. Crépin, M. Turowski, J. Ceponkus, S. Douin, S. Boyé-Péronne, M. Gronowski, R. Kolos - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13 (2011) 16780-16785


Acetylacetone in hydrogen solids : IR signatures of the enol and keto tautomers and UV induced tautomerization. R. R. Lozada-Garcia, J. Ceponkus, W. Chin, M. Chevalier, C. Crépin - Chem. Phys. Lett. 504 (2011) 142


Infra-red and Raman spectroscopy of free-base and zinc phthalocyanines isolated in matrices. C. Murray, N. Dozova, J. McCaffrey, S. FitzGerald, N. Shafizadeh, C. Crépin - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12 (2010) 10406-10422


Infrared study of glycolaldehyde isolated in parahydrogen matrix. J. Ceponkus, W. Chin, M. Chevalier, M. Broquier, A. Limongi, C. Crépin - J. Chem. Phys. 133 (2010) 094502

Electronic absorption and phosphorescence of cyanodiacetylene. C. Crépin, M. Turowski, M. Gronowski, J.C. Guillemin, A. Coupeaud, I. Couturier-Tamburelli, N. Pietri, R. Kolos - J. Chem. Phys. 13. (2010) 074310

Unveiled optical properties of tetrapyrollic pigments in cryogenic environments. C. Crépin, N. Shafizadeh, W. Chin, J.-P. Galaup, J. G. McCaffrey, S. M. Arabei - Low Temp. Phys. 36 (2010) 451


Amplified emission of phthalocyanine isolated in cryogenic matrices.
N. Dozova, C. Murray, J. G. McCaffrey, S. FitzGerald, N. Shafizadeh, C. Crépin - Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 10 (2008) 2167-2174

The C(3)N(-) anion : First detection of its electronic luminescence in rare gas solids. M. Turowski, M. Gronowski Marcin, S. Boyé-Péronne, S. Douin, L. Moneron, C. Crépin, R. Kolos - J. Chem. Phys. 128 (2008) 164304

Tentative identification of C3N center dot radical luminescence in solid krypton. C. Crépin, L. Moneron, S. Douin, S. Boyé-Peronne, R. Kolos, M. Turowski, et al. - POLISH JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 82 (2008) 741–749.

IR spectra and vibrational dephasing of the CO stretching mode in W(CO)(6) doped cryogenic matrices. M. Broquier, C. Crépin, H. Dubost, J.-P. Galaup - Chem. Phys. 341 (2007) 207

Environment effect on the vibrational dephasing of HCl, and HCl containing complexes, probed in van der Waals solids. M. Broquier, B. Lebech, C. Crépin - Chem. Phys. Lett. 416 (2005) 121-127

Influence of complexation and solid environment on the vibrational coherence of DCl. M. Broquier, C. Crépin, A. Cuisset, H. Dubost, J.-P. Galaup - Europ. Phys. J. D 36 (2005) 41-47

Influence of a weak hydrogen bond on vibrational coherence probed by photon echoes in DCl dimer trapped in solid nitrogen. M. Broquier, C. Crépin, A. Cuisset, H. Dubost, J.-P. Galaup - J. Phys. Chem. A 109 (2005) 4873-80

Vibrational dynamics of deuterium chloride in solid nitrogen probed by linear and nonlinear spectroscopy. M. Broquier, C. Crépin, A. Cuisset, H. Dubost, J.-P. Galaup, P. Roubin - J. Chem. Phys. 118 (2003) 9582-9588

Quantum beats induced by spectral diffusion between independent two-level systems. C. Crépin - Phys. Rev. A 67 (2003) 013401

Infrared photon echo experiments on small molecules isolated in condensed phase. M. Broquier, C. Crépin, A. Cuisset, H. Dubost, J.-P. Galaup - J. Lumin. 94 (2001) 575-578

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