Magazine Articles |
Keller A., & Milman P. (2015). La téléportation révolutionne la communication. La Recherche, 501(Juillet).
Peer-reviewed Publications |
Barros M. R., Farías O. J., Keller A., Coudreau T., Milman P., & Walborn S. P. (2015). Detecting multipartite spatial entanglement with modular variables. Phys. Rev. A, 92, 022308.
Bizau, J. M., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., Al Shorman, M. M., Gharaibeh, M. F., Ababneh, I. Q., Blancard, C., & McLaughlin, B. M. (2015). K-shell photoionization of O+ and O2+ ions: Experiment and theory. Physical Review A, 92, 023401.
Résumé: Absolute cross sections for the single and double K-shell photoionization of carbonlike O2+ and nitrogenlike O+ ions were measured in the 526-620-eV photon energy range by employing the ion-photon merged-beam technique at the SOLEIL synchrotron radiation facility. High-resolution spectroscopy up to E/Lambda E approximate to 5300 was achieved. Rich resonance structures observed in the experimental spectra are analyzed and identified with the aid of R-matrix and multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock (MCDF) methods. For these two atomic oxygen ions of particular astrophysical interest we characterized the strong 1s -> 2p and the weaker 1s -> np (n > 2) resonances observed. A detailed comparison of the energies of the 1s -> 2p resonances in the first members of the oxygen isonuclear sequence measured by synchrotron based experiments and the Chandra and XMM-Newton x-ray satellites is presented.
Boucher G., Douce T., Bresteau D., Walborn S. P., Keller A., Coudreau T., Ducci S., & Milman P. (2015). Toolbox for continuous-variable entanglement production and measurement using spontaneous parametric down-conversion. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 92, 023804.
Finkelstein-Shapiro, D., Urdaneta, I., Calatayud, M., Atabek, O., Mujica, V., & Keller, A. (2015). Fano-Liouville Spectral Signatures in Open Quantum Systems. Physical Review Letters, 115, 113006.
Guilbaud, O., Cojocaru, G. V., Li, L., Delmas, O., Ungureanu, R. G., Banici, R. A., Kazamias, S., Cassou, K., Neveu, O., Demailly, J., Baynard, E., Pittman, M., Le Marec, A., Klisnick, A., Zeitoun, P., Ursescu, D., & Ros, D. (2015). Gain dynamics in quickly ionized plasma for seeded operated soft x-ray lasers. Optics Letters, 40(20), 4775–4778.
Jaouadi, A., Telmini, M., & Charron, E. (2015). Bose-Einstein condensation with a finite number of particles in a power-law trap. Phys. Rev. A, 92(1), 017602.
Ketterer A., Keller A., Coudreau T., & Milman P. (2015). Testing the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality using observables with arbitrary spectrum. Phys. Rev. A, 91, 012106.
Le Marec A., K. M., Nejdl J., Tissandier F., Meng L., Guilbaud O., Calisti A., and Klisnick A. (2015). Measurement of a sub-picosecond coherence time in a quasi-steady state XUV laser. Phys. Rev. A, 92, 033852.
Lefebvre, R. (2015). Factorized molecular wave functions: Analysis of the nuclear factor. J Chem Phys, 142(21), 214105.
Résumé: The exact factorization of molecular wave functions leads to nuclear factors which should be nodeless functions. We reconsider the case of vibrational perturbations in a diatomic species, a situation usually treated by combining Born-Oppenheimer products. It was shown [R. Lefebvre, J. Chem. Phys. 142, 074106 (2015)] that it is possible to derive, from the solutions of coupled equations, the form of the factorized function. By increasing artificially the interstate coupling in the usual approach, the adiabatic regime can be reached, whereby the wave function can be reduced to a single product. The nuclear factor of this product is determined by the lowest of the two potentials obtained by diagonalization of the potential matrix. By comparison with the nuclear wave function of the factorized scheme, it is shown that by a simple rectification, an agreement is obtained between the modified nodeless function and that of the adiabatic scheme.
Lefebvre, R. (2015). Perturbations in vibrational diatomic spectra: factorization of the molecular wave function. J Chem Phys, 142(7), 074106.
Résumé: The coupling between two electronic states of a diatomic molecule may lead to an erratic behaviour of the associated vibrational energies. An example is the homogeneous coupling between the valence b' state and the Rydberg c' state of the N2 molecule, both of symmetry (1)Sigmau (+). The standard treatment of such a situation is to write the wave function as a sum of two Born-Oppenheimer products. It has recently been argued [L. S. Cederbaum, J. Chem. Phys. 138, 224110 (2013); N. I. Gidopoulos and E. K. U. Gross, Philos. Trans. R. Soc., A 372, 20130059 (2014)] that even in such a case the wave function should be representable as a single product, with an electronic factor depending parametrically on nuclear positions and a nuclear factor. We setup such a representation in the case of the perturbations in the N2 molecule.
Moreira S. V., Keller A., Coudreau T., & Milman P. (2015). Modeling Leggett-Garg inequality violation. Phys. Rev. A, 92, 062132.
Palaudoux, J., Sheinerman, S., Soronen, J., Huttula, S. M., Huttula, M., Jankala, K., Andric, L., Ito, K., Lablanquie, P., Penent, F., Bizau, J. M., Guilbaud, S., & Cubaynes, D. (2015). Valence Auger decay following 3s photoionization in potassium. Physical Review A, 92(1), 012510.
Résumé: We have studied photoionization in the inner valence 3s subshell of K and the spectroscopic properties of the two 3s(-1) (S-1) and (S-3) resulting states. Similar to the Rb and Cs cases, the lifetime widths of the (S-1) and (S-3) states are found to be markedly different, due to the electron correlation effects. The main part of the study deals with the subsequent Auger decay of the 3s(-1) states, which have the particularity to involve low energy (similar to 5 eV) Auger electrons. A magnetic bottle spectrometer with a multicoincidence technique has been used to observe and filter the Auger spectra with respect to the K2+ final state. The evolution of these Auger spectra has been investigated near the ionization threshold. They show strong post-collision interaction (PCI) effects, which are well reproduced by semiclassical and eikonal models. They reveal the importance of the photoelectron-Auger-electron interaction associated with these low energy Auger electrons.
Puthumpally-Joseph, R., Atabek, O., Sukharev, M., & Charron, E. (2015). Theoretical analysis of dipole-induced electromagnetic transparency. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 91, 043835.
Saideh I., Ribeiro A. D., Ferrini G., Coudreau T., Milman P., & Keller A. (2015). General dichotomization procedure to provide qudit entanglement criteria. Phys. Rev. A, 92, 052334.
Urbain, X., Bech, D., Van Roy, J. P., Geleoc, M., Weber, S. J., Huetz, A., & Picard, Y. J. (2015). A zero dead-time multi-particle time and position sensitive detector based on correlation between brightness and amplitude. Review Of Scientific Instruments, 86(2), 023305.
Résumé: A new multi-particle time and position sensitive detector using only a set of microchannel plates, a waveform digitizer, a phosphor screen, and a CMOS camera is described. The assignment of the timing information, as taken from the microchannel plates by fast digitizing, to the positions, as recorded by the camera, is based on the COrrelation between the BRightness of the phosphor screen spots, defined as their integrated intensity and the Amplitude of the electrical signals (COBRA). Tests performed by observing the dissociation of HeH, the fragmentation of H-3 into two or three fragments, and the photo-double-ionization of Xenon atoms are presented, which illustrate the performances of the COBRA detection scheme. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.
Weber, S. J., Manschwetus, B., Billon, M., Bottcher, M., Bougeard, M., Breger, P., Geleoc, M., Gruson, V., Huetz, A., Lin, N., Picard, Y. J., Ruchon, T., Salieres, P., & Carre, B. (2015). Flexible attosecond beamline for high harmonic spectroscopy and XUV/near-IR pump probe experiments requiring long acquisition times. Review Of Scientific Instruments, 86(3), 033108.
Résumé: We describe the versatile features of the attosecond beamline recently installed at CEA-Saclay on the PLFA kHz laser. It combines a fine and very complete set of diagnostics enabling high harmonic spectroscopy (HHS) through the advanced characterization of the amplitude, phase, and polarization of the harmonic emission. It also allows a variety of photo-ionization experiments using magnetic bottle and COLTRIMS (COLd Target Recoil Ion Momentum Microscopy) electron spectrometers that may be used simultaneously, thanks to a two-foci configuration. Using both passive and active stabilization, special care was paid to the long term stability of the system to allow, using both experimental approaches, time resolved studies with attosecond precision, typically over several hours of acquisition times. As an illustration, applications to multi-orbital HHS and electron-ion coincidence time resolved spectroscopy are presented.(C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.
Procédures de Conférences |
Klisnick, A., & Menoni, C. S. (2015). X-Ray Lasers and Coherent X-Ray Sources: Development and Applications XI Introduction (Vol. 9589).
Actes de Conférences |
Bizau, J. M., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., Al Shorman, M. M., Penent, F., Lablanquie, P., Andric, L., Palaudoux, J., & Blancard, C. (2015). Auger decay of the 4d(9)5s(2)5pnf excited states of Xe5+ ion. In Xxix International Conference On Photonic (Vol. 635).
Résumé: The Auger decay of the 4d --> nf (n = 4 to 6) photoexcitations in Xe5+ ion has been measured using electron spectrometry. MCDF calculations allow to interpret the recorded electron spectra.
Gharaibeh, M. F., Bizau, J. M., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., Al Shorman, M. M., Ababneh, I. Q., Sakho, I., Blancard, C., & McLaughlin, B. M. (2015). K-Shell Photoionization of the Oxygen Isonuclear Sequence. In Xxix International Conference On Photonic (Vol. 635).
Résumé: K-shell photoionization cross-section measurements for the oxygen isonuclear sequence from N-like to Li-like made at the SOLEIL Light Source are compared with SUNC, MCDF and R-matrix calculations.
Lefebvre R. (2015). Intense-field molecular photodissociation : the adiabatic views. In Frontiers in Quantum Methods and Applications in Chemistry and Physics, XIX (pp. 135–145).
Sheinerman, S., Lablanquie, P., Andric, L., Ito, K., Palaudoux, J., Huttula, S. M., Huttula, M., Jankala, K., Soronen, J., Bizau, J., Guilbaud, S., Cubaynes, D., & Penent, F. (2015). Post-collision interaction in Potassium 3s photoionization. In Xxix International Conference On Photonic (Vol. 635).
Résumé: The post-collision interaction (PCI) distortion of the Auger electron line shapes after K 3s photoionization is revealed in coincidence measurements and confirmed by calculations.
Urbain, X., Bech, D., Van Roy, J. P., Geleoc, M., Weber, S. J., Huetz, A., & Picard, Y. (2015). COBRA: a zero-deadtime camera based multiparticle detector. In Xxix International Conference On Photonic (Vol. 635).
Résumé: A new time and position sensitive detector is described, which combines an MCP stack with phosphor screen, a CMOS camera and a waveform digitizer. Particle identification relies on the correlation between brightness of phosplior screen spots and amplitude of electrical signals (COBRA).
Veyrinas, K., Gruson, V., Weber, S. J., Barreau, L., Ruchon, T., Houver, J. C., Carre, B., Lucchese, R. R., Salieres, P., & Dowek, D. (2015). Molecular frame photoemission: a sensitive probe of the complete polarization state of high harmonic generation. In J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. (Vol. 635, 112140).
Résumé: Molecular polarimetry, based on the determination of molecular frame photoemission in dissociative photoionization (DPI) studied by electron-ion coincident momentum spectroscopy, allows us to measure the complete state of elliptically polarized light. Here, we demonstrate the first complete characterization of high-order harmonic polarization state for three benchmark generation processes with inherent symmetry breaking based on the polarization of the generating beam (elliptical or counter-rotating fields) or on anisotropic targets e.g. aligned molecules. The ability to disentangle circular and unpolarized components of the XUV pulses is of particular interest to qualify the HHG sources.