Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay



jeudi 23 janvier

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mercredi 24 juillet 2024

Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Systèmes Moléculaires, Astrophysique et Environnement (SYSTEMAE) > Publications > 2015


Peer-reviewed Publications

Alata, I., Jallat, A., Gavilan, L., Chabot, M., Cruz-Diaz, G. A., Munoz Caro, G. M., Béroff, K., & Dartois, E. (2015). Vacuum ultraviolet of hydrogenated amorphous carbons. A&A, 584, A123.
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Boulet, C., & Ma, Q. and T., R.H. (2015). Line mixing in parallel and perpendicular bands of CO2: A further refined Robert-Bonamy formalism. Journal of Chemical Physics, 143(12), 124313.
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Calvo, F., Li, Y., Kiawi, D. M., Bakker, J. M., Parneix, P., & Janssens, E. (2015). Nonlinear effects in infrared action spectroscopy of silicon and vanadium oxide clusters: experiment and kinetic modeling. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 17(39), 25956–25967.
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Chaussard, F., Vieillard, T., Billard, F., Faucher, O., Hartmann, J. - M., Boulet, C., & Lavorel, B. (2015). Dissipation of post-pulse laser-induced alignment of CO2 through collisions with Ar. J. Raman Spectrosc., 46(8), 691–694.
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Depauw, A., Kumar, N., Ha-Thi, M. - H., & Leray, I. (2015). Calixarene-Based Fluorescent Sensors for Cesium Cations Containing BODIPY Fluorophore. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119(23), 6065–6073.
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Douin, S., Gronowski, M., Lamarre, N., Phung, V. - T., Boyé-Péronne, S., Crépin, C., & and Kołos, R. (2015). Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy Measurements for High-Overtone Vibrational Bands of HC3N. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119(36), 9494–9505.
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Falvo, C., Daniault, L., Vieille, T., Kemlin, V., Lambry, J. - C., Meier, C., Vos, M. H., Bonvalet, A., & and Joffre, M. (2015). Ultrafast Dynamics of Carboxy-Hemoglobin: Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy: Experiments and Simulations. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 6, 2216–2222.
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Garcia, G. A., Gans, B., Tanga, X., Ward, M., Batut, S., Nahon, L., Fittschen, C., & Loison, J. - C. (2015). Threshold photoelectron spectroscopy of the imidogen radical. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 203, 25–30.
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Goubet, M., Soulard, P., Pirali, O., Asselin, P., Réal, F., Gruet, S., Huet, T. R., & Roy, P. and G., R. (2015). Standard free energy of the equilibrium between the trans-monomer and the cyclic-dimer of acetic acid in the gas phase from infrared spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17(11), 7477–7488.
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Jacovella, U., Holland, D. M. P., Boyé-Péronne, S., Gans, B., Joyeux, D., Archer, L. E., de Oliveira, N., Nahon, L., Lucchese, R. R., & Xu, H. and P., S. T. (2015). High-resolution vacuum-ultraviolet photoabsorption spectra of 1-butyne and 2-butyne. J. Chem. Phys., 143, 034304.
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Jacovella, U., Gans, B., & Merkt, F. (2015). Internal rotation, spin–orbit coupling, and low-frequency vibrations in the ground state of CH3–CC–CH+3 and CD3–CC–CD+3. Molecular Physics, 113(15-16), 2115–2124.
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Jacovella, U., Holland, D. M. P., Boyé-Péronne, S., Gans, B., de Oliveira, N., Ito, K., Joyeux, D., Archer, L. E., Lucchese, R. R., Xu, H., & Pratt, S. T. (2015). A Near-Threshold Shape Resonance in the Valence-Shell Photoabsorption of Linear Alkynes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 119(50), 12339–12348.
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Kisiel, Z., Martin-Drumel, M. - A., & Pirali, O. (2015). Lowest vibrational states of acrylonitrile from microwave and synchrotron radiation spectra. Spectroscopy with Synchrotron Radiation, 315, 83–91.
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Labaigt, G., Jorge, A., Illescas, C., Béroff, K., Dubois, A., Pons, B., & Chabot, M. (2015). Electron capture and ionization processes in high-velocity C+ n , C – Ar and He collisions. J. Phys. B, 48, 075201.
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Lamarre, N., Falvo, C., Alcaraz, C., Cunha de Miranda, B., Douin, S., Flütsch, A., Romanzin, C., Guillemin, J. - C., & Boyé-Péronne, S., Gans, B. (2015). Photoionization spectroscopy of CH3C3N in the vacuum-ultraviolet range. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 315, 206–216.
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Lamarre, N., Gans, B., Alcaraz, C., Cunha de Miranda, B., Guillemin, J. - C., Broquier, M., Liévin, J., & Boyé-Péronne, S. (2015). Vibronic structure of the 2Πu ground electronic state of dicyanoacetylene cation revisited by PFI-ZEKE photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio calculations. Molecular Physics, 113(24), 3946–3954.
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Lefebvre-Brion, H., & Majumder, M. (2015). Isotopic dependence of the predissociations of the E(1)Pi state of CO. J Chem Phys, 142(16), 164306.
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Martin-Drumel, M. - A., Mouret, G., Pirali, O., & Cuisset, A. (2015). High-resolution synchrotron far infrared spectroscopy of thionyl chloride: Analysis of the ν3 and ν6 fundamental bands. Spectroscopy with Synchrotron Radiation, 315, 30–36.
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Martin-Drumel, M. A., Endres, C. P., Zingsheim, O., Salomon, T., van Wijngaarden, J., Pirali, O., Gruet, S., Lewen, F., Schlemmer, S., McCarthy, M. C., & Thorwirth, S. (2015). The SOLEIL view on sulfur rich oxides: The S2O bending mode ν2 at 380cm−1 and its analysis using an Automated Spectral Assignment Procedure (ASAP). Spectroscopy with Synchrotron Radiation, 315, 72–79.
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Pirali, O., & Boudon, V. (2015). Synchrotron-based Fourier transform spectra of the ν23 and ν24 IR bands of hexamethylenetetramine C6N4H12. Spectroscopy with Synchrotron Radiation, 315, 37–40.
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Pirali, O., Kisiel, Z., Goubet, M., Gruet, S., Martin-Drumel, M. A., Cuisset, A., & Hindle, F. and M., G. (2015). Rotation-vibration interactions in the spectra of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Quinoline as a test-case species. Journal of Chemical Physics, 142(10), 104310.
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Schubert, A., Falvo, C., & Meier, C. (2015). Vibrational-coherence measurement of nonequilibrium quantum systems by four-wave mixing. Phys. Rev. A, 92, 053402.
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Tammaro, S., Pirali, O., Roy, P., Lampin, J. - F., Ducourneau, G., Cuisset, A., Hindle, F., & Mouret, G. (2015). High density THz frequency comb produced by coherent synchrotron radiation. Nat. Commun., 6, 7733.
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Tran, H., Vander Auwera, J., Landsheere, X., Ngo, N. H., Pangui, E., Morales, S. B., El Hamzaoui, H., Capoen, B., Bouazaoui, M., Boulet, C., & Hartmann, J. - M. (2015). Infrared light on molecule-molecule and molecule-surface collisions. PRA, 92(1), 012707.
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Turowski, M., Crepin, C., Douin, S., & Kolos, R. (2015). Formation and Spectroscopy of Dicyanotriacetylene (NC8N) in Solid Kr. Journal Of Physical Chemistry A, 119(11), 2701–2708.
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Wakelam, V., Loison, J. C., Herbst, E., Pavone, B., Bergeat, A., Béroff, K., Chabot, M., Faure, A., Galli, D., Geppert, W. D., Gerlich, D., Gratier, P., Harada, N., Hickson, K. M., Honvault, P., Klippenstein, S. J., Le Picard, S. D., Nyman, G., Ruaud, M., Schlemmer, S., Sims, I. R., Talbi, D., Tennyson, J., & and Wester, R. (2015). The 2014 KIDA Network for Interstellar Chemistry. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 217(2), 20.
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Chapitres de Livres

Giesen, T. R., G.A., Maier, J. P., Carpentier, Y., Rouillé, G., Steglich, M., Jäger, C., Henning, T., Huisken, F., Oomens, J., Pirali, O., Tielens, A. G. G. M. and Müller, H. S. P. (2015). In Wiley-VCH (Ed.), Molecular Spectroscopy In Laboratory Astrochemistry. From Molecules through Nanoparticles to Grains (pp. 13–108).
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