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Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Nanomédecine et Biophotonique (NanoBio) > Nanoparticules pour les radiothérapies innovantes > Actualités > Nanoparticles For Medecine at Univ Paris Saclay

Nanoparticles For Medecine at Univ Paris Saclay

par Emourgeon Violaine - 20 janvier 2015 (modifié le 11 avril 2016)

December the 5th, 2014, was a special day for the ARGENT PhD students, as their month’s work spent organising the workshop “Nanoparticles for Medicine at Uni Paris Saclay” was hinging on the outcome. The workshop was held at Amphi Joliot Curie at IPN, Orsay, and was a huge success.

M Patrick Couvreur, well known in the field of innovative cancer research, started the scientific program with an excellent review of his most recent discoveries.

Présentation de Prof. Patrick Couvreur

Présentation de Prof. Patrick Couvreur, Workshop Nanoparticles for medicine, Univ.Paris Saclay, Décembre 2014

The day was chaired by the Argent students.

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Organisation of the Workshop by students from ITN ARGENT Project

The day continued with the presentations of 11 other speakers from University Paris Sud, Institut Galien, CEA Saclay ,Institut Curie, Institut Lavoisier, Polytechnique. As well as the presentations, nearly 90 participants enjoyed discussion and scientific exchange across institutions and fields, a buffet lunch, and a poster session.

The day was closed with the awarding of the Poster Prize, a Kindle e-book reader, which was finally won by Stéphanie Devineau. The work was carried out during her Phd in Chemistry at CEA Saclay, now she is undertaking her post-doc at université Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC). Hers was one of 10 posters displayed by local researchers, including the ARGENT poster.

Events like these allow for mixing across institutions and disciplines and improve the collaboration of scientists working in related fields. Participants and organisers alike enjoyed the intense and productive day, with the event running smoothly and problem free. The Argent students have gained valuable experience in outreach event organisation and their next event will be even bigger and better.