Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay



lundi 13 janvier

Mise à jour
mercredi 24 juillet 2024

Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Nanophysique et Surfaces (Nanophys) > Recherche > Nano-optique sous pointe > Théorie de l’interaction laser-matière avec des surfaces planes > Laser-matter interaction at flat surfaces

Laser-matter interaction at flat surfaces

Leader : Georges Raseev

The laser-matter interaction at a flat gas-metal interface is studied in the long wave length region (wave length >12.4 nm). The photon is continuous and p or transverse magnetic linearly polarized. One calculates the x and z coponents of the vector potetial at the interfaces function of the penetration coordinate using the recently developed Vector Potential from Electron Density-Coupled Integro-Differetial equations (VPED-CIDE) model.

As a first application of this model we have studied the plasmon resonances in the photoelectron spectra of Al(001), Al(111), Ag(001) and Ag(111) low indexes surfaces. For Al(001) and Al(111) surfaces we calculated the spectra of the electron escape probability, the Fermi and Weisskopf-Wigner photoionization cross sections, the reflectance and the electronic density induced by the laser. In agreement with the experiment our spectra display the multipole surface, bulk and one particle plasmon resonances (top figure). Using the Gauss-Maxwell equation we also calculate the induced by the laser electron density (bottom figure).

Articles :

G. Raseev, "Plasmon resonances of Ag(001) and Ag(111) studied by power density absorption and photoyield", Surf. Sci. 615, 6 (2013)

G. Raseev, "Laser fields at flat interfaces : I. Vector potential" European J. Phys. D 66, 179 (2012)

G. Raseev, "Laser fields at flat interfaces : II. Plasmon resonances in aluminium photoelectron spectrum" European J. Phys. D 66, 180 (2012)

G. Raseev, D. Bejan, “Multipole surface plasmon resonance of an aluminium surface” Optics Communications 283, 3976 (2010)