Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay



mardi 21 janvier

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mercredi 24 juillet 2024

Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Nanomédecine et Biophotonique (NanoBio) > Publications > 2013


Peer-reviewed Publications

Aldeek, F., Schneider, R., Fontaine-Aupart, M. - P., Mustin, C., Lecart, S., Merlin, C., & Block, J. - C. (2013). Patterned Hydrophobic Domains in the Exopolymer Matrix of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 Biofilms. APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 79(4), 1400–1402.
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Bon, P., Barroca, T., Lévèque-Fort, S., & Fort, E. (2013). Label-free evanescent microscopy for membrane nano-tomography in living cells. Journal of Biophotonics, 7(11-12), 857–862.
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Dhahri, S., Ramonda, M., & Marliere, C. (2013). In-Situ Determination of the Mechanical Properties of Gliding or Non-Motile Bacteria by Atomic Force Microscopy under Physiological Conditions without Immobilization. Plos One, 8(4), e61663.
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Oh, E., Fatemi, F. K., Currie, M., Delehanty, J. B., Pons, T., Fragola, A., Lévêque-Fort, S., Goswami, R., Susumu, K., Huston, A. L., & Medintz, I. L. (2013). PEGylated Luminescent Gold Nanoclusters: Synthesis, Characterization, Bioconjugation, and Application to One- and Two-Photon Cellular Imaging. Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 30(5), 453–466.
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Sarsa, A., Alcaraz-Pelegrina, J. M., Le Sech, C., & Cruz, S. A. (2013). Quantum Confinement of the Covalent Bond beyond the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation. Journal Of Physical Chemistry B, 117(24), 7270–7276.
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Song, J., Bouchoule, S., Patriarche, G., Galopin, E., Yacomotti, A. M., Cambril, E., Kou, Q., Troadec, D., He, J. - J., & Harmand, J. - C. (2013). Improvement of the oxidation interface in an AlGaAs/AlxOy waveguide structure by using a GaAs/AlAs superlattice. Physica Status Solidi A-Applications And Materials Science, 210(6), 1171–1177.
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Videcoq, P., Steenkeste, K., Bonnin, E., & Garnier C. (2013). A multi-scale study of enzyme di ff usion in macromolecular solutions and physical gels of pectin polysaccharides. Soft Matter, 9, 5110–5118.
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Actes de Conférences

Barroca, T., Bon, P., Leveque-Fort, S., & Fort, E. (2013). Supercritical self-interference fluorescence microscopy for full-field membrane imaging. In Three-Dimensional And Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition And Processing Xx (Vol. 8589).
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Bon, P., Barroca, T., Leveque-Fort, S., & Fort, E. (2013). Supercritical scattering microscopy for quantitative phase in the vicinity of a lamella. In Three-Dimensional And Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition And Processing Xx (Vol. 8589).
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Dupuis, G., Benabdallah, N., Chopinaud, A., Mayet, C., & Leveque-Fort, S. (2013). Time-resolved wide-field optically sectioned fluorescence microscopy. In Three-Dimensional And Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition And Processing Xx (Vol. 8589).
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Quoilin, C. C., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Lecart, S., Gallez, B., Fontaine-Aupart, M. - P., & Hoebeke, M. (2013). Disruption in energy metabolism and mitochondrial function in a cellular model of inflammation-induced acute kidney injury. In Free Radical Biology And Medicine (Vol. 65, pp. S44–S45).
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Sivankutty, S., Barroca, T., Dupuis, G., Lefumeux, C., Mayet, C., Dubois, A., Marquer, C., Lecart, S., Potier, M. C., Fort, E., & Leveque-Fort, S. (2013). Towards STED microscopy with nanometric optical sectioning. In Single Molecule Spectroscopy And Superresolution Imaging Vi (Vol. 8590).
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