Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay



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Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Dynamiques et Interactions : Rayonnement, Atomes, Molécules (DIRAM) > Publications > 2008


Peer-reviewed Publications

Atabek, O., & Lefebvre, R. (2008). Multiple occurrence of zero-width resonances in photodissociation: Effect of laser field intensity and frequency. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 78(4), 043419.
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Casagrande, E. M. S., Naja, A., Mezdari, F., Lahmam-Bennani, A., Bolognesi, P., Joulakian, B., Chuluunbaatar, O., Al-Hagan, O., Madison, D. H., Fursa, D. V., & Bray, I. (2008). (e,2e) ionization of helium and the hydrogen molecule: signature of two-centre interference effects. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 41(2).
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Charron, E., Milman, P., Keller, A., & Atabek, O. (2008). Erratum: Quantum phase gate and controlled entanglement with polar molecules [Phys. Rev. A 75, 033414 (2007)]. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 77(3), 039907.
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Colgan, J., Huetz, A., Reddish, T. J., & Pindzola, M. S. (2008). Internuclear separation dependence of the angular distributions from photoionization of H(2)(+). JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 41(8).
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Guyetand, O., Gisselbrecht, M., Huetz, A., Agostini, P., Carre, B., Breger, P., Gobert, O., Garzella, D., Hergott, J. - F., Tcherbakoff, O., Merdji, H., Bougeard, M., Rottke, H., Boettcher, M., Ansari, Z., Antoine, P., & DiMauro, L. F. (2008). Complete momentum analysis of multi-photon photo-double ionization of xenon by XUV and infrared photons. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 41(6).
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Guyetand, O., Gisselbrecht, M., Huetz, A., Agostini, P., Taieb, R., Maquet, A., Carre, B., Breger, P., Gobert, O., Garzella, D., Hergott, J. - F., Tcherbakoff, O., Merdji, H., Bougeard, M., Rottke, H., Boettcher, M., Ansari, Z., & Antoine, P. (2008). Evolution of angular distributions in two-colour, few-photon ionization of helium. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 41(5).
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Journel, L., Guillemin, R., Haouas, A., Lablanquie, P., Penent, F., Palaudoux, J., Andric, L., Simon, M., Ceolin, D., Kaneyasu, T., Viefhaus, J., Braune, M., Li, W. B., Elkharrat, C., Catoire, F., Houver, J. - C., & Dowek, D. (2008). Resonant double Auger decay in carbon K-shell excitation of CO. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 77(4).
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Kazamias, S., Cassou, K., Ros, D., Ple, F., Jamelot, G., Klisnick, A., Lundh, O., Lindau, F., Persson, A., Wahlstroem, C. - G., de Rossi, S., Joyeux, D., Zielbauer, B., Ursescu, D., & Kuehl, T. (2008). Characterization of a transient collisional Ni-like molybdenum soft-x-ray laser pumped in grazing incidence. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 77(3), 033812.
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Kheifets, A. S., Naja, A., Casagrande, E. M. S., & Lahmam-Bennani, A. (2008). DWBA-G calculations of electron impact ionization of noble gas atoms. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 41(14).
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Le Padellec, A., Lievin, J., Staicu-Casagrande, E. M., Nzeyimana, T., Naji, E. A., & Urbain, X. (2008). Competitive processes in the associative ionization of C- with C+, N+, and O+. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 78(6).
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Meyer, M., Cubaynes, D., Glijer, D., Dardis, J., Hayden, P., Hough, P., Richardson, V., Kennedy, E. T., Costello, J. T., Radcliffe, P., Duesterer, S., Azima, A., Li, W. B., Redlin, H., Feldhaus, J., Taieb, R., Maquet, A., Grum-Grzhimailo, A. N., Gryzlova, E. V., & Strakhova, S. I. (2008). Polarization Control in Two-Color Above-Threshold Ionization of Atomic Helium. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 101(19), 193002.
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Naja, A., Casagrande, E. M. S., Lahmam-Bennani, A., Stevenson, M., Lohmann, B., Dal Cappello, C., Bartschat, K., Kheifets, A., Bray, I., & Fursa, D. V. (2008). (e, 2e) triple differential cross-sections for ionization beyond helium: the neon case at large energy transfer. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 41(8).
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Reddish, T. J., Colgan, J., Bolognesi, P., Avaldi, L., Gisselbrecht, M., Lavollee, M., Pindzola, M. S., & Huetz, A. (2008). Physical interpretation of the “kinetic energy release” effect in the double photoionization of H(2). PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 100(19), 193001.
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Saugout, S., Charron, E., & Cornaggia, C. (2008). H2 double ionization with few-cycle laser pulses. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 77, 023404.
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Thissen, R., Bizau, J. M., Blancard, C., Coreno, M., Dehon, C., Franceschi, P., Giuliani, A., Lemaire, J., & Nicolas, C. (2008). Photoionization cross section of Xe(+) ion in the pure 5p(5) (2)P(3/2) ground level. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 100(22), 223001.
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Actes de Conférences

Elkharrat, C., Picard, Y. J., Billaud, P., Houver, J. C., & Dowek, D. (2008). Electron-ion vector correlations for the study of photoionization of molecules in the UVX range: From synchrotron radiation to short light pulses. In UVX 2008: 9E COLLOQUE SUR LES SOURCES COHERENTES ET INCOHERENTES UV (pp. 35–43).
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Goddet, J. - P., Sebban, S., Guilbaud, O., Maynard, G., Cros, B., Gautier, J., Zeitoun, P., Valentin, C., Tissandier, F., Marchenko, T., Lambert, G., Benredjem, D., Boudaa, A., Klisnick, A., Ros, D., Kazamias, S., Cassou, K., Habib, J., Jamelot, G., Lagron, J. - C., Joyeux, D., De Rossi, S., Phalippou, D., Delmotte, F., Ravet, M. F., Calisti, A., Mocek, T., Kozlova, M., & Jakubczak, K. (2008). Spatio-temporal characterization of an injected XUV laser. In UVX 2008: 9E COLLOQUE SUR LES SOURCES COHERENTES ET INCOHERENTES UV (pp. 51–56).
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Guilbaud, O., Ros, D., Kazamias, S., Zielbauer, B., Habib, J., Pittman, M., Cassou, K., Ple, F., Farinet, M., Klisnick, A., de Dortan, F., Lacombe, S., Porcel, E., Le Sech, C., du Penhoat, M. - A., Touati, A., Marsi, M., Fajardo, M., Zeitoun, P., & Joyeux, D. (2008). LASERIX: first record from the plant. In UVX 2008: 9E COLLOQUE SUR LES SOURCES COHERENTES ET INCOHERENTES UV (pp. 57–63).
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Habib, J., Klisnick, A., Guilbaud, O., Joyeux, D., Zielbauer, B., Kazamias, S., Pittman, M., Ros, D., & de Dortan, F. (2008). Temporal coherence and spectral linewidth of XUV transitory lasers pumped in grazing incidence. In UVX 2008: 9E COLLOQUE SUR LES SOURCES COHERENTES ET INCOHERENTES UV (pp. 157–161).
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