Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay



jeudi 16 janvier

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mercredi 24 juillet 2024

Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Dynamiques et Interactions : Rayonnement, Atomes, Molécules (DIRAM) > Publications > 2011


Peer-reviewed Publications

Atabek, O., Lefebvre, R., Lepers, M., Jaouadi, A., Dulieu, O., & Kokoouline, V. (2011). Proposal for a Laser Control of Vibrational Cooling in $\mathrmNa_2$ Using Resonance Coalescence. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 106(17), 173002.
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Bizau, J. M., Blancard, C., Coreno, M., Cubaynes, D., Dehon, C., El Hassan, N., Folkmann, F., Gharaibeh, M. F., Giuliani, A., Lemaire, J., Milosavljevic, A. R., Nicolas, C., & Thissen, R. (2011). Photoionization study of Kr+ and Xe+ ions with the combined use of a merged-beam set-up and an ion trap. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 44(5), 055205.
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Casagrande, E. M. S., Li, C., Lahmam-Bennani, A., Dal Cappello, C., Schulz, M., & Ciappina, M. (2011). Experimental and theoretical confirmation of the role of higher order mechanisms in the electron impact double ionization of helium. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 44(5), 055201.
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Duesterer, S., Radcliffe, P., Bostedt, C., Bozek, J., Cavalieri, A. L., Coffee, R., Costello, J. T., Cubaynes, D., DiMauro, L. F., Ding, Y., Doumy, G., Gruener, F., Helml, W., Schweinberger, W., Kienberger, R., Maier, A. R., Messerschmidt, M., Richardson, V., Roedig, C., Tschentscher, T., & Meyer, M. (2011). Femtosecond x-ray pulse length characterization at the Linac Coherent Light Source free-electron laser. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 13.
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Gharaibeh, M. F., Bizau, J. M., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., El Hassan, N., Al Shorman, M. M., Miron, C., Nicolas, C., Robert, E., Blancard, C., & McLaughlin, B. M. (2011). K-shell photoionization of singly ionized atomic nitrogen: experiment and theory. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 44(17), 175208.
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Jaouadi, A., Telmini, M., & Charron, E. (2011). Bose-Einstein condensation with a finite number of particles in a power-law trap. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 83, 023616.
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Lefebvre, R., & Atabek, O. (2011). Zero-width resonances and exceptional points in molecular photodissociation. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 111, 272.
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Lefebvre, R., Jaouadi, A., Dulieu, O., & Atabek, O. (2011). Laser cooling of the vibrational motion of Na$_2$ combining the effects of zero-width resonances and exceptional points. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 84(4), 043428.
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Li, C., Lahmam-Bennani, A., Casagrande, E. M. S., & Dal Cappello, C. (2011). Electron impact double ionization of neon, argon and molecular nitrogen: role of the two-step mechanism. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 44(11), 115201.
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Meng, L. M., Alessi, D., Guilbaud, O., Wang, Y., Berrill, M., Luther, B. M., Domingue, S. R., Martz, D. H., Joyeux, D., De Rossi, S., Rocca, J. J., & Klisnick, A. (2011). Temporal coherence and spectral linewidth of an injection-seeded transient collisional soft x-ray laser. OPTICS EXPRESS, 19(13), 12087–12092.
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Meyer, M., Grum-Grzhimailo, A. N., Cubaynes, D., Felfli, Z., Heinecke, E., Manson, S. T., & Zimmermann, P. (2011). Magnetic Dichroism in K-Shell Photoemission from Laser Excited Li Atoms. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 107(21), 213001.
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Milosavljevic, A. R., Nicolas, C., Lemaire, J., Dehon, C., Thissen, R., Bizau, J. - M., Refregiers, M., Nahon, L., & Giuliani, A. (2011). Photoionization of a protein isolated in vacuo. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 13(34), 15432–15436.
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Peters, M., Nguyen-Dang, T. T., & Atabek, O. (2011). Intense laser-induced molecular processes: From imaging to control. Physical and Chemical News, 57(1), 1.
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Peters, M., Nguyen-Dang, T. T., Cornaggia, C., Saugout, S., Charron, E., Keller, A., & Atabek, O. (2011). Ultrafast molecular imaging by laser-induced electron diffraction. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 83, 051403.
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Ros, D., Cassou, K., Cros, B., Daboussi, S., Demailly, J., Guilbaud, A., Kazamias, S., Lagron, J. - C., Maynard, G., Neveu, O., Pittman, M., Zielbauer, B., Zimmer, D., Kuhl, T., Lacombe, S., Porcel, E., du Penhoat, M. - A., Zeitoun, P., & Mourou, G. (2011). LASERIX: An open facility for developments of EUV and soft X-ray lasers and applications-Developments of XUV sources using high power laser facilities: ILE, ELI. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, 653(1), 76–79.
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Siu, W., Kelkensberg, F., Gademann, G., Rouzee, A., Johnsson, P., Dowek, D., Lucchini, M., Calegari, F., De Giovannini, U., Rubio, A., Lucchese, R. R., Kono, H., Lepine, F., & Vrakking, M. J. J. (2011). Attosecond control of dissociative ionization of O-2 molecules. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 84(6), 063412.
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Actes de Conférences

A. Klisnick, O. G., J-P Goddet, et al. (2011). Temporal Coherence and Spectral Linewidth of seeded and ASE XUV lasers. In X-RAY LASERS 2010 (Vol. 136, pp. 101–110). Springer.
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Alessi, D., Meng, L. M., Wang, Y., Guilbaud, O., Berrill, M., Domingue, S. R., Martz, D. H., Luther, B. M., Joyeux, D., De Rossi, S., Klisnick, A., & Rocca, J. J. (2011). Spectral Linewidth Measurement of an Injection-Seeded Transient 18.9 nm Soft X-Ray Laser. In 2011 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO). IEEE.
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Klisnick, A., Meng, L. M., Alessi, D., Guilbaud, O., Wang, Y., Berrill, M., Luther, B., Calisti, A., Benredjem, D., Ferri, S., Mosse, C., de Rossi, S., Joyeux, D., & Rocca, J. J. (2011). Spectral width of seeded and ASE XUV lasers: experiment and numerical simulations. In X-RAY LASERS AND COHERENT X-RAY SOURCES: DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS IX (Vol. 8140, 814006). 8140.
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Lahmam-Bennani, A., Casagrande, E. M. S., & Li, C. (2011). Electron impact double ionization of rare gases: A kinematical analysis of the non-first order effects at intermediate impact energy. In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANY PARTICLE SPECTROSCOPY OF ATOMS (Vol. 288).
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Meng, L., Bourgaux, A. - C., Bastiani-Ceccotti, S., Guilbaud, O., Pittman, M., Kazamias, S., Cassou, K., Daboussi, S., Ros, D., & Klisnick, A. (2011). Characterization of the temporal duration of the XUV laser pulse at the LASERIX facility. In X-RAY LASERS AND COHERENT X-RAY SOURCES: DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS IX (Vol. 8140, 81401A). 8140.
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Ros, D., & Cassou K, C. B., et al. (2011). LASERIX : an open facility for developments of EUV and soft X-ray lasers and applications. In X-RAY LASERS 2010 (Vol. 136, pp. 39–46). Springer.
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Ros, D., Guilbaud, O., Kazamias, S., Pittman, M., Cassou, K., Daboussi, S., Neveu, O., Demailly, J., Cros, B., Maynard, G., Zielbauer, B., Zimmer, D., Kuehl, T., Lacombe, S., Klisnick, A., Bastiani-Ceccoti, S., Tallents, G. J., Wagenaars, E., Wilson, L., & Zeitoun, P. (2011). Stable and long-time operation of a soft X-ray laser for user applications experiments. In X-RAY LASERS AND COHERENT X-RAY SOURCES: DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS IX (Vol. 8140, 81400E). Proceedings of SPIE, 8140.
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S. Sebban, F. T., J-P Goddet, O. Guilabud, et al. (2011). Characterization of a Seeded Optical-Field Ionized Collisional Soft X-Ray Laser. In X-RAY LASERS 2010 (Vol. 136, pp. 127–136). Springer.
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Sebban, S., Tissandier, F., Gautier, J., Kozlova, M., Goddet, J. P., Guilbaud, O., Zeitoun, P., Ribiere, M., Jacquemot, S., Lambert, G., Maynard, G., Robillard, B., Klisnick, A., Mocek, T., & Nejdl, J. (2011). Advances in laser driven soft x-ray lasers at LOA. In X-RAY LASERS AND COHERENT X-RAY SOURCES: DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS IX (Vol. 8140, 814005). Proceedings of SPIE, 8140.
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Urbanski, L., Meng, L. M., Marconi, M. C., Berrill, M., Guilbaud, O., Klisnick, A., & Rocca, J. J. (2011). Line width measurement of a capillary discharge soft X-ray laser. In X-RAY LASERS AND COHERENT X-RAY SOURCES: DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS IX (Vol. 8140, 81400Y). Proceedings of SPIE, 8140.
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