Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay



jeudi 23 janvier

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mercredi 24 juillet 2024

Accueil > Équipes scientifiques > Systèmes Moléculaires, Astrophysique et Environnement (SYSTEMAE) > Publications > 2013


Peer-reviewed Publications

Azzam, A. A. A., Yurchenko, S. N., Tennyson J., Martin-Drumel, M. A., & & Pirali, O. (2013). Terahertz spectroscopy of hydrogen sulfide. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 130, 341–351.
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Beroff, K., Chabot, M., Martinet, G., Pino, T., Bouneau, S., Le Padellec, A., Feraud, G., Do Thi, N., Calvo, F., Bordas, C., & Lepine, F. (2013). Anion production in high-velocity cluster-atom collisions; the electron capture process revisited. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 46(1), 015201.
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Boudon, V., Asselin, P., Soulard, C., Goubet, M., Huet, A., Georges, R., Pirali, O., & & Roy, P. (2013). High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Analysis of the v2 + v3 Combination Band of SF6 in a Supersonic Jet Expansion. MOLECULAR PHYSICS, 111(14-15), 2154–2162.
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Calvo, F., Falvo, C., & Parneix, P. (2013). A simple but accurate potential for the naphthalene-argon complex: Applications to collisional energy transfer and matrix isolated IR spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 138(3), 034305.
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Carpentier, Y., Pino, T., & Bréchignac, P. (2013). R2PI Spectroscopy of Aromatic Molecules Produced in an Ethylene-Rich Flame. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 117(39), 10092–10104.
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Carré B., Poisson, L., Shafizadeh, N., & Soep, B. (2013). Stereodynamics of Chemical Reactions. Journal of Chemical Physics A, 117, 8093–8094.
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Chabot M., Beroff K., Gratier P., Jallat A., & Wakelam V. (2013). Reactions forming C(0;+) n=2;10, Cn=2;4H(0;+) and C3H(0;+) 2 in the gas phase: semi empirical branching ratios. The Astrophysical Journal, 771(90), 1–13.
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Dartois E., Engrand C., Brunetto R., Duprat J., Pino T., Quirico E., Remusat L., Bardin N., Briani G., Mostefaoui S., Morinaud G., Crane B., S. N., Delauche L., Jamme F., Sandt Ch., & Dumas P. (2013). UltraCarbonaceous Antarctic micrometeorites, probing the Solar System beyond the nitrogen snow-line. ICARUS, 1(224), 243–252.
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Dartois, E., Ding, J. J., de Barros, A. L. F., Boduch, P., Brunetto, R., Chabot, M., Domaracka, A., Godard, M., Lv, X. Y., Guaman, C. F. M., Pino, T., Rothard, H., da Silveira, E. F., & Thomas, J. C. (2013). Swift heavy ion irradiation of water ice from MeV to GeV energies. Approaching true cosmic ray compaction. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 557, A97.
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Debnath, A., Falvo, C., & Meier, C. (2013). State-Selective Excitation of the CO Stretch in Carboxyhemoglobin by Mid-IR Laser Pulse Shaping: A Theoretical Investigation. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 117, 12884−12888.
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Falvo, C., Friha, H., Pino, T., Dhaouadi, Z., Parneix, P., Calvo, F., & and Brechignac, P. (2013). Effects of hydrogen dissociation on the infrared emission spectra of naphthalene: theoretical modeling. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 15, 10241–10250.
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Falvo, C., Debnath, A., and Meier, C. (2013). Vibrational ladder climbing in carboxy-hemoglobin: Effects of the protein environment. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 138, 145101.
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Friha, H., Féraud, G., Troy, T., Falvo, C., Parneix, P., Bréchignac, P., Dhaouadi, Z., Schmidt, T. W., & Pino, T. (2013). Visible Photodissociation Spectra of the 1- and 2-Methylnaphthalene Cations: Laser Spectroscopy and Theoretical Simulations. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 117, 13664–13672.
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Gans, B., Peng, Z., Carrasco, N., Gauyacq, D., Lebonnois, S., & Pernot, P. (2013). Impact of a new wavelength-dependent representation of methane photolysis branching ratios on the modeling of Titan's atmospheric photochemistry. ICARUS, 223(1), 330–343.
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Gruet S., Morvan, A., Pirali O., Chamaillé T., Bouisset E., & Vervloet M. (2013). Fourier transform far-infrared spectroscopy of HN2+ on the AILES beamline of synchrotron SOLEIL. Canadian Journal of Physics, 91(11), 937–940.
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Ha-Thi M.H, Shafizadeh N., Poisson, L., & Soep, B. (2013). An Efficient Indirect Mechanism for the Ultrafast Intersystem Crossing in Copper Porphyrins. Journal of Chemical Physics A, 117, 8111–8118.
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Hartmann, J. - M., Boulet, C., Vieillard, T., Chaussard, F., Billard, F., Faucher, O., & Lavorel, B. (2013). Dissipation of alignment in CO2 gas: A comparison between ab initio predictions and experiments. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 139(2), 024306.
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Hartmann, J. - M., Sironneau, V., Boulet, C., Svensson, T., Hodges, J. T., & Xu, C. T. (2013). Collisional broadening and spectral shapes of absorption lines of free and nanopore-confined O-2 gas. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 87(3), 032510.
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Ideguchi, T., Holzner, S., Bernhardt, B., Guelachvili, G., Picque, N., & Hansch, T. W. (2013). Coherent Raman spectro-imaging with laser frequency combs. Nature, 502(7471), 355–8.
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Ma, Q., Boulet, C., & Tipping, R. H. (2013). Refinement of the Robert-Bonamy formalism: Considering effects from the line coupling. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 139(3), 034305.
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Makarov, D. S., Tretyakov, M. Y., & Boulet, C. (2013). Line mixing in the 60-GHz atmospheric oxygen band: Comparison of the MPM and ECS model. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 124, 1–10.
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Martin-Drumel, M. A., Pirali, O., Loquais, Y., Falvo, C., & Brechignac, P. (2013). Lowest energy vibrational modes of some naphthalene derivatives: Azulene, quinoline, isoquinoline – Experiment and theory. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 557, 53–58.
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Orthous-Daunay, F. R., Quirico, E., Beck, P., Brissaud, O., Dartois, E., Pino, T., & Schmitt, B. (2013). Mid-infrared study of the molecular structure variability of insoluble organic matter from primitive chondrites. ICARUS, 223(1), 534–543.
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Parneix P., Basire M., & Calvo F. (2013). Accurate Modeling of Infrared Multiple Photon Dissociation Spectra: The Dynamical Role of Anharmonicities. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 117(19), 3954–3959.
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Pirali O., Goubet M., Huet T.R., Georges R., Soulard P., Asselin P., Courbe J., Roy P., & & Vervloet M. (2013). The far infrared spectrum of naphthalene characterized by high resolution synchrotron FTIR spectroscopy and anharmonic DFT calculations. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 15, 10141–10150.
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Tudorie, M., Kleiner, I., Jahn, M., Grabow, J. U., Goubet, M., & Pirali, O. (2013). Coupled Large Amplitude Motions: A Case Study of the Dimethylbenzaldehyde Isomers. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 117(50), 13636–13647.
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Vander Auwera, J., Ngo, N. H., El Hamzaoui, H., Capoen, B., Bouazaoui, M., Ausset, P., & Boulet, C. and H., J.-M. (2013). Infrared absorption by molecular gases as a probe of nanoporous silica xerogel and molecule-surface collisions: Low-pressure results. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 88(042506), 042506.
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Vieillard, T., Chaussard, F., Billard, F., Sugny, D., Faucher, O., Ivanov, S., Hartmann, J. - M., Boulet, C., & Lavorel, B. (2013). Field-free molecular alignment for probing collisional relaxation dynamics. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 87(2), 023409.
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Wang, C. Y., Herr, T., Del'Haye, P., Schliesser, A., Hofer, J., Holzwarth, R., Haensch, T. W., Picque, N., & Kippenberg, T. J. (2013). Mid-infrared optical frequency combs at 2.5 μm based on crystalline microresonators. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 4, 1345.
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Actes de Conférences

Carpentier, Y., Feraud, G., Dartois, E., Brunetto, R., Charon, E., Cao, A. T., d'Hendecourt, L., Brechignac, P., Rouzaud, J. N., & Pino, T. (2013). NANOSTRUCTURATION OF POLYAROMATIC ANALOGUES OF THE CARBONACEOUS DUST. In ECLA: EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON LABORATORY ASTROPHYSICS (Vol. 58, pp. 399–404).
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Feraud, G., Carpentier, Y., Pino, T., Longval, Y., Dartois, E., Chamaille, T., Vasquez, R., Vincent, J., Parneix, P., Falvo, C., & Brechignac, P. (2013). INFRARED EMISSION FROM PHOTO-EXCITED GASEOUS BENZENE: DETECTION WITH A NEW HOME-MADE SPECTROMETER. In ECLA: EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON LABORATORY ASTROPHYSICS (Vol. 58, pp. 379–384).
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Friha, H., Feraud, G., Pino, T., Parneix, P., Dhaouadi, Z., & Brechignac, P. (2013). ELECTRONIC SPECTRA OF CATIONIC PAH AND PAH CLUSTERS. In ECLA: EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON LABORATORY ASTROPHYSICS (Vol. 58, pp. 373–378).
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Godard, M., Feraud, G., Chabot, M., Carpentier, Y., Pino, T., Brunetto, R., Duprat, J., Engrand, C., Brechignac, P., d'Hendecourt, L., & Dartois, E. (2013). EFFECTS OF COSMIC RAYS ON HYDROCARBON INTERSTELLAR DUST. In ECLA: EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON LABORATORY ASTROPHYSICS (Vol. 58, pp. 395–398).
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Holzner, S., Ideguchi, T., Bernhardt, B., Guelachvili, G., Picque, N., & Hansch, T. W. (2013). Dual-Comb Coherent Raman Spectro-Imaging. In 2013 Conference On Lasers And Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (Cleo-Pr).
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Holzner, S., Ideguchi, T., Guelachvili, G., Hansch, T. W., & Picque, N. (2013). Simultaneous Coherent Stokes and Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy with Two Laser Frequency Combs. In 2013 Conference On Lasers And Electro-Optics (Cleo).
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Ideguchi, T., Holzner, S., Bernhardt, B., Guelachvili, G., Picque, N., & Hansch, T. W. (2013). Coherent anti-Stokes Raman dual-comb spectro-microscopy. In 2013 Conference On Lasers And Electro-Optics (Cleo).
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Ideguchi, T., Holzner, S., Bernhardt, B., Guelachvili, G., Picque, N., & Hansch, T. W. (2013). Ultra-rapid coherent anti-Stokes Raman dual-comb spectroscopy and microscopy. In 2013 Conference On And International Quantum Electronics Conference Lasers And Electro-Optics Europe (Cleo Europe/Iqec).
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Ideguchi, T., Poisson, A., Guelachvili, G., Picque, N., & Hansch, T. W. (2013). Adaptive Dual-Comb Spectroscopy with Free-Running Lasers. In 2013 Conference On Lasers And Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (Cleo-Pr).
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Pino T., C. Y.,. Féraud G, Bréchignac Ph., Brunetto R., d'Hendecourt L., Dartois E., & Rouzaud J.-N. (2013). LABORATORY ANALOGUES OF THE CARBONACEOUS DUST: SYNTHESIS OF SOOT-LIKE MATERIALS AND THEIR PROPERTIES. In Highlights of Astronomy, XXVIIIth IAU General Assembly.
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Chapitres de Livres

Falvo, C., Sanda, F., & Mukamel, S. (2013). Quasi-Particle Approach to 2D IR Spectra of Vibrational Excitons in Biomolecules. In CRC Press (Ed.), Ultrafast Infrared Vibrational Spectroscopy. M. D. Fayer.
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