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Home > Research Teams > Molecular systems, Astrophysics and Environment > Publications > 2009


Peer-reviewed Publications

Bagchi, S., Falvo, C., Mukamel, S., & Hochstrasser, R. M. (2009). 2D-IR Experiments and Simulations of the Coupling between Amide-I and Ionizable Side Chains in Proteins: Application to the Villin Headpiece. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 113(32), 11260–11273.
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Basire, M., Parneix, P., Calvo, F., Pino, T., & Brechignac, P. (2009). Temperature and Anharmonic Effects on the Infrared Absorption Spectrum from a Quantum Statistical Approach: Application to Naphthalene. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 113(25), 6947–6954.
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Beroff, K., Chabot, M., Mezdari, F., Martinet, G., Tuna, T., Desesquelles, P., Le Padellec, A., & Barat, M. (2009). Fragmentation of small carbon clusters, a review. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 267(6), 866–871.
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Brunetto, R., Pino, T., Dartois, E., Cao, A. - T., d'Hendecourt, L., Strazzulla, G., & Brechignac, P. (2009). Comparison of the Raman spectra of ion irradiated soot and collected extraterrestrial carbon. ICARUS, 200(1), 323–337.
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Calvo, F., & Parneix, P. (2009). Phase Space Theory of Evaporation in Neon Clusters: The Role of Quantum Effects. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 113(52), 14352–14363.
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Calvo, F., Parneix, P., & Basire, M. (2009). Quantum densities of states of fluxional polyatomic systems from a superposition approximation. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 130(15).
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Falvo, C., Palmieri, B., & Mukamel, S. (2009). Coherent infrared multidimensional spectra of the OH stretching band in liquid water simulated by direct nonlinear exciton propagation. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 130(18), 184501.
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Laruelle, F., Boye-Peronne, S., Gauyacq, D., & Lievin, J. (2009). Revisiting Mulliken's Concepts about Rydberg States and Rydberg-Valence Interactions from Large-Scale Ab Initio Calculations on the Acetylene Molecule. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 113(47), 13210–13220.
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Lepere, V., Picard, Y. J., Barat, M., Fayeton, J. A., Lucas, B., & Beroff, K. (2009). Photodissociation dynamics of Ar2(+) and Ar3(+) excited by 527 nm photons. J Chem Phys, 130(19), 194301.
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Pirali, O., Tokaryk, D. W., & Vervloet, M. (2009). Vibrational dependence of the rotational, spin-orbit splitting, and lambda-doubling parameters in the C ''(5)Pi(ui) state of N-2. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 87(5), 601–606.
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Pirali, O., Vervloet, M., Mulas, G., Malloci, G., & Joblin, C. (2009). High-resolution infrared absorption spectroscopy of thermally excited naphthalene. Measurements and calculations of anharmonic parameters and vibrational interactions. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 11(18), 3443–3454.
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Schmidt, T. W., Pino, T., & Brechignac, P. (2009). The C-H Stretch Intensities of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Cations. Origins and Astrophysical Implications. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 113(15), 3535–3541.
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Shafizadeh, N., Soep, B., Mestdagh, J. M., & Breckenridge, W. H. (2009). Charge transfer in metal-atom-containing molecules in the gas phase. INTERNATIONAL REVIEWS IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, 28(3), 359–406.
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Actes de Conférences

Roy, P., Brubach, J. B., Manceron, L., Rouzieres, M., Pirali, O., & Tchana, F. K. (2009). The AILES Beam line for THz and IR spectroscopy. In TERAHERTZ AND MID INFRARED RADIATION: BASIC RESEARCH AND PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS (pp. 63–64).
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