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13 January 2017

Graphene able to transport huge currents on the nano scale without damage

New experiments and simulations have shown that it is possible for extremely high currents to pass through graphene, a form of carbon. This allows imbalances in electric charge to be rapidly rectified without introducing any damage in the graphene layer.
These results have been published in Nature communications

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5 January 2016

Active quantum plasmonics

The exchange of information between photons of light and electrons in miniaturized electronic devices is a longstanding challenge that might be now closer to a solution thanks to the conceptual proposal by a an international team led by researchers of the Institute of Molecular Sciences in Orsay (France) and the CFM and DIPC in San Sebastian (Spain). The quantum tunneling regime in a metallic nanogap is predicted to serve as a matching environment to facilitate the dialogue between photons and electrons in a fast and efficient way.

These results have been published in Science Advances

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15 December 2015

Probing molecular chirality on a sub-femtosecond timescale

Polarised light has long been used to detect the molecular chirality and now high-order harmonic generation provides access to probe it on the electronic timescales, with 100 as resolution.

This work is the result of joint experimental and theoretical collaboration between researchers from France - Centre Lasers Intenses et Applications, Laboratoire Collisions Agregats et Reactivite, ISMO, Canada - University of Ottawa, NRC and INRS-EMT, Spain - Universidad Autonoma de Madrid and Germany - Max Born Institute and is published in Nature Physics

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4 September 2015

Fano goes Nano

Fano Interferences occur when a quantum system can follow two pathways to its fragmentation.
In an article published in Physical Review Letters, Daniel Finkelstein-Shapiro has revisited this fundamental phenomenon in the framework of an international collaboration bringing together researchers from Laboratoire de Chimie Théorique of the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Chemistry Département of the Arizona State University and from ISMO.

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2 April 2015

Nanoparticles : used in radiotherapy against tumor cells…

To improve radiotherapy techniques, several studies have looked at the possibility of adding nanoparticles (NP) especially when treating aggressive tumors, such as glioblastoma cells. However, these particles are difficult to locate precisely inside the cells. Until now fluorescent markers were used to follow the path of these NP. The problem was that these markers could influence their localization, thus skewing the study. A group from Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay has recently proposed a combination of techniques developed at the Institut Curie (Orsay) and the DISCO beamline to track the position of unmarked NP, used to amplify the destruction of human tumor cells.

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